This was posted 9 years 4 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Arnold Iron Pump (OOS), Stevia 75 Pack $1.40, Coq10 30 Caps $7, Muscletech NO2 60 Cap $12.56 etc @iHerb

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Referral: random (342)

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Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • Legend

  • Thanks OP. Quick question : is this OK to mix with creatine, bcaa's and glutamine ?

    • +1

      I mix these exact supplements all the time in addition to L-Leucine (5 - 10 g creatine, 15 - 20 g BCAA, 5 - 10 g of Glutamine, 10 grams of L-Leucine)

      • Ohh no, look at this so called "expert" giving his 2 cents of anecdotal advice.

        I'm quite surprised OP hasn't listed the links so he can possibly scrounge more referral credits?

        • I did list links. Look in the OP.

          so he can possibly scrounge more referral credits

          If you noticed i didn't post my referral link so we can all share the love with random referrals. But people still used it. Many thanks to them.

        • @easternculture: Didn't post because couldn't post isn't the same thing now is it?

          Trying to pretend your a nice guy when your attitude needs adjustment is rather amusing.

        • @cristobaljames:

          Trying to pretend your a nice guy

          Says the passive aggressive guy who is bullying me in my posts because of my comments from here

          You really think people wouldn't notice a pattern

        • @easternculture: The pattern of your scrounging money off people in almost every post? lol

    • +3

      You are better off having Bcaa's during workout. Glutamine is good for general gut health but post-workout benefits are questionable. has good info on most supplements.

      • Thanks for the tip, I normally just mix some creatine, bcaa's and glutamine in water about 30 minutes before training. I really don't want to cycle the PH's so hopefully this gives me an edge.

        • +3

          There's so much conflicting info on pre/intra/post workout nutrition out there. It's very easy to get analysis paralysis. The most reliable studies I've seen are protein pre, bcaas during, high GI carbs after workout.

          The biggest thing is having a good diet that fits your goals and a program you can stick to and make progress in. In the last 6 years I've found starting strength or any 5 rep program gives a great base, then once you can bench your body weight and squat / deadlift 150% of your bodyweight you can chase strength or size.

        • +2

          @BigRedPanda: >The most reliable studies I've seen

          Let me guess: they agreed with what you already believed.

        • Keep hoping, the evidence isn't on your side.

        • +1

          @Diji1: Not sure what point you are trying to make. The biggest thing is meeting your overall macro requirements. Nutrient timing makes a small difference by comparison but it's easy enough to satisfy both.

        • @BigRedPanda:
          IIFYM right..

        • +1

          @Wokka Flappa:

          Ken oath

  • +1

    Also another 5% off and $10 bonus if you order more than 4. I got a heap of cheap pre workout ages ago but this is a good bargain for anyone that doesn't already have supplies.

    • True. I bought 6 months supply

      • 5 Tubs of Engag3d a while ago - I like it as it has low caffeine, decent hit of agmatine and a few other things that are actually beneficial. Can't stand stuff like Mr Hyde with 400mg+ caffeine.

      • Thanks OK. Bought 2 - used your link.
        First time user of iherb and this product - so did some reading. ?safe to use.

        • Thank you :)

          As long as you don't go overboard with the servings, you should be fine.

          Ive been using pre-workouts since 2007 and never had a problem

        • @easternculture:

          loss of control of bodily movements.

          Surely you are not the guy on the dance floor last Friday night?! : )

          Thanks. According to the readings, the upper tolerable limit on B6 is 100mg per day and this is only 25mg per serve.

  • 60 serves gets an error message

    "Due to regulations, this product is not allowed to be shipped to the country you selected."

    • click on the links i provided

    • thats for the watermelon one, dont know why. but theres blue raspberry 60 serves available

    • 2 x 60 serves for $31.xx delivered. good deal.
      did not like the preauthorisation on PayPal. switched it off post transaction.

      • where do you switch it off?

  • damnit placed my order but realised after there were referral links :/

    • You can cancel your order and submit a new one via a new account with a referral

      • okay just did it. any idea how long it will take for me to get my refund?

  • After you sign up you need to accept the terms & conditions to redeem the referral credit however there's no option to accept ?!.

  • I had to cancel 2 orders, 3rd time lucky.

  • Only 58 left for the watermelon and 128 for the Blue Razz

    These are selling quickly, there was 500+ of each 1 hour ago

  • Watermelon one isn't available due to country restrictions but Blue Razz is ok. I want the Watermelon one and there is no link in the OB post above to it :(

  • Most likely a price error but iHerb honor them.

    iHerb they honour them. Arnold that I would be disappointed if they didn't.

    • Me too.
      Arnold hurts (An@l hurts)] or Ain't no hurt.

  • +1
    • thx. good news to know. done my shopping, perhaps next time for me.
      normally pay CoQ10 like $40 for 120 cap but 150mg Blackmore.

      • you have just miss the half price sale of blackmore.

  • Looks ok looking at the ingredients…..can't complain much. $15 delivered for 60 serves.

  • zzz cant check out? Keeps saying country required in red
    even though everyting is filled in.

    • +1

      I had the same issue. Minimised my page and it fixed itself after a few mins

      • heh, nice.

  • nvm

    • +1

      GOT IT! Ok what I did was i went to my account > manage account > address book then entered in address there.
      What it was for me was I put all the address in 1 line the 1st time, so I split the number in the 1st line then street address in 2nd line and it worked.

  • Brilliant, just picked up 4x the 60 serve. Fantastic deal. Thanks a heap !

  • -1

    Thanks EC.

  • Man they have so much stuff that I use! how come im only seeing this now EC??? I coulda been savin so much…:( I buy the stuff I need at CW which now I realise is pretty overpriced. For E.G green tea extract @ CW vs @ iHerb just to name one. Got other stuff too for dirt cheap, cant believe it.

    TY eastern, owe you one buddy.

  • thanks bought 4..bargain

  • Purchased one - but does it actually do anything useful?

    • +2

      Hello no. It's all placebo crap pretty much.

      Read the description:

      •Skin-Tearing Pumps and Vascularity
      •Delivers Explosive Energy & Intensity
      •Amplifies Strength, Power & Lean Mass
      •Arnold Schwarzenegger Series

      LOL. Skin-tearing pumps? Please..

      • I would think so - but for ~$20 I cannot miss the chance to get huge and ripped…?
        It's funny though, if you read Arnold's book (The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding) he lists a few crap that you can take but confirms that mostly they don't do anything.
        I think hitting the gym, getting enough protein, and perhaps creatine should be about it.
        Anyway, I'll post pics of my ripped skin after using this :)

        • +2

          Bear in mind Arnold used steroids by his own admission. Now he's using his image to pretend that this does what steroids does. Don't you love marketing to people with bad reference points lel …

    • No.

      Absolutely no good evidence to suggest that Ubiquinone (CoQ10) actually does any of the claimed benefits. It's also worth noting that you make Ubiquinone by yourself in adequate supply unless you have a genetic disorder or extremely poor diet (the role of Statins (blood-lipid lowering drugs) is controversial).

      Unfortunately, "herbal" therapies and supplements aren't held to the same standards as actual medicine, so they can get away with cheeky bs like this.

  • Disappeared from my cart during payment!!!! Grrrr. Out if stock now

  • Out of stock :(

  • Yep out of stock

  • +3

    This song gets me more pumped than any preworkout does.

  • Whey too much brotein. ..

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