This was posted 9 years 5 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

The Wire Complete 20 Disc Blu Ray Set $99.20 + $0.99 Delivered @ JB Hi-Fi


Yes its a part of the 20% off deal but the best TV series ever made deserves it own post, yo!

Credit to Deal Junkie, p1owz0r and Jabba (these guys are champs!) Extra 5% instore Thursday if you sign up to the mailing list here

If you can be bothered going instore on Thursday, that makes it even cheaper thant the $95 preorder a while back!

Format - 20 Blu-Ray, yo

Available - 19/08/15, yo

Running Time - 3561 mins, yo

Year of Production - 2002, yo

Rating - MA15+, yo


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closed Comments

  • +3

    If you sign up for their newsletter there's an additional 5% coupon for today, in store.

    • +1

      Got a link champ? Ill put it up front

        • +5

          Say what? Whats wrong with champ, yo?

          And i think your unirony detector is broken too.

          also, i cant wait til you actually post your first deal so i can repay the favours of jumping to conclusions, harsh judgement and spiteful commentary!

          Cheers buddy, have a great day.

        • +1

          Here's a link, pal.

          E-mail with barcode comes through a few mins after confirming subscription.

        • @Jabba the Hutt: top work champ!

        • +3

          "you come at the king, you best not miss"

        • @Qmar: LOL champ, well done!

        • -4

          @pointless comment: You're obviously underage, so I'll leave it at that.

        • @joeflacco: and ill leave it at this: the irony in posting further to finish by stating "ill leave it at that" as you have done is palpable.

          you should have 'left it' where you did previously - getting negged into oblivion, yo.

        • -8

          @pointless comment: Yeah, I really care about imaginary autism points on OzBargain, you degenerate wigga normie

        • @joeflacco: ok…ill let that little tirade go through to the keeper, champ.

          I do have one question - did you actually buy a copy of The Wire today, or did you just stop by to start arguments and abuse random internet folk?

          (Mods - please dont delete the above comment from joeflaccid, i am not offended, i am just amazed at how quick that escalated into such nastiness)

        • -1

          @pointless comment: Already watched The Wire.

          And you're not "random internet folk".

        • @Jabba the Hutt:

          We're not your pals, champ.

        • @DeafMutePretender: hey guy, dont u mean we're not joeflaccid's pals, friend?

        • @joeflaccid: so you clicked on the deal just to abuse someone?

        • -2

          @pointless comment: No, that's stupid logic on your behalf. How old are you?
          If you're over 30, I'll eat my hat.

  • I just got an additional 5% coupon from them by email too - suspect other mailing list members did too

    It's instore only and applies to promos

    • Oh, already posted :)

    • +1

      Well, a man's gotta have a code.

  • Show with the greatest (and worst) cops and funniest but most depressing drunken bender ever (featuring McNulty):

  • +3

    Omar's comin'!

  • +4

    Thanks OP!

    • +1

      I trust y'all have this bobblehead already…best kickstarter campaign ever…

      • I was ready to buy this until I saw it nearly costs as much as this box set!

  • Shit is Onnnnn…I'm up to Season 3 No Spoilers Yo

    • +3

      Spoiler alert: McNulty drinks liquor.

      • +4

        Spoiler alert: Omar comin

        • +3

          Spoiler: Bubs takes drugs

        • +1

          Spoiler alert: Stringer Bell is really British.

      • Girly Catholic whisky
        I prefer Protestant whisky myself

    • +2

      SPOILER: Omar dies but comes back as zombie and eats everyone. Season 4 is actually just the first season of The Walking Dead and McNulty changes his name to Rick

      • +1

        D'Angelo also isn't dead…he comes back in TWD

        Carver becomes a priest

    • +1

      In other spoilers from 2006 - Peter Brock and Steve Irwin both die, Delta Blues wins the Melbourne Cup and Crash wins the Oscar for best picture.

      • Crash, GREAT movie :)

      • and Jon Snow actually does die.

  • +1

  • have seen the series twice already, how good is the blu ray? the DVD version was sub-par, 4:3 format.

    • +3

      One of the show's creators wrote about the remastering process here - My opinion is, if you have a big widescreen TV then do it.

    • The show was framed for 4:3, so if you're a purist, the DVD is the most authentic version.

      All reports are this is a quality widescreen remaster, however, unlike that shit they tried to pull with Buffy.

      • I disagree about Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Layer was great.. I've watched it many times, but never watched it to the end ;)

    • Forget the purists. This is the version to get. I bought the widescreen off iTunes when it came out in December. If these was a 4:3 had version to compare it might be different, but it is just so f@@king beautiful in 1080p.

  • +1

    Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit what a great deal! Hope they don't String the delivery out.

  • +1

    Been looking to watch this for a while… not available to stream anywhere! Always been keeping an eye out for it in JB Hi FI, so this is perfect! $50 gift card I had lying around waiting for a good use, brings it down to $50… so happy :)

    • +2

      Good for you champ, enjoy…but it comes with a cost - tv crime/dramas are all second rate after youve seen this.

    • It has been on iTunes from day one, and you can stream off hbo now.

      • havn't been streaming HBO… but I also don't like spending $100 on digital downloads. I prefer to have this type of series on physical Blu Ray discs.

        I have made a point of buying the Sopranos, Breaking Bad and Band of Brothers etc on Blu Ray, so that I can have that box set on my shelf at home.

        Anyway, ive ordered this and it will arrive next week, so finally time to start watching this program

  • +2

    the best TV series ever made

    OMG like you need to watch Hannah Montana!!!

    • Hannah Montana is ok.
      I just had to say Diff'rent Strokes is the best show of all time. So many great one liners…every episode.

  • +1

    Back to $99 today!

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