Bought a number of these form a previous OzBargain deal direct form China for about $8 more than this ( Installed a couple in each of our cars, one front view & the other rear view. They works exceptionally well and I've had no problems with them at all. Props to Millzy for recommending the Samsung Memory Cards:… as they seem to suit these units perfectly and seem to address some of the issues others have using other brand/model cards.
Highly recommended, especially for this price. I'm going to get some more for Christmas presents :)
I've emailed the seller via Ebay, I recommend you do too so he/she knows how many buyers are affected. The seller also sells the suction mount and mirror mount in his/her Ebay store. Hopefully he/she will sort it out quickly.
Also, is your dash cam in a bubble wrap bag inside the box or sits in the foam wrapping? Inside the box, there is a foam at the top with a middle bit cut out, this hole seem to be perfect for the cam, but the cam is not there. Only after removing the foam, and the middle section cupboard, then the cam is beneath it in a bubble wrap bag along with all the other cables and mounts. Looks like someone just put all the components inside the box, a bit like a home-made job. Now I am bit worry that the cam may not be a genuine or good qualify production, but a knock-off cheap copy.