This was posted 9 years 4 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Weekly Bundle: Heroes Might and Magic from $1


Finally! A decent bundle!

Heroes might and magic series from $1!

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Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

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  • Why doesn't this link to the Humble Bundle page directly?

  • +1

    Wow.. good bundle. Thanks OP. Unfortunately so many of them are on uplay. BUying the $10 anyway! :)

  • +1

    Finally! A decent bundle!

    It's a return of a bundle that was on about 4 months ago, so I think most people will already have it if they wanted it. Having said that, the top tier is $5 cheaper, so that might be enough to get people interested.

    Btw, you should link directly to the Humble Bundle website:

    • The higher exchange rate back then probably made up the difference.

  • +7

    Most of them are uplay. That's no bargain…

    • It does its job. Sure, I prefer Steam, but UPlay isn't that bad.

      • To use a relationship analogy, a game with uplay is like having sex with someone you like, and then getting a STD afterward!

  • So confused. What doesn't it include?

    • +3

      $1 or more

      • Heroes of Might & Magic II + Expansion [DRM Free]
      • Heroes of Might & Magic IV + Both Expansions [U-Play]
      • The first 6 Might & Magic games [U-Play]
      • Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack [Browser Game]
      • Might & Magic Heroes VII Beta Key [Valid Until September 2]

      Beat the Average

      • Heroes of Might & Magic [DRM Free]
      • Heroes of Might & Magic V + Both Expansions [U-Play]
      • Might & Magic Heroes VI + 2 DLC [U-Play]
      • Dark Messiah of Might & Magic [Steam]
      • Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes + I Am The Boss DLC [Steam]

      $10 or more

      • Heroes of Might and Magic III HD Edition [Steam]
      • Might & Magic X Legacy + The Falcon & The Unicorn DLC [U-Play]
      • Might & Magic Heroes VI Shades of Darkness Expansion [U-Play]
      • Might & Magic Duel of Champions – Starter Pack [Browser Game]

      Some Commentary

      The Heroes of Might and Magic games are turn-based strategy games. The first one is 20 years old this month.

      Heroes 2 and 4 are complete games at the $1 level, there isn't anything you are missing out on. Heroes 1 and 5 at the beat the average level are also complete games with all expansions included.

      Heroes 6 plus both DLC were made by one studio and Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness is a stand-alone expansion made by a different studio. Together at the $10 level that is everything released for that game.

      Heroes 3 was recently remade in HD however it is missing both of the expansion packs because the developers could not track down a copy of the source code for either expansion pack. You can find the non-HD version along with both expansions on

      The (non-Heroes) Might and Magic games are role playing games. The first one will be 30 next year, but there is also a newer one (X: Legacy) included.

      Also included in the pack are some spin-off games, including in Dark Messiah (an Action-RPG) and Clash of Heroes (a puzzle RPG).


      It contains every Heroes of Might & Magic Game released so far (excluding the 2 expansions for Heroes 3). It contains Might and Magic 1-6 plus 10 (missing 7, 8 and 9).

      • +1

        That commentary/summary is what I was after.. Thanks!

      • Heroes 3 was recently remade in HD however it is missing both of the expansion packs because the developers could not track down a copy of the source code for either expansion pack. You can find the non-HD version along with both expansions on

        That's strange. Does the source code not exist or were 3DO/NWC unwilling to hand it over? If they were able to acquire the source code for the base game, you'd think they could get the expansions too.

        • I wouldn't be surprised to see it "found" some day in the future.

  • I don't know anything about Might and Magic except for the fact that I'll enjoy at least something on this massive list due to a fondness for RPG, strategy and fantasy. Someone who knows about Might and Magic tell me which tier contains the 'best' games? :D

    • Definitely try the Heroes III HD Edition (Tier $10)

      VI is also not bad!(Second Tier)

    • Heroes IV wasn't all that well received (although I like it). The very first one can be a little hard to stomach these days, but the rest have help up quite well.

      My pick would have to be number V, along with both expansions.

      • +1

        If you're used to the way the series played up until IV, you would not like IV because it shakes up the formula and makes radical changes to it. The fact that they reverted all the changes in V onwards is indication that the fanbase was not on board with IV's attempt to revolutionize the series.

        The worst part for me was that the attacking unit and the attackee's retaliation was simultaneous, meaning casualties are guaranteed and there's no advantage to being the attacker. Previously, if you had a strong stack attack another stack, that stack will suffer some casualties before it can retaliate, reducing the damage of the retaliation. Now you take full damage from the retaliation, so you are going to lose more units, which means you must spend more time reinforcing your army, which drags the game out longer. Even ranged units attacking another ranged unit will be retaliated on, which didn't happen previously. Ranged attacks were free from retaliation before IV.

    • +1

      Heroes II and III were the best in the series, but they might look a bit dated now, especially II which ran at 640x480. The soundtrack in this series is absolutely amazing. The same two composers did the whole series, are they are some seriously talented dudes.

      • +1

        I like Heroes 5 because it took the best parts of the skill system from 3 and 4 and combined them into a fairly unique skill wheel system.

        I have the soundtracks for the first 5 HOMM games (comes with the version) and Paul Romero and Robert King composed the music for all of those games. You are right that the music is amazing.

        • +1

          5 was good. My main complaint with it is that the 3D map obscures a lot of things, and you have to rotate it frequently to see what's hiding behind objects. The town screens are gorgeous, if somewhat less practical.

          I hated the design of 6. First for not having a town screen (added in later but doesn't look as cool as 5's), but the difficulty was ridiculous. It was designed so that you couldn't explore, you had to rush to the end battle for each map or the last battle would be impossible to beat. I spent 40 hours clearing a map (I like to explore 100%) but his army grew for each turn I spent exploring, and I couldn't win and had to start over. 40 hours that I won't get back. And this happened quite consistently. A HOMM game that punishes you for taking your time and exploring the pretty map… smh. It did do some things right though, like the ability to recruit all troops from any town as long as it's the same type of town, and the domain system where if you capture a castle, you get all the mines with it and the enemy can't annoyingly take a mine back from you without retaking the castle.

          My favorite soundtrack was Homm2. I listen to it all the time.

  • +3

    Unfortunately, I hate Uplay.

    • +1

      I know. I got all excited and then… saw uplay. Ehhh. Now i'm torn.

  • +1

    If you are jumping into Heroes 5 for the first time you might find the skill system a little complicated at first. Each skill can be learned up to 3 levels (Basic, Advanced and Expert) and each skill can also have 3 abilities associated with it. Each skill has 3 basic abilities but some skills have more advanced abilities that might only be available if you have previously learned some other specific skills.

    This is further complicated by some patches to the base game significantly reworking a lot of skills, and the second expansion pack reworking all of the skills again, which can lead to finding conflicting information online if you are not paying attention to the version.

    I found these two skill wheels (flash sorry) invaluable:

    For the base game just ignore the Runemage class.

  • I cannot understate just how amateur uplay is, both client and website. The client doesn't allow you to change your account settings. I don't know if it's a bug or just bad, but if you click on account information, it just tells you this is a list of games you own. It doesn't let you change your email address or details which is what I'm trying to do. I don't know about you but "Account information" to me means your personal details. To Ubisoft, it means 'game library'. There is nowhere else in the client that you can change your details.

    So I try using the website to do it…

    Once you've signed in, you cannot sign out. You cannot change your details there either. I get a feeling there is a button that's supposed to appear somewhere for functions like these, but those buttons aren't loading because of some problem on the server end. I have tried this on 3 different browsers, all the same result. IE won't even load the Uplay site. Firefox and Edge will load it and let me login, but I can't log out or do anything on the page. I've pretty much run out of browsers I can attempt to login to Uplay with. Chrome doesn't work on my PC right now for some reason.

    Uplay is definitely not ready for prime time. I thought Origin was bad, this thing takes the cake.

    I can't change my email address. All I can do is create a new account with the new email address, but I won't be able to use my old username. The first username I wanted is unavailable, which is unusual. I've never run into anyone on the net who wants to use the name 'lostn'. I thought it was unique to me. Perhaps I was the one who created it a long time ago and forgot about it? Maybe I should try logging in as lostn and entering a password which I'm pretty sure I will know what it is. Nope. You can only login by email address, not by username. Steam and origin both let you login as either email or username. If someone else took the name, I would have no way of knowing it was them and not me. And I don't know what email address it could have been registered under, if it was me.

    Amateurs. That's all I can say.

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