Found it in Daily Telegraph today:
Buy ANY Gift Card from any Coles store, and get TRIPLE FLYBUYS POINTS!
Until 22nd September 2015
(Effectively works out at a $500 Gift Card equals $7.50 worth of Flybuys points.)
Found it in Daily Telegraph today:
Buy ANY Gift Card from any Coles store, and get TRIPLE FLYBUYS POINTS!
Until 22nd September 2015
(Effectively works out at a $500 Gift Card equals $7.50 worth of Flybuys points.)
Obama is that you?
It's yes we can..
Can you use the self service in Coles to get gift cards?
I have done this many times with many different cards.
At Coles & Woolies, too.
And Masters, as well.
Can I just perpetually buy giftcards with giftcards and get an unlimited amount of flybuy points?
yes u can!!!
I don't think they actually mean that… otherwise it could be Coles gift card inception.
Are you sure? So you can essentially just get a Coles giftcard and then use that gift card to purchase another giftcard and keep going?
Except this would exclude Coles group and Myer gift cards, as the recipient of the card is the one who will earn just the standard amount of points.
Can I use this gift card to by another?
He is a bit of one….
Can I use this gift card to by another?
EDIT: ACTUALLY YES YOU CAN!! I remember I used a Coles Myer Group Gift Card and purchased a Dick Smith Gift Card a few months ago.
$500 card… 500 points… X3 = 1500.
2000 points for $10 off a shop… hence, every $500 cycled equals $7.50.
I think they will get po'ed long before it becomes any sizeable amount :)
That's 0.01%.
For the time etc I dont thnk it's worth it, But for that bit of fun, do it at 10.30PM on a Sunday and it will be okay maybe as not to waste the staff's time.
That's 0.01%.
I think you mean 1.5%.
OH YEA! But still 1.5% discount is not that good but if you do it multiple times, unless the checkout person is your husband/wife/partner. This is a bit of a waste of time to cycle it as much.
Hmm cool. Not a bad promo!
I will be watching this with interest.
3 flybuys points is worth like 1.5 cents, not really worth it for a 1.5% discount
But if you buy a Coles gift card for 5% off, then use that gift card to purchase another gift card at Coles, then it is 6.5% off. Not too bad if you need a gift card anyway.
But you always have the option to by another gift card with coles gift cards that is if they let you..
But you don't always have the option of getting triple points.
never mind.. im turd
Does Coles normally allow you to scan Flybuys when you buy Coles Myer Giftcard?
The answer is no in Kmart or Target AFAIK.
Actually I bought a gift card at target once and it was the checkout chick who asked for my flybuys. And I did get the points for it. I didn't bother initially as I didn't think I would earn any points.
But when I scanned when buying Coles myer gift cards at liquor land during the Amex deal a few months back, I did not get any points.
Was a Coles myer gift card at target btw
I think it's the other way round.
If you purchase Coles group giftcard from Coles/Kmart/Target, you won't get flybuys points. But if you purchase other giftcards and/or things with the Coles group giftcard, you will.
yes that's correct, I did get points when I purchased Dicksmith cards from Coles when they had 10% extra value promotion.
To add on to what the other posters said, I bought a substantial amount of coles myer gift cards at coles last week, and the checkout chick said the recipient of the gift card gets the flybuy points, not the purchaser
That is a good point.Some stubborn staff will refuse to let you scan Flybuys when you buy giftcards.
Normally,you earn Flybuys points when you pay with giftcards,not when you buy giftcards.Otherwise,you can always earn double Flybuys points.
How does that work? What if the recipient of the gift card does not have fly buys.
This sounds right. You do not receive gift cards on purchasing Coles/Coles Myer Gift cards but the recipient does when they pay with their gift card + scan FlyBuys. So if they don't have FlyBuys, no points for anyone.
Then how come that advertisement has the Coles Myer Group card pictured as well as earn x3 more points. o.0
@Turd: Probably because they put generic pictures of "gift cards" and that happened to be one of the ones included lol
If he doesn't have Flybuys, he won't get Flybuys points.
the checkout chick lied to you ;)
Well according to the coles myer gift cards website:
Can I collect Fly Buys points when I buy a gift card?
No, the recipient of the gift card can collect FlyBuys points (and any applicable bonus points) when they use their gift card at participating FlyBuys retailers.
Thanks for doing the check that we were too lazy to :)
I should point out that flybuys is not accepted at myer or office works, so you may not get your flybuy points. But I stand corrected.
No. There's no points for buying Coles Gift Card, 0 x 3 still equals to 0
You get 3x points for buying a Coles Gift Card.
In fact, ANY Gift Card bought at Coles.
Good for Bunnings gift cards if you were going to buy them anyway, and probably not a whole lot else.
Bunnings gift card had 5x bonus point just a few weeks ago if I remember correctly.
Yep, it did. I bought a $20 for my Dad for Fathers' Day.
I think I recall seeing 10x FlyBuys points for Bunnings GCs in the past too
Can i buy a woolworths gift card @ coles?
Now that's just ridiculous, Woolworths is owned by Woolworths Limited, and Coles is owned by Wesfarmers. Both having the same "W" in their parent company but not the same. Same same but different.
tl;dr version: NO YOU CAN'T
I was not sure.. Thanks :)
thats like asking: can I buy a Samsung tablet at an Apple shop?
answer is no. ;)
Anyone want to by my 2014 Samsung Note 10.1? Meet you in the apple shop. ;)
hehe that's a good 1.
Now that it's been established that you can buy giftcards with giftcards (and so on and so on) this is sure to be my mothers Saturday activity (after she swaps her 85 cent bread at brumbies). Lucky for her, Coles and brumbies are in the same mall and close together.
My mum reads ozbargain and knows I do too. She hasn't noticed I post yet.. I'm waiting for her to work it out!
It's your dad here, Mum knows. Oh yes Mum knows everything.
Has it been established? A few posts up suggest you don't get flybuys points for coles myer gift card and you cannot purchase coles myer gift cards with coles myers gift card.
Well there goes her saturday afternoon fun.
Coles have 20% off iTunes cards
or maybe 40%?
Well me local woolies was doing 20%, 30% and 40% for what I'm assuming were different denominations of iTunes … er .. currency.
No it's currently 20%
I think Coles group gift card does not accrue any flybuys point.
I bought a $100 coles and myers card, but I just got 100 points for that. Any ideas why?
Bonus points take a while to be updated
so can anyone actually confirm they got 3 x points by buying a coles and myers card?
Yes, I can too confirm C&M gift card earns 3X points, very surprising!
Confirmed for coles and Myers gift card…
So technically you will get 4X points when you spend the gift card back at coles…
I have an existing Coles gift card.
Is it possible to buy another Coles gift card just to get these extra Points?