Get this Exclusive Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ Bundle from OZScopes Today. Come with free solar filter for solar observation.
*Whilst Stock Last
Get this Exclusive Celestron Powerseeker 60AZ Bundle from OZScopes Today. Come with free solar filter for solar observation.
*Whilst Stock Last
Hi Myoda,
Currently we don't have deals on dobs. However, i can offer you an Eyepiece and filter kit at no charge if you get dob 12 collapsible from us.……
Let me know if you are interested.
Those deals are anything but bargains.…
Collapsible 12" skywatcher $1399.
Same eyepiece kit for $199 with telescope purchase.
So $1598 for same deal OP offered.
Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong.
Also for pity sake OP make sure if you're selling a solar scope this cheaply that people understand that this kind of filter needs to be regularly checked for light leaks so they don't damage people's eyes. A good glass filter is more expensive. Thousand Oaks have been around for ages in the US but the filter will cost you more than the scope in the original deal.
Any good for spying the neighbours?
Depends if its worth the time. I live in an area with older folk so its off to bed around 730. It's also not that interesting to watch an old bloke listen to the wireless.
Hi ca6leguy,
This telescope are not suitable for "syping" neighbours. i will suggest you to get a Binocular or Spotting scope for land viewing purpose.
Are you high? Don't encourage idiots to misuse telescopes or you'll find they go the way of the laser pointer. Do you want to be selling scopes into the future?
Using telescopes to spy on people is idiotic and will end up getting telescopes banned. Ozbargainers clearly don't care if amateur astronomy ends up regulated into oblivion!
Thanks for the comments. Allow me to explain my reply, i do receive similar reply in the past, so regardless it is joke or not, i will only advise telescope are not suitable for "spying" at neighbour and proper wording of "land viewing" is using instead of for those are making joke.
However, having said above, i do apologize of what you concerned, we will reply properly in the future to avoid any misleading.
Can you use a dslr with this telescope with a mount of course?
Hi Seal,
Basically, any telescope below 70mm can't use together with DSLR. If you wish to do astrophotography, it will be better if you invest on bigger telescope. Our popular f/5 telescope for beginner will be 130/650mm, around $400 while 150/750 will be around $500~600 depend on brand and mount you choosing.
Okay, thanks for the info :D
It's doable just not with a cheap 60mm refractor and a cheap telescope adapter. Also the larger the main mirror or objective lens, the more light (double the diameter = quadruple the light).…
Possum Observatory - John Drummond × 466Search by image
60mm f5 Williams Optics refractor. 350d DSLR. 25 x 5 minutes @ 800 ISO.
Not a bad deal, though you will only be able to see the moon and perhaps faint planets with something this small…
Got any deals on 10" or 12" dobs or similar?