What Do You Do in The Weekends?

Hay OZBargainers,

What do you get up to in the weekend??

I've realised that my life is just… boring.

  • In the weekdays, I look forward to the weekend. In the weekend, I anticipate going to work on Monday. And repeat.

Need some friends and excitement etc. in my life.

So I'm wondering, what do you guys get up to?

  • Perhaps also give your age and sex and location? Just so that we get a better idea.

Poll Options

  • 218
    I plan nothing, and usually do nothing in the weekend.
  • 98
    I plan nothing, but usually do something worth-while in the weekend.
  • 17
    I plan my weekends, but usually end up doing nothing in the weekend.
  • 81
    I plan my weekend, and usually end up fulfilling that plan.


  • +94

    I have kids. I dont have weekends anymore :(

    • +6

      Don't worry. It's only temporary. Once they turn 21+ kick em out and reclaim your weekends :)

      • +23

        I will be too old by then to give a toss about weekends :(

        • +22

          with Viagra now, you will never be too old for a toss

      • +41

        You really think most kids now days are out of the home at 21? You are in for a big shock.

        • +7

          It was a tongue in cheek comment.
          Not in a for a shock, I know the age at which kids move out of the home is increasing year after year. Can't help it, the economy sucks and accommodation is expensive in australia.

        • +3

          @scrimshaw: Governments now are short sighted. When I was a uni the Government saw it as an investment, now it appears to be a way to raise revenue. I've repaid my education many times over with my taxes; now days the people with the money want to make sure their children are the only ones given the chance to go to Uni. Housing might be more expensive now days but when I bought my first house interest rates were 18%. Fine if you kept your job but you would be stuffed if you lost it.

        • -3


          Only Turnbull and the Liberals want $100,000 degrees. As long as people don't vote for the elitist and selfish Turnbull, we can stop it from happening.

        • @scrimshaw:
          ave age is now 29…

        • @sirplus: really ?

        • +8

          My two boys have Autism and will most likely never move out. That said, I will be having a granny flat built for them so I can get my house back :p

        • +1

          @Cyphar: Mum and Dad did this they now live in granny flat brother who 39 this year call it no go zone he has autism.

        • +2

          @Cyphar: Same mate, my eldest is autistic. I figure at least he'll still give a crap about me when I get old, as it seems becoming gradually estranged from your parents is the norm these days.

          People don't realise what a difference it is with an autistic kid, I have a neurotypical kid as well and basically parenting him is ridiculously easy compared to the other one. I'm basically just a service provider, give him a sandwich for lunch and then he's off riding pushbikes with his mates.

        • @try2bhelpful: A couple of comments i'd like to make on those claims. Don't expect the government to subside everything. Situations change, just because uni's were free in yester years doesn't mean they need to be the same for the rest of their life. Look at the top 10 uni and see what basic tuition costs. The vested interest of people going to those uni's is to get a higher paying job than the rest of the average population and yes even the gifted underprivileged who cant afford these unis have full scholarships available. Scholarship's in Australian unis is almost like a taboo.

          The multiple of the average salary to the average house price is more close to 7-8 times today, back in the day it was more close to 4. I'd rather want to service a 18%pa mortgage where the house costs 4 times my salary then a 5% mortgage at 7 times my salary, btw, if you cant keep your job you are stuffed in today's times too.

        • -2

          Both my sister and I moved out at 18 one year and three years ago respectively. It really depends. You raise lazy dependant children they probably won't leave.

        • @gaurav1504: I came from a lower middle class family of 5 kids. We were the first generation of my family that went to university and all 5 of us had some sort of tertiary education. This would not have happened if we had to pay fees as we couldn't fall back on Mummy and Daddy if things didn't work out. If we got rid of the perks for the rich, like negative gearing multiple properties, tax breaks for buying shares and "business expenses" and the obscene tax dodging of big business we could afford to educate the bright and talented. Education is an investment.

        • +5

          @try2bhelpful: Ditto, middle class family, 1st generation here in Australia, i saved up all the money to go to uni here and believe me when youre 21 saving up while your friends are out having a nice time wasn't easy. Education is an investment, it will benefit the person more than the government. I'd rather see my taxes going to build infrastructure, hospitals and helping the ones in need, but NOT subsidizing Uni because its unffordable. Its all about priorities in life, and if that's getting higher education, then work hard to achieve it, save up, get a scholarship…do whatever it takes. The government already provides free education up until grade 12, Im surprised people expect them to pay all the way. Going to university is a privilege not a birth right.

        • +4

          @gaurav1504: Let us agree to differ. The benefit is reaped by the country as well as the person. Americans use similar arguments against Universal health care. There are a lot of things that I disagree with my taxes going to, as indicated above, rather than education. There is an old saying - "Close a school, open a prison". Frankly I got my free University education so it it was really self interest I would say "screw those who come after me, they are only competing for my job", but the only differential we have is our intellect; hands and feet cost very little overseas. I want to see the next generation thrive so we don't become the poor white trash of the pacific.

        • +1

          @gaurav1504: University should offer spots based on demand/supply in the market place. This way people are not been mislead about job opportunities and tax payers are rid of the debt burden.

        • -1

          They will be if Ilsan kicks them out

        • @gamechanger: Supply and demand will only work as a short term fix. There are probably a lot of graduates around at the moment that went through when things associated with mining were in high demand, with the slump there is probably a number of them out of work. Degrees are often not about what they teach you but how they help you to think, and investigate, on your own. This is why some people from Private schools have issues once they go to Uni. Millions of dollars spent on politician perks is a tax payer burden, huge corporations who don't pay tax are a tax burden, education is an investment in future tax returns.

        • @psy:

          I dont have the heart I think.
          We will find out.
          They are only 7 and 4 presently.

        • @try2bhelpful: From my cohert even the ones who intitially struggled at uni, have turned it around. Usually they fail because (1) Spoon fed (2) party too much. The standard of uni in Australia isn't particularly high, so it's easy to pass. What people need to realise a big shift is occurring and only our natural resources can sustain our wages and way of life. Jobs are moving to Asia because it's cheaper and growing.

        • @gamechanger: If you truly believe all that then we have already become the poor white trash of Asia/Pacific. Our economy needs to be based on "value add" or we will sink. Natural resources will not do it for us, which is what we are finding now. We have a great reputation for identifying issues and fixing them, without getting hung up about job description and hierarchy, we need to build on that.

        • @gaurav1504: As a first generation Australian I didn't get any help from the Aust govt for my uni education. That doesn't mean I should prevent other people from benefiting from discounted education since HECS/HELP is not really free education. I want to see my taxes going towards education, hospitals, infrastructure. Our next generation is our future who will build the infrastructure. Educating our people is the best way we can ensure that we will have a bright future. Since we live in a community we work together in building our future.

          Using the argument that because you didn't get help with education from the govt noone else should get the benefit is a fallacious argument. We don't want Australia to turn into US where education is only accessible by the rich. Australia is a great country and we should only endeavour to make it better and not go backwards!

        • @barbedwire: I reckon you are loosing the point here. Its not about me and its not because i didn't get any assistance i need to be bitter or something, nor am i preventing anyone from it. Quite the contrary actually.

          The point is one cannot expect the government to pitch in every time things get harder. The government already provides free education till grade 12, they also have HECS in place for those who wish to go to uni (only to see many of them leave the country and not return leaving the government with the burden) but i digress. Like all industries universities are a business too, tuition fees work on a demand/supply methodology. No Uni is simply not going to raise the tuition fess at the risk of loosing students to other uni's or even uni's abroad. No doubt education is an investment for the future, but so is commonsense. At the risk of repeating myself, going to university is a privilege not a birth right. Whats next you want the government to subsidise fuel, because you cant afford to fill up to get to uni? or the expensive parking at uni?? Whats your take on books and instruments required at uni, probably need a handout from the government for that too??
          Like all things in life, if its important to you, account for it and work towards achieving it, if along the way you can help welcome it with both arms, but don't expect it as if it was stolen from you.

        • @gamechanger:
          Tho I'm 53 and if you ask all my mates they say 38 lol

      • +3

        Don't worry. It's only temporary. Once they turn 21+ kick em out and reclaim your weekends :)

        That's a looong period to delay gratification.

        brb, just going down to the Dr. for a quick vasectomy…

        • Yeah only they move back in,,,
          My girl moved back in and I said ok only you have to give me $250/week.
          $200 save for you and $50 for toilet paper.
          Massive fight no way I can do this, tears etc.
          I insisted or no deal.
          Naturally I put the lot into her savings but busted her chops when she missed and forced her to make it up.
          Kicked her our once when she did not meet and extended commitment, (not really lucky she came up with it).
          In the end after 1.5 years when she worked out she saved $17k she could see she could save a deposit.
          All of a sudden can come up with $750/week.
          Now she can see a way to get her own place, it won't be long…
          Do NOT borrow money, especially for cars and spending on groceries and holidays etc.

      • +2

        21 years is classed temporary?

      • What do you mean 21, 18!!

    • +15

      same, newborn
      baby feeds we eat, baby sleeps we sleep LOL

      • +1

        Ahh only 20.9 years to go

        • +3

          Problem is I didn't leave home until 30….
          29.9 to go….

        • +1

          @djones145: how did you explain this to friends and work mates?

        • +3

          I saved around 40% of my home deposit alone, wife had a bit too (stayed at home till 27), I explain by telling them I'm debt free at 33….

          we are Asians, we stay at home until we are married!

        • @djones145: Did you give your parents any part of your income?

        • +1

          @gamechanger: He showed them his bank account statement.

        • @gamechanger:
          Yeah, they have my credit card. They are retired so sis and I shared the bills

    • +1

      You can do enjoyable things on the weekend together.

    • partially why my partner and i are being childless. We want time to be with each other and not have that attention drawn away to kids and all that comes with that

  • +74

    same thing i do every weekend, try to take over the world.

  • +24

    Get a dog, like a real medium sized dog, not a small dog that is just happy watching tv with you - like a collie or staffy, retriever etc

    Then you will be forced to go to the beach, park, river etc to hit a tennis ball around or kick a footy etc

    You will have a friend and an excuse to get outside

    • +16

      Gor myself a Staffy AND a Golden Retriever. It's amazing how much more I get my butt out of the house and go walking and exploring. The guilt I feel when I don't take them for a walk every day is tremendous. They are spoiled, they get about 1 hour every day, even through Melbourne winter.

    • +18

      Then you will be forced to go to the beach, park, river etc to hit a tennis ball around or kick a footy etc

      or just leave them at home all the time, let them bark constantly - angering all your neighbours


    • +3

      I want one…

      but I know that I'll start ignoring it once the cute period (etc.) has ended. Also I don't want to leave it alone while I"m at work.

      …so I shouldn't get a dog right now :( I'm not ready yo

      • +3

        Well im out of ideas. Maybe have a kid like others here - then u have no weekend to worry about!

    • +5

      That's actually a bad idea. You and your dog may just end up staying at home and the dog is deprived of exercise.

      It's like getting a gym membership to force yourself to go to gym but then you end up going once a month.

      • +6

        This! Cannot stress this enough… Get a dog because you want a dog / loyal beast friend.

        Do not get a dog if you're looking for a reason to head outside… This is how many dogs end up getting abandoned or at animal shelters because their lazy ass owners got bored of them

        • +1

          Totally agree. If you are fat and/or lazy, a dog, especially an active dog such as the breeds i suggested above are not for you.

  • +3

    Got a newborn now @6weeks old so our weekends is mostly sleep, grocery shop and eat.

  • +5

    19/M/Brisbane - work or nothing.. Boring, But I like.

    • So young and innocent

  • +84

    if you're a typical middle class white collar worker, there's probably a high chance you do shite all most weekends because work is a soul sucking experience.

    • Amen

    • +1

      18 upvotes mean I was onto something!

    • +2

      Sounds like me but I also have a newborn.

      Double whammy.

      • sorry, that sucks.

  • I have 3 kids, 7, 4 and 2 and we take them swimming on a Saturday morning and the occasional birthday party and occasional trip out somewhere but other than that we don't get up to much other than shopping.

    What else is there to do???

  • +5

    Sucks.. I work a FT job and my second job is normally over the weekend…

    • +3

      Did that for a while; often juggling multiple part time jobs on top of the FT one.

      All I can say is… Make sure to still give yourself a break. Don't work yourself into the ground if you can help it.

      Humans need rest and recovery time for your best health - particularly mental health!

      • +1

        Tell that to Singaporean/Asian countries!

        Most people down there work 9am-6pm+, 1 week holiday a year and no doubt weekend work at times.

        I think in Aus, we're still fortunate to have some balance, which can allow people to work a 2nd job no problem. I would also guess that the PT job is one that doesn't require any qualifications and basic?

        • +3

          Thing is… Nearly half of the income from the 2nd job is taken by tax… sorta makes you lose incentive for this. Last time I did this, I ended up having to pay the ATO when tax returns came around.

          (a while ago, ended up going over threshold for HECS / HELP and ATO demanded $1k worth of fees at EOFY)

        • @Serapis: Perhaps look into manual labor jobs, I hear they pay cash ;)

        • Actually, not really these days, and it depends on your field, even now the general consensus is beginning to shift being from there.
          SG are very picky with jobs, are working 8.30-5.30, one hour breaks and more holidays than Australia. In fact Australia has 3-4 days less holidays than most countries in Asia (even India).

        • @Dnkei: Not sure where you get your information from, but in peak season for business in SG its not uncommon for people to leave the office 9pm. As to India, I spoken to people from there and to get 4 weeks paid holiday is very uncommon and pretty much a luxury. Sure they may have more public holidays, but I rather 4+weeks than 1 week. Also wouldn't surprise me if employers don't there didn't even pay them for holidays.

        • +1

          In my case, no, the PT jobs (plural) were quite complex, definitely needed qualifications, and had lots of their own take-home work.

          For my regular FT job, I worked 8am - 8pm+ and occasional weekend work. The PT jobs were flexible and I'd squeeze them in late at night (often staying up til 3-4am), or weekends. Didn't take a day off or a single holiday for years. Ended up with no life at all, and declining health.

          Do.not.recommend. :)

        • @kyttiekat: wow what was your FT job? How many hours were you sleeping? Have you considered a career in investment banking? They would love your work ethic.

        • +1


          You might earn a lot of money doing really long hours, but the damage you do to your mind and body (and social life) isn't not worth it in the long run. You don't eat well, you don't sleep well, you might even turn to smokes and alcohol to vent your stress, because you barely have time to spend with your family or do things that you like.


          A new study of 600,000 individuals in Australia, the United States, and Europe published in the Lancet, a United Kingdom-based medical journal, found that people who more more than 55 hours per week or more have a 33% greater risk of stroke and a 13% greater risk of coronary heart disease.

        • @scrimshaw: 100% agree. I did it as a way to escape / not deal with other things in my life. It really took its toll. Turned to more unhelpful coping strategies before reaching crisis point.

          Now, I absolutely advocate normal working hours, holidays, relaxing weekends, and taking care of yourself. Nothing else is worth it.

        • +1

          @gamechanger: I am in a very similar / related career. :)

          Made leaps & bounds in terms of career progress… awards, magazines, TV appearances, promotions, speeches, huge project milestones & successes. I chased the achievement and external validation (and boy did I get it!), because I had no internal self-worth/esteem.

          The reality was, as you point out, very little sleep (lucky if I got 3hrs), poor nutrition, took up unhelpful coping skills (obsessive / compulsive behaviours), mental & physical health down the drain. No social life. For many years. I would never recommend it to anyone.

          I'm not the type of person to regret anything in my past, but I do regret treating myself like shit. :)

        • @kyttiekat: Sounds awesome! How did you manage on 3 hours of sleep? Any caffeine?

        • +1


          This might be off topic, but Gordon Ramsay apparently works off just 3 hours of sleep a day. During his AMA on Reddit:


          His schedule basically consists of:

          Wake up at 5:00 a.m.
          Go to the gym.
          Have plain oatmeal for breakfast.
          Take care of anything related to American businesses. Tape “MasterCef” until 9:00 or 10:00 p.m.
          Have something quick to eat.
          Call his family at midnight, West Coast time, to talk to his kids in London before they head off to school.
          Catch up with his business in London.
          Go to sleep at 2:00 a.m.
        • @gamechanger: Caffeine doesn't affect me much - I had a couple a week just for the taste. I used sugar if I was desperate, eg doing a few all-nighters. That worked. :)

          Aside from that, 2-3hrs sleep for me was fine. I felt productive and awake all day - no 'downtime' or 'slumps'. I had loads of adrenaline always running through me.. I was always suuuper-pumped about the next task, the next meeting, the next phone call etc. All day every day! (I don't think that hyper-awareness was healthy!)

          That said, I could nap absolutely anywhere.. a 5min bus ride, train trip, in a food court, etc. I'd just close my eyes, and bam, asleep. It was a way of sneaking in extra sleep in non-productive times of the day. Not so safe for a young girl on public transport late at night (so I took up martial arts, but anyway…)

          Why, are you searching for how to survive on less sleep? :)

        • @kyttiekat:

          It's proven different people functino on less sleep than other, the majority need 8-9 hours sleep while the lucky few who can function normally on a few hours sleep.

        • @gamechanger: information from my friends, colleagues, family in singapore. Use to live there.
          I also work with India as 3 of our major vendors are there globally supporting our business here. I have travelled many times over there too, it is not as general as you would imagine it to be working long hours. And although i respect culture 100%, there is no urgency and a lot slower working environment.

        • @Dnkei: Fair enough, my information was based on professional services such as banking, accounting and law. That's true about India, I think its common for many places in the afternoon to close for 2 hours to have a rest and open up later.

      • what sort of work did you juggle? im trying find some work outside of FT one but no luck! where should I go about finding these small jobs to work?

        • Thenarrator: I did lots of paid research studies, online surveys, a data entry job, disability aide, and built up my side business.

          One site I hire a lot of people from these days is AirTasker. It seems like a great place to find all sorts of small odd jobs for extra cash.

  • It would be easier to give you advise if you gave your own age/sex/location

    • Ah…

      Wasn't looking for suggestions, but sure.

      Turned 26, male, single, Sydney. :D

      • Yeah, I can relate to that. I'm 27, male melbourne, so very similar situation
        Are you into athletic activities at all, maybe team sports?

  • +1

    Work :(

  • +3

    25, Male, Melbourne and have a Mrs. Not enough time off. If I'm not at the gym I'm running errands. I.e cleaning or maintaining something (usually the car and bike) If i have time I'll game for a bit then the rest is juggling seeing my gf or mates. Sunday is more of a relax day where i either play games or do nothing.

    • +55

      I'm not surprised. One woman is enough trouble, can't imagine having two..

  • +1

    Mid 20s, Golf every Saturday one of the only sports you can play by yourself if you can't get a team together.

  • +1

    26, male, not attached, Sydney.

    I don't 'plan' weekends but my friends do, so by the time it rolls around, I'd pick whatever I feel like doing. Often eating out and hit a nice bar (I kinda hate clubbing), sometimes a road trip, movie night (usually my pick). That, or a quiet indoor weekend with a book and glass of wine. Daytime isn't productive. I sleep in on weekends (Think, McFly, think!). But usually squeeze in house-keeping, go for a swim/gym, or some shopping.

  • Biking around Olympic Park, roaming around malls, Xbox.

    Sometimes friend comes over and we Xbox together or go for a drive and roam around malls together. I agree there needs to be more in life but things happen in due time.

  • +4

    "In the weekend, I anticipate going to work on Monday."

    That's definitely not what I do during weekends :D

  • +6

    Female, mid 20s, Sydney.

    Weekend usually involves.. Sleeping in. Seeing at least one friend to do 'something' preplanned, eg cycling, movie, dinner, laze around in park, check out markets, visit a new waterside spot etc. It's always an adventure!

    The other day is mostly lazing around, maybe catching up on home chores, maybe unsuccessfully resisting the lure of weekend work for the side business.

    Also, occasionally some crafty stuff. Or volunteering at an event or for a cause.

    Weekends always feel far too short. :(

    • +1

      I'm with you there Kylie, waterslides are most fun.

      • +1

        Is this reply for me? Kylie? Waterslides? confused

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