TigerAir is having a huge sale across most of its domestic Network. Prices listed are for one-way flights
Sydney to Adelaide(iwantthatflight.com.au) $65
Sydney to Gold Coast(iwantthatflight.com.au) $39
Sydney to Melbourne(iwantthatflight.com.au) $49
Sydney to Perth(iwantthatflight.com.au) $135
Melbourne to Hobart(iwantthatflight.com.au) $39
Melbourne to Adelaide(iwantthatflight.com.au) $45
Melbourne to Sydney(iwantthatflight.com.au) $49
Melbourne to Perth(iwantthatflight.com.au) $135
Brisbane to Adelaide(iwantthatflight.com.au) $79
Brisbane to Melbourne(iwantthatflight.com.au) $29
Perth to Melbourne(iwantthatflight.com.au) $135
Perth to Sydney(iwantthatflight.com.au) $135
Adelaide to Brisbane(iwantthatflight.com.au) $79
Adelaide to Melbourne(iwantthatflight.com.au) $45
Prices shown here do not have CC fees and prices shown on IWantThatFlight.com.au include CC fees. However, just choose TigerAir as the supplier and you will be able to pay by POLi or Paypal and avoid the CC fees.
If you'd like to use Price Match to fly on Jetstar for 10% less, we wrote a guide:
How to use Jetstar Price Match(iwantthatflight.com.au)
Some important stuff
Prices shown here include CC/booking fees. Prices are good until sold out.
And a bit more…
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All our flights on a Map http://iwantthatflight.com.au/world.aspx?afid=70
PM with Jetstar, and you get another 10% off and no credit card fees (when paying by card)