What Do You Do in The Weekends?

Hay OZBargainers,

What do you get up to in the weekend??

I've realised that my life is just… boring.

  • In the weekdays, I look forward to the weekend. In the weekend, I anticipate going to work on Monday. And repeat.

Need some friends and excitement etc. in my life.

So I'm wondering, what do you guys get up to?

  • Perhaps also give your age and sex and location? Just so that we get a better idea.

Poll Options

  • 218
    I plan nothing, and usually do nothing in the weekend.
  • 98
    I plan nothing, but usually do something worth-while in the weekend.
  • 17
    I plan my weekends, but usually end up doing nothing in the weekend.
  • 81
    I plan my weekend, and usually end up fulfilling that plan.


  • +11

    World of warcraft can chew up a lot of time
    Might get lucky and find a wife

    • I know one who got married and have two kids. Probably more now. Wow is great for singles buy not for couples. The wife/gf actually broke up with her bf when she 'met' this guy in game.

      • +5

        I think he meant an in-game wife.

        • +1

          No i didnt :P
          I have heard people find love on wow and get married in real life!

        • @Hirolol: Think in Aus not many women play compared to say the US.

        • +4

          @Hirolol:My cousin met his wife on WoW. They are both very overweight.

        • @andymatter: Do they still play?

      • +1

        My ex and I used to play WoW together. It was fun. we had kids together and they were young, and nobody to help look after them so our "dates" involved putting the kids to bed. Lining the table with all sorts of snacks then playing in Azeroth together.

      • So his actual wife broke up when she found out he had a gf in the game?

        • I should say 'then-boyfriend'.

          I think the bf got her into wow. Then she met another guy in wow and she broke up with the bf to be with this wow-guy. All end well for her, they got married with 2 kids last time I saw. Could be more now.

          I know a few couples who broke up after playing wow. I think one of the problems is the players spend too much time online bonding with other people more than their partner. Eg they might like to do different things. My husband likes to pve while I like to pvp so he looks for pve guild while I spend my time in bg with like minded players.

        • @pandabun:

          Surely the success of a relationship from WOW wouldn't work as you have never physically met them, everyone knows someone online can have a totally different personality in real life

        • @strikerzebra: I agree with you. But this actually reminds me of the experiment where they put strangers together in a room for a period of time to see how many go out dating afterwards. Can't remember the exact stat but most did date. Don't know the success rate of the dates though.

          Edit: from personal experience, online persona isn't so different from real life persona. People tend to show their negative side eg trolling because they know they are somewhat anonymous.

        • @pandabun:

          Yep exactly, people's personalities online are somewhat amplified, they can be a pure romantic online but in real life a lazy slob.

    • +2

      I think world of warcraft is actually a good way to save money if you are trying to limit what you get up to on weekends and just in life in general haha

    • Sad news, the 2 are usually mutually exclusive.
      Try "MeetUps" (Google that!) a lot of fun….

  • +9

    For some reason, perhaps Technology playing a part, i've been finding that time goes very quick and you don't end up fulfilling anything.
    You get boring weekends, you do nothing despite waiting all week for them. Then another weekend, same. You work all week waiting for the weekend, again - time runs out.

    You ask your parents (or anyone born in the 50, 60s and 70s) and they tell you they had heaps of fun in the younger years, time was fulfilled, plans, etc.
    I think Technology is stuffing us up.

    • Back then, there was only two choices - get shitfaced in the local bar, or get shitfaced down by the creek. Don't like doing one? then you do the other.
      Technology has opened up a lot of new avenues for us, but that can be problematic. Put a cat in a room with a mouse, leave and when you come back you'll have a well fed cat. Put a cat in a room with 100 mice, and you watch her spin around in circles paralyzed by choice

      • +2

        Not really man,

        I was born in the 80s, I remember gathering aoround a friend's place at night and playing Monopoly…we had heaps of fun. Went on for hours. Board-games were super

        My Dad would play Chess with a friend over a cup of coffee. The game would often run for 2hrs.

        Before I was born, parents would spend QUALITY time at the beaches, (in the 60s, 70s).
        Family picnics and lunches.

        Look at the beaches nowadays:

        • Filled with vain men and women in a staring competition
        • Everyone taking selfies at the beach
        • Girls want to be Kim Kardashians and guys want to be these hot, cashed-up hugh hefners


        • +2

          Frostman I'm afraid your memories are fuzzy from too much shit-facing. You only imagined those things

        • @outlander: you mean my combivan?

    • I agree. The days just go before you know it, and then the whole year is gone. Too much time on computers for school/work and researching things. Got to get away from it all sometimes. Still, the time goes very quickly. Not like when you are a child and always have something happening and the years seem to last forever.

      • +1

        Well yes, think about this scenario back in the 50s.
        You want to RESEARCH something in detail..you seclude yourself in a room full of books and/or visit the state library.
        No phones, no Skype, no Facebook and other useless distractions. You research and spend days. Time is slow but time is valuable and it's cherished.
        No Google search and sifting through rubbish references, a Book was published based on real research.

        These days you look up something on the Net and 99% of the time it's one-sided due to:
        * Political
        * Religious, or
        * Ethnic reasons.

  • +2

    Male Sydney
    Brunch with friends, tennis, going to the beach or in a park with friends just to "do nothing together".
    Having few beers, dinner out or at friend place.
    When weather is shit, gather and play board games sometimes or play video games.
    House cleaning too on sunday's when harsh saturday night!

  • +1

    I don't have weekends. My week always start the next day.

  • +5

    My weekends usually include the following (defacto, 38, no kids):
    - Sleep in!
    - Trip to Bunnings
    - House Chores
    - Pool/yard Maintenance
    - Watch some Netflix/Plex
    - Play some PC games
    - Catch up with friends/family for lunch/dinner
    - Outing/walk/play with dogs

  • +4

    Female, 28, Melbourne

    • Dine out once or twice (I have a girl friend and we take turns buying Groupon vouchers)
    • Food prep (Go to fruit/veg market, make and freeze 'smoothie bags')
    • Download from ThePirateBay, or if I want to go to the movies I go to Lunar Drive In, super cheap and you can chill in the car
    • Drink wine with my housemate
    • Spa/Sauna with boyfriend
    • Try to teach myself online poker because friends have poker nights and I don't know how to play

    Well, those are my goals, I often sleep and miss out on a few. Usually the ones that require leaving the house :')

    • +4

      you seem really cool.
      I'm not being sarcastic.

      • Hah thanks, I'm pretty cool, if I were a boy I'd date me.

    • +1

      Damn I miss poker. I think you'll learn better if you watch your friends? Online poker isn't as fun..to me anyway

      • Yeah it seems almost automatic learning online, like if I sat down at a real table I wouldn't even know how to put down blinds as the app does it for me.

        Considering going to a free pub one soon, and taking a friend just so I don't completely embarrass myself :-)

        • Oh cool? I didn't know they had that in pubs

  • +4

    Plan your life and make the most of it.

    Don't wish your life away.

  • +5

    'What do you do ON the weekends?'

    • -1

      That is the question

      • -5

        Clearly it's not. ESL?

        • -1

          Yikes… What's your problem? Trouble with comprehension?

    • +2

      'What do you do in the time between Friday 1800hrs and Sunday 2200hrs?'
      'What do you do within the weekend?'
      'Weekend: What do you do?'

    • You seem like a cool person who must be a lot of fun to be around.

  • +3

    clean home, cook a proper breakfast, go to the gym, go to my language class, and then in the evening either go to the pub with a friend or stay at home and relax

    • what language?

      • well I just had my last Russian class yesterday to help me with the basics when I travel the country next year. Will be starting German next month.

        • +3


          German is great! I studied German too :)
          Good luck!

  • +3

    Do some gardening, many trips to Bunnings, work on an old car I am restoring. From Nov-April I am usually either watching car racing or participating somewhere in Victoria.

    Almost every Sunday evening a group of us have a BBQ at a mates place and help him work on his car

  • +1

    26 M with a Mrs, friday night normally go to the Adelaide Central market, stroll around and buy groceries, maybe eat there or go home and eat then watch movies and have some drinks.

    Saturday might go to the beach or to the shops to buy anything if needed or just stay at home , at night dinner at home normally and some drinks

    Sunday is normally lazy and may get out of the house or not…

  • +3

    I'm a hobbyist photographer, so I try to get out and take photos of a different place at least once every weekend. Last Saturday I went to Wattamolla with my girlfriend on Saturday — it's beautiful there! We're lucky in Sydney in that we have a lot of places within a 1-2 hour's drive in any direction.

    Apart from that, I usually check concreteplayground or a similar site to find out if any events are on. There's usually something free happening in Sydney (Saturday night was the Beams art festival in Chippendale).

    On weekends I also tend to cook more extravagant meals which take time to prepare that I don't have on weekdays. I also watch a lot of Netflix of course.

  • +5

    Church on Sunday.

    Also hosting couchsurfers which can be fun.

    • So many upvotes for going to church.

      … And I thought we are going towards atheism.

      • Pretty sure only 1% of Aussies go to church on any given week.

        • Love a random stat.. Can't argue with that!

      • +2

        Church? Upvote was for hosting couchsurfers! Not church. Nothing special there..

    • I thought couchsurfers was basically a shagfest. I suppose that explains the subsequent church attendance, though.

      • Haha that's never been my experience.

  • +2

    Soccer on Sunday and usually housework/gaming on Saturday. Sometimes bike riding or photography out and about around the ACT too. I have no Mrs/Ms/Significant other/Mistress/kids to worry about.

    If you're that bored, try a website called meetup.com. The Canberra one usually has something going on most weekends if you want to do more. I now do camping because of this site. They also have pub visits, sport outings, social things out and about in the city so you should find something that interests you in Sydney.

  • +1

    my dad goes to work every saturdays… he says he gets 3* the normal pay… so thats $84 a hour

    EDIT: 4* during public holidays

    • I wish I got 3 times my hourly rate on Saturdays..

    • What industry pays triple rate on saturdays? These days every business is cutting down, and employ as few people on penalty rates as they possibly can.

      • +1

        His a bus driver working for PTV

        • +1

          Damn. No wonder you never see bus drivers go on strike.

  • +3

    Male, in a relationship in my mid 20's.
    I do amateur theatre as hobby so my Sunday 1 till 6 is taken up by that.
    Saturday I always sleep in, cook a decent breakfast (Taking your time to make coffee and breakfast on the weekends is one of my favourite things to do) and maybe do some housework or work on any other hobby I have going on at the time (car/home brew/computer related). I normally end up pottering around most of the day though.

    If you are looking for excitement join a sporting team or a local theatre company. Even if you are deathly shy theatre companies always need back stage crew or even front of house. I find theatre such a great way to meet people and the excitement of being part of building a show together is super fun. Production week (so the week before the show goes on) can be a little too much when you spend every night at the theatre after work but when opening night rolls around its worth it.

  • +3

    Male/31/Married/No kids

    Pick one (or more) of either:
    - Rock climbing
    - Bushwalking
    - Camping
    - Photography

    If you get into these sorts of things you will never have enough free time. Good ways to meet like minded people too. Good place to start is your local indoor climbing gym, or find a bushwalking club or a meetup group.

    Also, other related activities that I don't do personally, but usually cross paths with people that do them:
    - Bouldering (rock climbing but just doing short hard problems close to the ground. Good if you don't want to invest in time and money to get the gear and learn how to climb. Can also do this on your own)
    - Mountain biking
    - Water sports like kayaking
    - Trail running
    - Slack lining

  • +2

    21/M/Sydney. I always aim to work on creative projects like music or game development over the weekends, but this is usually overthrown by bad chore management.

  • +3

    30/F/Syd - feels like the old MIRC days…

    Saturday usually gym in the morning then either grocery shopping or lunch with friends or go home and do nothing or weeking. Night either out with friends or stay home. Lately more stay at home.

    Sunday, same thing. But Sunday is more relax time for me which means home again doing house chores, garden, binge watching or crafting.

    • lol i'd forgotten all about mIRC!!!!

      Edit - trying to say # chatzone together but it bolds my text. This is when a hashtag meant an IRC room!!

      • oh yeah true! that's the original usage of hashtag! :D

    • What's a mirc?

      • internet relay chat. Basically a prehistoric form of facebook messenger.

      • omg… now I do feel old T__T

  • +5

    Usually just hang out with close mates, smoke weed, visit cafes, quiet shit.

    • visit cafes

      Thought this was a Korean thing, but must be a gen y thing. My brother does this too, hang out at cafes… Which I thought was weird lol.

      Damn, I am old.

      • They're close, relaxing and better than being at home.

  • +4

    Finish a 700ml 12yr old whiskey.

    • And then start another.

  • 22-24/F/ Sydney.

    Friday - something. Volunteering, dinner with friends, trivia or charades with my old roommates, birthday party? But always something.

    Saturday's - some activity. Markets, workout, walk along the beach or whatever festival is on.

    Sunday - workout, bookshop, cafe, movie? Depends.

    I make sure I go out every single day and especially weekends.
    Even just a walk during the week but I can't stay home for 24 hours.

  • +3

    Try geocaching. Burns up time, gets u thinking, and takes u places.

  • +3

    I have a 4.5 year old and weekends normlly take her out for activities etc and out for food.

    That's about it.

    When she sleeps I play CS:GO or watch the TV lol

    • 2.5 y/o and csgo too :)

  • Female/30/in a relationship

    • Have lunch/spend time with my parents and his parents
    • A half day activity like fishing, bush walking, day trip, visit markets
    • Go out for breakfast and dinner
    • Relax, reading, listening to music, doing nothing
    • House chores/grocery shopping
    • Take the dog to the park/beach/for a walk
    • Watch TV/movie
    • Yoga (2-3 hours)
    • Errands - pay bills, pick up parcels from Aust post etc

    I try to maximise the amount of time that I spend doing fun stuff - even if its sitting at home relaxing - and minimising the boring stuff like chores and grocery shopping

  • You can post meaningless discussion like JJB here to fill your weekend:

    • +2

      A bucket list for a sick person is not 'meaningless'.

      • +5

        I don't think he meant that thread specifically, but rather all the other made up ones of JJB.

        • Well, that's a game changer then.

  • +6

    Drugs and alcohol.

  • +10

    Where's the option:

    I plan my weekend and usually end up doing what the Mrs and the kids want to do instead ?

    Because this is what happens to me every weekend.

    • that's the same as 'I don't have any weekends' (sadface)

      • oh! :(

  • +2

    Racing or sports betting arbitrage most Weekends usually. Lucky will make $300 a weekend or boring arb week gets about $40. Hide in my room to do it.

    • How much do you have invested on average to make $300? Looked into doing this but figured I'd get limited on my first go knowing my luck.

      • +2

        Done this over 2 years and already built up a decent lumpsum for arbing. well. i say ~$2000-2500 when high arb exposure. Yes. limit can happen but can manage. ppl have different view on this but I found the more bookies you sign up the risk of limit gets lower as you can arb all about them so less likely they get you. I arb mostly on bookies promo e.g. USOPEN these bookies almost have promo every single day you can take advantage of. Melbourne cup should be a big one too

    • Why do you have to hide in your room? Wife?

      • +1

        well. despite this is risk free money. high level of focus and dedication require. clear maths skills n head needed on every bet place or mistakes will come. have make mistakes before coz fatigue and tiredness, pressing wrong button or click in incorrect values. Human errors plays big part. Also overdoing greedy bets will trigger flag from bookies. so every bet is carefully place…

        Noway I can do this in noisy environment. family can be Very -ve as they got no clue how. can call this second stream of income where work and effort required.

  • +2

    Play in an amateur futsal league. There are plenty around online.

    • Futsal is awesome. I just play in social games during the week now but fill-in for weekend league games every now and then.

  • +12

    Troll on ozbargain

    • Your trolling is dwarfed by jv's efforts…..

      • heh dwarf, Gimli.. :)

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