What Do You Do in The Weekends?

Hay OZBargainers,

What do you get up to in the weekend??

I've realised that my life is just… boring.

  • In the weekdays, I look forward to the weekend. In the weekend, I anticipate going to work on Monday. And repeat.

Need some friends and excitement etc. in my life.

So I'm wondering, what do you guys get up to?

  • Perhaps also give your age and sex and location? Just so that we get a better idea.

Poll Options

  • 218
    I plan nothing, and usually do nothing in the weekend.
  • 98
    I plan nothing, but usually do something worth-while in the weekend.
  • 17
    I plan my weekends, but usually end up doing nothing in the weekend.
  • 81
    I plan my weekend, and usually end up fulfilling that plan.


        • I'm glad at least one person got that :).

  • +4

    Volunteer at the Salvos and study.
    OCcasionally, get the drink on with mates in the city or at someone's place.

  • +1

    I'm surprised at the lack of family functions/get togethers here.
    I easily visit or get visited by parents, siblings etc at least every second week. In just my spouse and my family there are 13 birthdays every year plus father's day, mother's day etc. so it seems never ending.
    I have various kids sport and activities, but I have ended up with most of them on afternoons, so I usually get a sleep-in, snuggle-time on Saturday mornings.
    I volunteer once or twice a month for a community group, and average one or two outings with friends. I actually look forward to the odd weekend with nobody to see or visit or go out with. Add in the chores and weekends are pretty busy.
    Oh, and I will always cook at least one big meal like a roast dinner or BBQ or something that gets everyone in the family at the table and which produces left overs for sandwiches etc. during the week.

    • +2

      Sure I visit my family pretty much every day. But unlike yours I would go to the house my dad would be in bed in his room watching TV or checking his phone. My mum? Same thing, but in a different room if she's not cooking or cleaning. My 4 siblings? In their respective rooms same thing or on their computers. Family dinners? Only on special occasions.

      Pretty sad eh

    • Sounds like a nice family

  • +6

    Male, Sydney , Single (not sure if I'm ready to mingle)

    Sounds weird but my weekends are weekdays like today.

    I usually just wank and it takes most of my time anyway..

    I know, you'd rather do something else, but for me it's just that unless I find something that's more interesting than what
    I have now.

    • +1

      What did you do when you were in a relationship? Don't you get tired from all that…activity?

      • Honestly, I've never been in a relationship before and if this makes it any better, I havent lost my virginity yet.

        • Why aren't you ready to mingle? Usually implies just got out of a relationship.

        • Who knows, there may be a fellow tightass on OzB with a Cree torch just waiting for your 18650.

          Edit: That is if there are actual girls on the internet.

        • +2


          I'm just barely holding on. My virginity is key to purity, hopefully it'll be popped by someone I truly love.

          Anyone out there?

          WELL IM ALL YOURS!!

        • +1


          You'll never get rid of it that way. Wear a shirt that reads 'Proud to be a virgin'. Then you'll be beating them off with a stick ;)

          Of course by 'them' I mean the hoards of imps, goblins and the various darkhearted soulless beings that inhabit the sulferous regions of the subterranean caverns. I think that was pretty clear. When you encounter them try and find high ground with lots of swinging room. Never look them directly in the eye. Start practicing with that stick sooner rather than later.

  • +3

    Uni student, 20:

    • Catch up on studies
    • Do assignments
    • Read up for next week's content
    • Do prescribed homework

    Haha who needs a life right? That's what life has become, no more easy going, you just toil and toil until you die.

    • +1
      • That is interesting, I have already thought of life being an everlasting challenge to reach a goal, which in the end is reached when its too late.

        The problem with enjoying today instead of tomorrow is that if I don't get my high yielding job, I will have financial pains. So the choices are:
        1. High paying job, no time to enjoy life
        2. Low paying job, time to enjoy life, however having trouble to have ends meet

        Though I am young, I may be foolish to what is ahead of me.

        • The only reason to live longer is if you have a family.

          If you never plan on getting married and having kids, should consider quality over length of life. Once you hit 70/health problems, no amount of money can buy youth.

    • +2

      I feel ya, fellow uni student.

      I was on top of my work for a week, felt so lost at the start, but then decided to do exam revision.

    • What course are you doing?

      If you don't work part time 15+ hours, no real reason why you should be studying on the weekend. Unless of course its exam/assignment time.

      • If he's like my brother, he needs all the time he can to study and do assignments…

        … to compensate on the time spent on LoL, YouTube, online poker, TV etc.

        • +1

          I do Engineering and Commerce at UNSW with a borderline D/HD average, which is partially why I stress out because I keep falling in and out of the HD average. I also work 16 hours a week, with 1.25 hours of travel one way to work and to uni. I barely have time for myself honestly.

          If he's like my brother, he needs all the time he can to study and do assignments…

          … to compensate on the time spent on LoL, YouTube, online poker, TV etc.

          You cannot be any more correct with that I attempt to do on my scarce free time…

        • @Doggiie: That's absolute crazy! 1.5 hours, how come you live so far? 3 hours a day on travel and I am complaining about 20 mins lol.

        • @gamechanger: Haha yeah it's crazy, I live far west and it just can't be helped. UNSW is all the way in Kensington, and that's the price to pay for going to a prestigious uni. Plus all corporate jobs are in the city, and so my current and probably future jobs will be in the city. It's public transport though, so it's my catch up on sleep for waking up at 6am and getting home at 6:30/7pm. Then the cycle repeats.

  • +1


    My weekends usually consist of a mix of these activities:

    • Play basketball
    • Hang out with family (niece and nephew love to go to the park)
    • Hang out with friends
    • Go out to dinner/drinks
    • Play video games
    • Play bass guitar/jam with the band
    • Go skateboarding
    • Watch a movie/TV shows
    • Go on the occasional date
    • Chores
    • But most of all, I love to have a nice sleep in and relax!
    • +2

      You sound like you have a nice balance to your life.

      Yay for you taking out your niece and nephew. My kids never see their uncle :( Maybe once or twice a year, even though he's only an hour away. He is always 'too busy' (playing video games, lazing about on the weekend etc). They adore him and love seeing him when they do. He doesn't seem to get that they'll only be little for a short time and now is the time to build a relationship.

      • Yeah I honestly have little to complain about!

        I'm sorry to hear about that. How old are they? Maybe you need to have a serious conversation with your brother to let him know.

        I wasn't always around… But when my sister told me how important it is for me to spend time with them, I got my act together! And I'm really happy I did!

  • +2

    Male single 26

    Very few friends but we will go out and eat out once in a while on weekends. Other than that I just take the motorbike out and go for a nice ride somewhere.

  • +2

    Go to the shops!

  • +2
    • +1

      Have you beaten the game though? I put in 15 hrs and never beaten it..

      • Yeah. And I've done a bunch of the side things like get the book of the dead, the castle, the worm, hell. I went through a phase where I always killed all the shopkeepers at the black market. I've unlocked all but one avatar and I'm guessing that one's in Hell because I've only got there once and didn't last long because I didn't know the rules there. Whenever you think you know everything about Spelunky there always seems to be one more thing.

        Funnily enough beating the final boss is the easiest thing in the game 'cause it's always the same. Getting there's tricky though.

  • +2

    I don't work so everyday is like a weekend to me. It's ok at first but most days it is absolutely borring. Found a new hobby that involves exercising and attempting to make 8 figures

    • +1

      Living the dream spn

      "Honestly, sometimes its like, so tiring trying to find things to do all day. I just get bored from all the free time I have. I can't imagine anyone else understands how difficult my life is. Well, I guess I'll go rub cheesy spaghetti sauce over my body now, while I hiss at the people walking underneath my balcony"
      -Spn 2015

  • +1

    I volunteer at the RSPCA on Sunday mornings.

    I also usually get in a long walk in a nearby forest as well just for a break and to clear my mind.

  • +4

    I'm a changed person.

    Used to hang out with friends all the time. I was very social back then. I don't know what changed in me, but now I no longer enjoy the company of others. It seems like too much effort, and I just like to spend some quality 'me' time alone. When that happens, I often find myself wasting away the weekend. I am on the computer researching some things that interest me (tech, products, games, etc). I don't play games as much as I would like. I think I procrastinate too much, that I don't even start activities I might enjoy.

    I also look up a lot of science stuff, which interests me (space and astronomy, or biology, animal stuff). This year I've been very interested in Pluto due to the New Horizons mission. Until now we'd never seen what Pluto looked like, so it was a fascinating time. Also I keep looking for other opinions on whether the Mars One mission to colonize Mars by 2025 is realistic, a pipe dream, or a scam. I personally think it's crazy, but the people behind it sound serious.

    It's easy to get lost in youtube as well, because after you're done with a video (I like watching animal fights), a related video pops up, and you can easily find yourself in an endless loop of videos and then hours go by without you noticing it. Then at the end of the weekend, I feel like I wasted it, not having done anything productive.

    I'm on message boards a lot, discussing common interests. I kind of enjoy this, but feel like it's time wasted still.

    I usually visit family, or they visit me.

    If there's a good TV show, I can marathon it over a weekend. But I don't like most shows and don't know what's good that I might enjoy.

    • Does it depress you that you'll never go to Pluto? Or even the moon? Or even space?

      • Not at all. Those places are uninhabitable. I wouldn't want to go anyway. And the tech is not available in my lifetime. Maybe they will have space flights around the earth for an astronomical (if you'll excuse the pun) fee, but our bodies weren't built for space. You will lose bone density and stuff. Also, hygiene won't be very fun..

        I'm more interested in learning about things in space than actually going there. Fascinating discoveries are made all the time.

        I'm a space nerd, so I always read up as much as I can about it. And I'm kind of always doing that, not just on weekends. If I get to ask one question to someone-who-knows-everything, my question would be very simple: Is there life out there? I don't think we will get the answer to that in my lifetime unfortunately, or possibly ever.

        What I would do if I spent my weekends "looking forward to Monday" and can't find anything to do, is join a club. Find something you're interested in and meet like minded people interested in the same thing. Mine weekends aren't the most exciting, but I'm ok with it. I don't look forward to the next work day… ever.

      • But we're all in space right now!

        • That's not what he meant.

    • Build a life
      Date someone completely different to who think you might be interested in.
      Keep doing that, don't stop. Don't give up.
      When you meet The One, then get a motorbike, see if she ok with that.
      If she is then she must be into you so now ride there and see her and have fun.
      Then ride home.
      Works for me

  • +5

    I used to be in same boat
    got gf over other side of city
    a motorbike
    now weekends are fun
    ride there
    ride out for lunch
    ride back
    ride home
    rinse and repeat

  • +2

    I enjoy watching all sports, doing sports and watching tv shows and streaming movies on a sunday.

  • +1

    Wow, so many people don't know what to do when they have free time! I guess we all become slave to something else, instead of stand up for ourselves!

    • +4

      The part of the problem is that work forces you to conform and integrate into a machine, which means you have very little creative input on how you control your time. If you repeat this behaviour over and over within the time frame of years then it just becomes hard-wired into your system to become dependent on the mechanics of structured work life. Your brain just goes "WTF" when you have free time and retreats to the easiest option.

  • +1

    OP, you're in the prime to make the most of your weekends, being 26/m/single; once you snag yourself a wife, make some progeny and get a demanding job, you will yearn for these times…

  • +1

    Male with partner and 9 year old son, NE Vic.
    My weekend is now Thurs, Fri & Sat, by working the Sunday I was able to drop down to a 4 day working week for the sole purpose of having more time off to do stuff.

    last 3 months at least 2 of those days off have been snowboarding mostly as a family but also a solo mission on a week day

    Now the season is coming to an end it will be filled with a combination of these family activities—-
    -Rock climbing
    -lazing by the river on hot days plus a bit of wakeboarding
    -summer music festivals

    I don't know about getting bored as I never seem to have time to do the things I like or things I would love to get into…
    would love a dirt bike, take up road cycling, take up archery or take up golf.

    I also think its important to have time doing very little at all ….reading, playing video games, messing on the computer or watching TV box sets.

    At the moment I have a great balance, the mundane stuff is taken care of, quality time with family doing healthy outdoor stuff, remaining social with friends and family and down time playing fifa on the PS4.

    not always been like this…crap jobs, study and young kids and you have to make sacrifices.

  • +1

    BREW DAY! Give a man a beer, waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, and waste a lifetime!

  • +4

    Bought a older house (worst house best street scenario) so pretty much spend all my weekend working away on improvments.
    Front yard has had my attention for the last 3 months of weekends but finally complete. Now onto back yard / Outdoor Entertaining.

    Other than that it tends to be spent watching footy or down the river with my dogs (lab & Bordercollie x lab) sinking a few beers :)

  • fantasy baseball
    fantasy basketball
    fantasy nfl
    fantasy premier league

  • I plan my weekends 2-3 months in advanced.

    Most of my weekends are filled with stuff to do. I live by my calendar.

  • aside from Gym and footy season i.e. NRL, a-league, AFL etc my job requires me to work weekend sigh…. and thats at normal pay so my weekend is pretty much gone…

    • What job you do?

      • +1

        working in a technical support type role… in the car parking industry.. hence the 24/7 availability and my addiction to red bull as well :)

        • Argh that must be a pain! Try Caffeine + L Theaine tabs, I found it much better than Red Bull. Also healthier I think :)

  • +1

    ….I think we need more OzB hangouts :)

    • Inose firedragon, the majority of us don't do jack lol

  • There's no option of

    "I plan to do specifically nothing on the weekend, yet I end up doing something constructive/worthwhile against my wishes".

  • +1


    Married, 2 kids. My weekends usually aren't planned, and we just do what we feel like. Sometimes it's going out shopping to the big centre, sometimes Salvos shopping. Breakfast at Ikea. Breakfast at the Pancake parlour. Drinks/snacks at the local family bistro. Kicking the footy in the park. We just take it as it comes.

    Sure, life is way different to the time before kids, but we love it. Always good fun.

  • How often do you guys with kids get out to have a few drinks or dinner etc with friends without the kids?

  • +1

    Early twenties male,
    Study and research for the upcoming work week.
    Go hang out with friend, drink.
    Drive around, go shopping.
    Study for uni.

  • +6

    I go through JV's comments

    Until I run out of negs….

    • You're a big fan of JV huh :)

      If you had a chance to be with JV for a weekend, what would you do?

  • +4

    I pickup women in bars, take them home and then refuse to sleep with them. On Sunday I go to church and pray for forgiveness for my sinful thoughts the two nights before.

    • +4

      Hey, I do the same thing! When I do it, I tell them there not good enough to justify the effort. Then I call them erection-killer and boot them out the door.
      Some people might call me a hero, but I more like to think of myself as a farmer. Planting seeds for the future

      I… can't go in churches.

      • All those seeds you've planted I'm sure have grown into a few children by now

  • +5

    I wake up and check ozbargain front page deals, then I check the new deals.
    I eat breakfast then check ozbargain again.
    If there's no bargains, I go back to sleep or listen to what my partner has ordered me to do.

  • +1

    Must dos:

    • grocery shopping
    • clean the house
    • cook
    • ride my bike or race (this takes up half the day on both days)
    • post ride coffee with mates
    • stuff my face with food


    • overtime at work
    • watch tv or a movie at home
    • clean the bikes or maintenance


    • do absolutely nothing (I look forward to this day)

    Hint: I don't have kids nor a girlfriend. lol

  • +3

    I spend all my money on cocaine and hookers !!

    • Or you could just purchase the Apple iWatch..

  • +1

    I usually get up with the sun, play with my kids, have lunch with my family, teach children how to fish before strolling to the village in the evenings where I drink wine and play guitar with my wife and friends.

    Well that was always the plan anyway.

  • +1

    That was me sometime back. Now started some physical activity through badminton and swimming.. It feels good.

  • +1

    Try and get a hobby. I suggest trying out "Geocaching" It's like a worldwide treasure hunt. It gets you out and about in the real world. I'd also try the augmented reality game "ingress"
    There are social gatherings as well with both

  • I have a weekend everyday. Why are you still slaving away in a full time role like its the 18th century? Toss up between a wank and getting stoned. Or both.

    • Some of us have responsibilities.

      • Indeed. SOME of us.

    • What do you do that has you on a perma-weekend bud?

      • Precisely nothing much. Money comes and goes. Your life just goes. 38hrs a week and materialism vs way way less on and off work and living? I know which one I chose.

    • "He had a dream… And he went for it. Never let it be said that he didn't. It's not always easy being a stoned (profanity)."

  • It's been a mix recently, sometimes catch up with mates, sometimes just chill at home all weekend. Nothing that consistent.

    Once the weather warms up a bit I'm planning on taking up archery again. I tried it out a few years ago and liked it a lot. They're usually on Sat/Sunday mornings, I think. Be a good thing to try out if you're looking for something that gets you out of the house.

  • 22/f/QLD

    If there aren't any clouds about, I like to sit out on clear nights with my telescope and camera, and practice my astrophotography. Then I'll usually spend a little while editing my photos. Other options include gratuitous amounts of alcohol-fuelled solo guitar hero, ice skating (back before my local rink skyrocketed its prices and then closed its doors), cleaning (I'm big on cleaning, usually a couple hours will be dedicated to chores on the weekend), youtube videos, DuoLingo practice (casually learning some Spanish for fun), browsing eBay and OzB, aaaand maybe going to the shops for grocery runs, yellow ticket hunts at Officeworks, that kinda jam with my boyfriend and sometimes housemate. Trying to get more into garage sales too, it's fun to watch the same tight old guys angrily speed around to every single one and barter for the oddest things.

  • I don't really go out anywhere for lunch or anything usually. Most weekends I have to do food shopping for the week and visit the family. Then I chip away at the steam library and/or watch a film with the mrs. I'm trying to convince her to try snorkeling this summer with me as a cheap form of entertainment since there are so many beautiful beaches around here.

    As boring as it all might sound it's absolute heaven to me though. My ideal holiday is sleeping in, having no commitments and playing video games + drinking beer. Nirvana.

    Although if you're unemployed it does get old after a few weeks but in short bursts it's a great escape.

  • 35yrs, Male, North Shore (Soon to be Darlinghurst), Sydney.

    Saturdays - Mornings I usually have a massage > sauna & then midday go to the pub to play board games/drink/eat/socialise. Occasionally go out for dinner or drinks afterwards.
    Sundays – In the morning I might do an escape room (Slight addiction of late) & then lunch afterwards or some other activity like paintball, archery, bubble soccer & like to squeeze in the gym > sauna/newspapers again.

    Also a TV binge of a few episodes usually happens at some point too :)

    • your weekend sounds great! mine used to be like that, until my friends moved overseas -__-

      • More than welcome to join us if you're Sydney based. For the games group that is, not the sauna :op

        • Hahaha… thanks! will keep that in mind ;)

  • This question reminds me of a Rowan Atkinson skit where he [awkwardly] tries to ask a girl out: "What do you do……. at nights?"

  • Interesting.
    I'm 20/male/Melbourne
    I spend Saturday morning volunteer-tutoring disadvantaged kids in Dandenong.
    The rest of the weekend, I try to finish off assignments and homework. Definitely think weekends are way too short. I'd like a casual job, but not actively seeking because I don't think I can handle it with a demanding double degree.

    • A double degree is really a single degree.

      Unless you're doing more than 4 units per semester, shouldn't be complaining. And in many cases Engineering/Commerce, Law/Commerce the easier degree units makes life so much easier than doing the hard degree straight.

  • I joined a very good gym (nice people, fantastic ranges of equipment and facilities) near my place. I am so happy of it I always try exercise there every day.

    • A good gym with nice people, where you're so happy that you exercise there every day???

      Where is this?

      (To me, the gym is a place with people minding their own business. Not "nice", but they just do their work out and go. A "happy" gym makes no sense to me at the moment lol)

  • +1

    Male, 28 live at the Gold Coast. Weekends are spent doing any or all of the following - playing social beach volleyball, walking along the beach (soon to be swimming/surfing), farmers markets (actual farmers and cheaper than coles/woolies), gym, washing/cooking, renovating, going out for dinner/drinks. I've found getting outside early in the mornings for a coffee somehow magically gives me energy to be productive for the day. guess its the holy trinity of caffeine, exercise and vitamin D

  • +1

    On the weekends : Netflix and Chill ….

    • With hand or someone else :)

  • I am a caretaker at a trailer park and i usually have to watch out for 3 shitstorms who smoke dope, eat chips and get drunk, one has even started a kitty daycare! My boyfriend who never wears a shirt usually cooks me hamburgers but will eat most of them and then try and steal my liquor.Other than that i will head to a little place called jayrocks an drink homemade vodka and basically tear round the park drunk as fuk!

  • 27/M. Sometimes will catch up with friends or family but otherwise just chill out with my flatmate. If I plan anything it's usually just Tinder dates, but I'm currently on a break from that because the current cold weather makes me so unmotivated, lol.

  • +1

    Check the mail for my item to be sent from gearbest. Been 3 months


  • 24/M - Relationship - Melbourne

    Usually on a Friday night after work go to the footy or dinner/drinks with friends and gf never really a late night

    Saturday, go for a long bike ride or swim (something outdoors) then clean up apartment do the shopping and washing. Either go to a friends place or friends come over for a drink then sometimes head out

    Sunday- Brunch and then watch movies or play golf. Sometimes another swim if its nice weather or run. Then usually dinner with family. I play alot of xbox on Sundays aswell :)

    I like to stay active I do a few triathlons a year and quite a few open water swims. Thinking about going back and playing footy next Winter. I don't have much time during the week for training so i make the most of it on the weekends.

    If your struggling to find friends to do things on the weekend sport is a great way to meet new people join a engineer triathlon group, join local tennis club, or any sports club and fingers crossed you will get passionate about that and meet new people. Could even meet a potential partner.

  • For all the WOW or mmorpg players.
    MMORPG = Mainly Men Online Role Playing Girls

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