This was posted 9 years 5 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

G1W-CB 1080p Dashcam - $49 Shipped - eBay Group Deal - 600 Units Available


Bought a number of these form a previous OzBargain deal direct form China for about $8 more than this ( Installed a couple in each of our cars, one front view & the other rear view. They works exceptionally well and I've had no problems with them at all. Props to Millzy for recommending the Samsung Memory Cards:… as they seem to suit these units perfectly and seem to address some of the issues others have using other brand/model cards.

Highly recommended, especially for this price. I'm going to get some more for Christmas presents :)

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Does anyone know what the B in the model stands for? (Battery)
    C is for capacitor.

    My screen stays on for 3 minutes, which I am sure isn't legal while driving.
    Sound recording is poor to very poor.
    Camera or power supply puts out noise on my FM radio.
    No easy button to save (protect from overwriting) current incident.
    Night vision is good as these cameras go, but could be better, particularly the dynamic range.
    60 FPS is needed for many situations, but these are only 30 FPS at best.

    Strongly recommend having camera in the front and back, but I have often wished I had about 10 around the car, some with a narrower angle lens.

    In most States/Territories the police can't prosecute a driver if they can't be identified in the video. Clearly if the car is in front then this isn't possible and even if they are coming towards you, it is unlikely that the resolution or frame rate would be high enough and that is assuming the lighting was suitable.

    • +2

      'B' is for 'Black'. The non-'B' model has a bright chrome ring around the lens making it very obvious to other drivers that you have a camera. May be an issue for some, may not be for others but it's nicer to have this 'stealth' feature for my rear-facing camera because otherwise it'd be far too obvious.

    • +1

      B for black lens ring, instead of silver.

    • These camera's can do 60fps, but yes only at 720p which isnt great. Police can prosecute a driver with information gained from the number plate. This is easily visible at 1080p

    • Erm… why wouldn't it be legal to have the dashcam screen on whilst driving? I have mine on all the time whilst driving

      • +1

        If I remember correctly, there is something along the lines of screens to not be made visible to the driver unless it is a driving aid.

        • Interesting.. though I have my dashcam sitting behind my rear view mirror, so it isn't exactly obstructing my vision.

          I like to have it always on state when driving so I can see if it's actually recording or not!

        • That seems silly considering the amount of screens many cars have these days.

        • @samfisher5986: It's specifically screens with moving video.

        • @eug:

          Oh that makes more sense.

          I have mine mounted behind my rear view mirror so only the passenger can see it.

          This does have a screensaver option though that might hide the video.

        • @samfisher5986:

          It has options to turn screen off after 3 mins, 5 mins etc., however, at least on my unit, the MINIMUM is 3 mins, which is pretty annoying(ly long) for me.

          I know as long as the light/LED in top corner is glowing, that it is powered on and recording, hence don't really care to see the video on the screen!

        • @Marty131:

          Why don't you have it mounted behind your rear view mirror like me?

        • @samfisher5986:

          I have it mounted just to the passenger side of rear view mirror (so screen cannot be seen from driving position).

          The angle of my windscreen plus the "arm" length of the mirror means there is definitely no space behind the mirror.

    • give it a good whack to trigger the crash detection and lock the clip :P

    • +1

      "No easy button to save (protect from overwriting) current incident."

      Press one of the 4 main buttons next to the LCD screen (I believe bottom right?), it will lock the clip for you! A "key" icon will be overlaid onto the display indicating successful lock.

  • Are these particularly hard to install?

    • +3

      Suction cup and cigarette lighter adaptor is included. Takes all of about 30 seconds to install them that way and another few minutes to setup the options then that's it… unless you want to do what I did and feed the cable up the A-pillar and through the roof lining then build a custom power supply so they're as 'hidden' as possible… but that is extreme ;)

      • Do you need to turn it on everytime you drive or is it all automated?

        • +2


        • +3

          Fully automated. As soon as the units get power they boot up and begin recording. When they lose power the capacitor keeps them going enough for a safe clean shutdown. Once you've set one up properly you wont even know it's there!

        • Cheers guys.

      • +1

        ^ - This

        Very easy to run cables through the A pillar and through your dash
        just takes a little work and googling to see how to do it

        Just watch out where you route cables if you have a airbag in the A pillar

  • +1

    Thanks - got one …

  • +1

    thanks, got one.

  • How long would the delivery be?

    • Interestingly the eBay checkout process states: Standard delivery from outside AU Est. delivery between Fri. 25 Sep. - Thu. 8 Oct. which kinda tells me that they're not actually local stock at all. Still unless you really need one 'today' this is about normal for Chinese stuff.

      • Item location: Shenzhen, GUANGDONG, China

  • +1

    Have been using the blueksy G1W-C version for about a year.

    Only issues I've come across is on the very very hot days of summer aka 40 degrees, the date/time function will reset every time i start up the car. Other than that it has been working perfectly fine with high quality vids

  • got one, cheers op

  • is there some sort of list of memory cards that this unit accepts? or is it only the samsung one the OP linked to?

    • Check dashcamtalk and see if they have one - the G1W are fairly popular on there. The issue with most SD cards is limited to class 10 cards, most times I've seen people having issues it's been with a class 10, though Samsung class 10 cards seem fine.

  • I had a g1w-c that failed, cost me $20 to return it. I wonder what the warranty return is like here?

    Just looked at seller, another shenzen supplier despite ebay name "stockinau", stock and seller in China.

    So no Australian law, no effective warranty in Australia and $20 to return if it goes wrong.

    I would be much keener if an Australian return address was supplied from "stockinau".

    • Important information 
      Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure.

      • sadly this mean nothing, as Australian law means nothing in China. At best, you send it back, they check it, send you a new one or money back. Either way you will be down $20 if it goes wrong and they refund, or $49 if you just bin it.

        Good luck. Mine worked for a while and had great video quality, but like others, it was unreliable, and there is no point in a car camera that doesn't just work.

        • It was directly from the ebay listing so someone's got to abide by it

    • When these units start failing on us (I bought one today) we may be able to do a mass shipment back to save money.

  • +1

    Do you guys think it is neater to get a mirror mount?

    Also, does it record sound? Or just video? (Newbie to dashcams here)

  • I bought this one a year ago or so (the one with the silver ring). It sometimes power cycles. Don't know what is wrong, maybe a loose connection somewhere. Already replaced the USB cable.

    • Mine was doing this recently, and turned out memory card was full (which really should not cause a power cycle…). Anyway, since formatting memory card, has been good for a few weeks now.

      *Note: memory card was full with "locked" videos that I had manually marked (funny moments / dodgy drivers etc., nothing too interesting though!).

  • so this thing wont work while parked? (to see if someone scratches ur car etc?)

    • +1

      No it doesn't. I think you need to spend a bit more money to get that feature.

    • not unless you have an always-on lighter socket. or wire one up to the battery

    • cool thanks guess i might give it a miss then, also given the bad review a few posts down…..

      • +3

        You won't get anything better anywhere near this price range.

      • +3

        I wouldn't pay too much attention, there are always going to be faulty units. Look up reviews for the G1W-CB, it universally recognised as one of the best lower-end dash cameras.

        • +1

          Agreed. I have had one for over a year, very happy with it.

    • +1

      I want this feature too. Can anyone reccomend a camera that has it?

      • As do I - Any suggestions?

      • Have a Google around for it, the feature you want is commonly know as "Parking Mode"

    • *Tear apart the charger and connect it to somewhere that always has power, preferably fused.

      *I am not liable for any fires, damage, explosions etc. this causes.

  • +1

    I have this exact same one since early this year.

    Not Recommended.
    1. Every now and then the camera won't automatically turn on, I have to push to power button to turn on, then it will start recording automatically as normally do.
    2. Corrupt last file recording while device is shutting down
    3. Lost all settings (date / time, exposure, etc)
    4. Suction cups falls off time and times again.
    5. Finally totally killed my Sandisk memory card, no longer detected in computer, lost all recordings.

    Save your money, save your grief.

    Other than it has good quality recording (when it works).

    • +2

      Sorry to hear that but the five units I bought all work perfectly and I really do think it's all down to the brand/model of memory card used. Regarding the suction cup mount my friend (who's using the 5th unit I bought) has had no problems at all as long as you don't expect the suction cup to hold onto the black dotted shading found on most modern cars up near the rear-vision mirror. Avoid that and it should stick for a very long time if not forever.

    • Is yours the model with a battery (G1W or G1WH) or a capacitor (G1W-C or G1W-CB like this one)?
      If it's with a battery then the battery may be degraded and no longer charges.

    • I have used same model for over 1 year now.

      1. Have previously had no issues with camera NOT turning on, although, about 2 weeks ago had some power cycle issues (randomly resetting), but a format of the SD card fixed this. Otherwise, rock solid reliability.
      2. Have never had a corrupt file recording (that I know of).
      3. Never lost settings (I reckon parking car outside in Summer heat all day long will cook the unit though)
      4. Suction cups: I can agree with DaveMurphy here: every now and then it will lose its suction and drop down whilst driving!, but I wouldn't let this deter you from buying it - you can find a work around

      Overall: I'm happy with the unit. Only negative is that, while it is still small, it is easily noticeable by passengers… Always a conversation starter whenever you have a new passenger. Compared to some more expensive units (around $100+), this is big and not stealthy.

      • +3

        Hi SteveAndBelle, Dacs, Marty131,

        No problem, I am just speaking from my experience and I understand if other people's results may vary. :)

        1. I have the capacitor one model G1W-C with the silver lens ring which I bought from gearbest.
          I park the car in open mostly during the day, that's why I got the capacitor one which won't explode.

        2. I know and avoided the black dots on windscreen, and I thoroughly cleaned with isopropyl alcohol too before applying the suction. Every few months it falls off and I just have to reattach again.

        3. The camera always have few seconds to shut down and write the file (screen says goodbye), but sometimes this very last file still corrupts when played on computer.

        4. I formatted the memory card on the camera everytime I have problem.
          With this another brand new & genuine SanDisk memory card I occasionally still have the camera not turning on (has to be turned on manually), so every time I get on the car I have to remind myself to check if the camera is on or not.

        Again, I am speaking from my own experience and Who knows the have fixed the issues with these new stocks now!

        • I think it's great you shared your experience! I wanted to share mine as well, as mine was different. Quite often people tend to only write / review / share feedback when it is negative.

          In any case, this is what forums are for! Hearing the voice of the many.


          Pity you haven't had much luck with yours though Dave… Will you grab a different model perhaps?

        • Have you torn the camera apart to see if it is legit? And could it be a power supply issue?

  • Anyone found a hard wiring kit for cheap?

    • +4

      There are singles for $20:… and duals for $30:… however I'd highly recommend you just do what I did and get yourself one of these DC-DC Buck modules for $1.10:… and either whck it into a small box or simply cover it in heatshrink and cable-tie it to a loom or something convenient inside your dash. These small Buck modules are fully adjustable via the multi-turn potentiometer so you can dial up whatever voltage you want BUT of course you must set them for 5V before connecting the cameras!! These modules can easily power two cameras too. $1.10 very well spent :)


        Thanks :) Got 5 ! these will come handy.

        • Yep! I've gone through quite a few of these modules. Soooo friggin' handy to keep in stock for us tinkerers :)

        • @SteveAndBelle: Stupid question maybe, but what's the point of hard wiring vs using what's provided and using a dual cigarette lighter adapter?

        • +1

          @plasmapuff: Main reason… to keep the car cabin cable-free, neat & tidy. A lot of effort but the outcome is just sooo much nicer.

        • +1


          Edit: Just saw your other post. Thanks! :)

        • @SteveAndBelle: Thanks! So if you wanted 2 cams (front and rear), you'd get 2x… ?

        • @plasmapuff: Nah, one DC-DC Buck Module easily powers two cams.

        • +1

          @vvti85: Ha, I was about to reply to you too! You're too quick :) You will need to do some very simple soldering or get a friend to help but apart from that it's very simple electronics. Set the voltage first via the multi-turn potentiometer (brass screw in that pic) and keep the polarity in check and you'll be A-OK.

        • +1

          @SteveAndBelle: Just be sure to use correctly-sized cable, otherwise the voltage drop going to the rear camera might be too high.

      • Mate, thanks for the tips. Any chance of a pic or two of yours so us less "technical" folk can do this? And thanks for the heads I, I just purchased one!

        • What pics would you like exactly? I can take some but they're not going to reveal much sorry as it's all installed now so most of it is hidden.

        • Lol, I didn;t think of that! Not to worry mate, I think I'll be able to glean enough info from the thread to wire it up :)

          Did you take a feed from your cigarette lighter or a 12v supply somewhere else?


        • @bassmaniac69: I literally just tapped straight off the connectors on the rear of the cigarette lighter socket because 1. it was in a super-convenient place there and 2. it's already fused so adding the extra fuse just gives the whole setup that little bit more safety. Absolutely OTT but hey so simple to do while you're stuffing around so why not :)

        • Here you go BassManiac, I've just taken some pics. See this post:…

      • +1

        Another option - use one of these, and then use a USB to MiniUSB cable. No need to splice or solder. It is also fixed to 5V output so no need to set the voltage.…

        • +1

          GASP… that's 28c more expensive than my DC-DC module :p

  • Does anyone know how to keep the zoom setting each time it boots up? Or is it not possible to set the zoom level at all automatically?

    • +2

      Considering its digital zoom I wouldn't bother. Just do it later in your video editing software.

  • +1

    I love how originally they had sold 26 and there was only 595 left.
    Now there is only 586 left but 113 bought! haha

  • For anyone who hasn't bought one yet, I would suggest looking at the G1WC i.e. capacitor version. They tend to run $10-15 more expensive but from what I've read it will be worth it in the longer term given our summer temps.

    IIRC I get about 10min 1080p footage per 1gb so if you're using it purely as an accident/insurance camera then even an 8gb card (which is what I have) will be enough.

    • +6

      This IS the capacitor version! It's a G1W-CB… 'C' is for Capacitor and 'B' is for Black.

      • +3

        Ooh my bad! Saw "B" and somehow didn't register the C before it!

        I'll vouch for the excellence of this cam :D

  • Is there any way to confirm these are not the fake models that are going around?
    The fake ones apparently are slower and less reliable.

    On dashcams forums, it says to get it from one particular seller. Which I have done and haven't had any issues in 5 units I've purchased over the past 2 years in different cars

    • Ive gotten a G1W-C from these guys and it was legit.

  • Nice deal, but personally would prefer a deal on the Mini 0805 dash cam. Smaller and unobtrusive.

    • Is this dash cam obtrusive?

      • maybe not … I should have just left it at "smaller" :)

        • +1

          My car has a bit of a cramped windscreen / rear view mirror, so the G1W-C stands out quite noticeably. The only reason I would upgrade would be to get something smaller and stealthier…

          However, I've noticed (only since worrying about the dash cam being obtrusive), most other cars have much "roomier" configuration on their windscreens - not sure if it is the angle?, and that it would be much easier to hide away. My car is a Kia Cerato for the record.

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