Brady 5 KPH speed sign. Brand new $22.00 usual price $35.00. Part of a store clearance of safety signs. Contact National Workwear [email protected], or call Jodie on 07 55937299 for a complete list of Brand New Road Signs which are being cleared at cost or below. Be quick as there is limited stock.
National Workwear 3 / 5 Casua Drive Varsity Lakes Qld 4227
Road Sign 5 Kph Speed Sign. Metal 600x 450. Brand New - $22.00 @ National Workwear

Last edited 21/09/2015 - 15:18 by 2 other users
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LOL - Sorry, I have all sorts of speeds, but not that one :)
Got a 69?
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Got a 69?
can i get a 68? ill owe you one….
@Utopian: you may wish to google what a 68 is….. or not… probably not while at work if you like your job anyway..
@Utopian: its been a thing for as long as ive known things to be things. :) maybe thats the issue, its old and you young hipsters have no education in such things?
easy to find on the googles tho, dunno how you struggled but i guess in such things some people always struggle to find it…
also, when there is scottish hip hop about it you know its really a thing (probably not safe for work but i cant understand a (profanity) thing hes saying, needs subtitles)
@nosdan: You know nothing of/about me. But slag-away. I couldn't be further from young or a hipster. Urban Dictionary is full of make-up inside jokes, that make no sense. I could share plenty of Irish & Scottish slang, that's generations old… no point. I only found the answer, since I was looking for retarded 'slang'. It wasn't the first hit, nor was it consistent.
what is the highest you have?
Can you supply the pole as well?
i need to turn my street into a "legal" race track.You guys are too funny :p
@tuzii: Just checked with Jodie. That stock has been sold. We have 80kph, 40kph, 15kph and 10 Shared zone and little old 5 KPH.
Have you got a no limit sign?, the one with a cross through it.
Sorry - we have never had that sign.
At a glance I thought you were looking for this:
A special on workboots might have been a better choice. 5 KPH is way too
What type are you looking for, I might be able to wrangle up a deal !
Looking for an 88mph sign.
Thanks, bought some to replace the speed signs on my street.
rep do you also sell speeding fine booklets? this is going to
make me billionserr i mean "make the streets safer"…LOL - No, but I know a good printing company ;)
not a bad price if you're a size 14 lady looking for a Blazer…
Who'da thunk, eh?
There goes that idea. Dang it!
Really? I was hoping to slow the traffic that goes past my meth lab…
Is this guy for real?
this is the internet, everything is for real
Thats for the courts to decide.
Good present for someone who is currently 4 years old!
I wouldn't let my 4yr old drive, but that's just me.
I let my 2 year old drive……Plus when you gift it, they'll no longer be 4 anyway!
Meh I can get these for free. True ozbargain er
who'd have thought there would be a rush on these!
I think Alanis Morrisette mentioned something like this situation in her Ironic songI'm sticking this on the back of my minivan with flashing lights. Look out other mums :>
Only 5KPH? I think i'll walk away from this one.
Thank you for all the Hilarious comments. The 5kph signs are sold out. We only have 10kph Shared Zone 15kph, 40kph and 80kph left in stock. We also have a lot of Traffic Control Signs and stands, which we can email to any school, club or organisation that requires traffic control signage.
We also have a lot of Traffic Control Signs and stands, which we can email to any……..
howdy again rep, can you please email me some stands? saves on postage this way
how much is the 80KM sign?
how much is shipping to sydney?The 80 kph sign is a reflective metal sign, 600mm x 450mm and we are selling them at our cost $35.00. the freight to Sydney is $18.00 Total cost $53.00
How much for installation ? including the bolts and nuts ? Is it compliance to Australian Standard ?
All our signs have compliance to Australian Standards. The installation, size and position depends upon whether it is on private property or on public roads, and is governed by local government legislation. We do not supply nuts and bolts as that also depends upon the structure to which the signs are attached.
would be funny if someone stuck an 80 sign ontop of a 60 sign near some fixed speed intersections.
be a flashy light show if there are lots of cars that pass through the area that arent locals.Be sure to buy some hi vis gear when you order so you look legit installing it ;-)
That actually happened here once. Dashcams got us out of tickets fortunately.
have you got a 130KM sign?