This was posted 9 years 6 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PrivateInternetAccess 2-Years PIA VPN Service for US $59.95 (~AU $86)


PrivateInternetAccess are offering their popular VPN service for $59.95 (USD) for a 2-year subscription. The usual price is $39.95 p/year so that's a saving of $19.95 (USD) for a 24-month subscription.

Works out to be $2.50 (USD) p/month.

Not sure when this expires so jump on it while you can.

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Referrers and referees receive 30 days free.

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closed Comments

  • +7

    I'd recommend these guys if you're looking for a VPN, have been with them for a while now with no issues. Did my research before i signed up too.

    • +4

      i vouch for these guys too, been using them since they had the special up long time ago.
      speeds are not affected for me, tested on optus cable 100mb and tpg adsl2+

      have been recommending them to all my friends who ask which vpn to sign up with.

    • Mullvad is based in Sweden and many people in another forum suggested them over PIA in terms of privacy.

      • many people in another forum suggested them over PIA in terms of privacy.

        any specifics on the privacy concerns? I haven't seen anything to make me worry about PIA's privacy policy…

  • +1

    I purchased PIA for the same price a couple of months ago and it was around $78AUD at the time. The exchange rate is even worse nowadays D: it's always few dollars more than what google EX says, so I think it will be close to $90 (says $85.51 on google). PIA IS decent but not sure if it's worth THAT much

  • Any views on speed reduction when using on PIA? Am looking for the fastest VPN.

    • PIA is probably the quickest you're going to get. I max out at around 3MB a second with PIA. Good pings with local servers

      • +2

        Do you mean megabits or megabytes? What server? When I connect to US East or Netherlands (for privately torrenting "linux iso") the max I have seen is ~600kB/s. I'm still happy with it though. I just leave it on overnight. I am on 25Mb fibre connection.

        • This is my issue too. My linux iso's only download at a max of 600kb/s as well. You're not with iinet are you? My internet seems to crawl once my VPN starts pulling some traffic from 2mb/s down to 600kb/s. Even other computers in my household crawl when the VPN is in use.

          I suspect they are doing some sort of packet inspection and limiting me when they see VPN traffic.

        • I meant Megabytes as suggested. I normally connect to the Melbourne server but will switch as required. I'm on Optus 100mbit.

        • @r0ger:

          I'm quite sure ISP's in Australia don't do packet inspection… they just do some basic P2P blocking and overall throttling but thats it.

          I'm guessing your issue is something else.

    • I find youtube & netflix streams faster with PIA than no VPN. Especially during 5-8pm.

      The joys of shitty ADSL :(

  • What's their logging/privacy policy like? What are their views on torrenting?

    • +2

      They don't log.
      I get around 30mbps down on a 100mbps NBN connection via their Silicon Valley server.

      • Wow, you're so lucky! I too have 100mbps NBN and am only getting 6.07Mbps down! Thinking of switching service providers due to the appalling speed. Without VPN it's 93.28mbps, so 1/15th speed is unacceptable.

    • +7

      They say that they don't log. As with most of these services, if law enforcement were to lean on them, they'd cough up your details pretty smartly. Rather you than them.

      If one were paranoid, one could think that a service like this would be a great honeypot to catch those trying to hide something.

      • +2

        Details is one thing. History is another. Can't give what they don't keep?

        • +5

          Its a U.S based company, they'd be shut down just like lavabit if they didn't keep a history.

        • +1

          They probably do log, but lets assume they don't.

          Police ask PIA for your history, they say they don't have any.

          Police ask them to log you for a week and then hand over the data.

          They do that, and you are caught.

          What is the real difference here?

      • That's a bloody good point!

    • +2

      Oh I forgot I came across this TorrentFreak article.

  • Doesn't seem you can buy this deal on an existing account…

  • +1

    I max my 12mbit adsl2 connection easily with PIA with Usenet.

    • server?

  • +4

    Please note there is an automatic 2 year billing cycle!

  • Any one know if you already have account it will restart ur current plan or add to it , i still have 3 months to go on current plan

    • Negative. Just confirmed with PIA via live chat. You have to start a new account.

  • -2

    I went with ibVPN back in April. $US 59 for 3 years, never had an issue with them.

    Mod: Affliate link removed
    See commenting guidelines

    Or just the normal link here

  • Great service, and this is a better saving than the $50 I pay per year.

  • It is cheaper to buy telstra starter kit for half price and pay with telstra credit and in-app purchase

    • Can you post more details about this?

      • +4

        each Telstra starter kit has $30 on it. You usually buy when they are at $15.

        You will need two because the year pia subs is AU$41 per year.

        You activate both starter pack, and then move the credit from one to the second using credit me2u. You will end up with $59, then you buy the pia subscription. And you can use the other ~$17 for other apps.

        • This is in the Google Play store?

        • +1


          sorry, yes in-app purchase in google pay store. you will get an username and password and works for mobile, laptop, routers, …

        • @aldoduco:

          Now I've just gotta get my hands on an Android phone.

        • @aldoduco: Hi, I tried your method and it says the method 'Bill my Telstra account' has been declined. I went through to the 'enter your email address' page and chose VPN yearly for $39.95.

          Could you kindly give more details on how you used Telstra live billing to buy the subscription?


        • @jpwwong:

          Did you install the app and then try the yearly subs? Do you have enough credit? have you buy apps before using telstra credit? if not, buy a $0.99 app to see if that works.

        • @aldoduco: Thanks mate, I'm not sure why it didn't work before. I bought a 90c app, and then tried it again, this time it went through.

          Thanks for the tip! Finally have something to buy with my excess Telstra credit…

        • Telstra only allows users to pay maximum 20 bucks each time.

        • +3


          They raised it to 100 a few months ago

        • will this purchasing method work for this 2 years deal? And do they charge in AUD or in USD?

    • Can this be done with Windows desktop or ios device? We have no Android devices in the house. i have about $300 Telstra credit!

      • not on IOS, not sure about windows.

      • Can try installing BlueStacks on your PC - that'll let you run Android on Windows and you should be able to do it from there

        • But for Telstra billing to work it needs to detect the SIM card in the device.

  • +1

    PIA is highly recommended by me - can pull about 200mbit through them (using all 5 sessions) and can do about 10TB a month in traffic no problems.

  • +1

    How private is this privateinternetaccess? NSA private or Ashley Madison private?

  • So why does people need this service for?

    • Because are wicked government is going to log everything we do before the end of the year.

  • +3

    Ive been using them to deal with my uTorrent "stuff", just leave it on after I go to bed and most "stuff" is finished when I get up.

    • What server do you use when downloading "utorrent stuff"?

      • LOL I just press auto :/ But Im a guessing from this thread that I should stay away from AU servers.

      • I get good speeds from sweden, and it's not in AUS/USA so that's always safer.

  • They accept payments in US gift cards too.

    • Does paying by the gift cards cost more?

      • I don't think so. You are able to buy the gift cards at a discount, so it works out a better deal from pricing and privacy perspectives.

        • I am thinking of the gift cards more so in regards to the privacy issue. But from the reading that I did on their website it seemed to cost more or at least that is how I remember it. Will look into it again when I am home.

        • @pauper: My apologies. Gift card purchases are for set number of days. $50 gets only 365 days.

  • bought this during the last deal … 2years 59.95 but with better exchange rate .. super easy to use but not that fast

    • Really? My NAS maxes out my ADSL2 connection perfectly fine.

      • im on ADSL2+ and i get consistent 8Mbs down but when i connect to east-coast US server (usually the best) it drops between 1-2 Mbs

      • What NAS are you using? I've got a QNAP412.

        • +1

          I use a Synology DS213j.

  • Just purchased the deal but i have a question if i'm torrenting am i meant to select a server outside AU or it doesn't matter?

    • Any server within AU will be logging your data.

      • So i use a server outside of AU and i'm fine?

        • +1

          Most people will agree if you are outside of AU you are probably fine. But if you want to be very safe you are better off staying out of any western country.

  • could this be configured at the modem to allow all connecting devices such as a TV to use the VPN to by pass regional restriction? If not, is there any way to configure the settings on smart TVs?

    • +1

      Only if you have a modem that supports it. You can read about it here:

      • Wondering if setting up a cheap router as an access point is a better option. Flash the router with DD-WRT, which supports PIA VPN. Need to cast Netflix to chromecast and roku 3.

  • Arent these guys based in the US? any worries about torrents, im currently with Express

    • +1

      This is what confuses me about the decisions some people make.

      Media companies are taking people in the US to court and demanding huge sums of money. None of that has happened in Australia.

      Yet we want to get a VPN in US which likely increases your chances of these media companies making the VPN company log your data and hand it over to them.

      Now they have all your data without having to go through the Australian court system which is going to be a lot worse. Even with the new Australian laws a media company can't ask for "dzrbam's" entire Internet history, they can only ask for specific information.

  • I have ADSL2+ at home and it isn't very fast.. But I was just wondering will it affect my speed a lot? I've had experience with a VPN before where it slowed down my speed and youtube videos would consistently have buffer time…

    • Yes it would… My ADSL2 is really bad and it just makes it a lot worse, depends on the server used.

    • +1

      I go through California, US with PIA and haven't noticed a speed decrease, my DL's max out no problems. I limit my VPN purely to my NAS, so things like my XBone, TV's, mobile phones, etc. connect to my local ISP.

    • It depends. I'm only on ADSL, get 1MB/s download normally, and get about 800KB/s while using PIA connected to USA for Netflix or Sweden for……..other stuff.

  • +1

    I dunno, personally I wouldn't get a VPN through USA or similar countries. So many people just care about speed "it's good because I get these great speeds so I recommend it", what about actual privacy? Isn't that the whole point of a VPN?

    I remember reading somewhere about VPN's in the US/UK etc being compromised, they say they aren't logging but how can you be sure? And even if they don't, what's stopping them from starting if it's requested and demanded by the law?

    I also read that the best bet is to get a VPN through a country that has that particular privacy issue in their constitution so the chances of the law changing down the road is highly unlikely, from memory: Brazil, Argentina, Sweden, Tonga and Belarus pop into my mind.

    I'm not expert though, but have been meaning to research this more

    • +1

      Reading the article from torrent freak linked above, U.S. servers shouldn't be an issue because at the other end of the tunnel you're IP is shared by many users so it is difficult to say who downloaded a torrent. Although to be safe you could use non US servers.

  • +1

    Just signed up. Can anyone recommend non AUS/US servers that give good speeds? Hoping to err on the side of caution by avoiding the two. Thanks in advance.

    • I tried Singapore server. Non-VPN 16 Mbps. VPN Singapore 14 Mbps. Insane! I thought it would be 6-7 Mbps only.

  • mark

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