I'm a completely random person with practically no insightful information to offer the public. I have made no major achievements in my life, aged 33 and still live with my parents. Go ahead and ask me anything.
I'm a completely random person with practically no insightful information to offer the public. I have made no major achievements in my life, aged 33 and still live with my parents. Go ahead and ask me anything.
It was the year I came to Australia.
From where?
What's the difference between real and make believe?
Reality an make belive are both a matter of perception and interpretation.
For example, if you are a crazy person hallucinating about some 'fantasy land', who's to say that's not reality to them?
See: Fight Club.
Brilliant movie.
I really developed this perception after seeing a set from Jim Jeffries who quotes "I think, therefore I am. You know that you exist".
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away ;-)
Watch Inception
Is it better to be liked or feared?
Whichever gets you the results you strive for.
A combination of both in different settings would be benifical in my opinion.
Ultimately, it depends on the situation as both will be useful traits to have throughout life.
I see it this way:
Being Liked requires more upfront and continual effort, but should guarantee long term payback (people help out / do things / look out for people they like).
Being Feared requires little upfront effort and can have immediate payoff (people will do something because they're scared of you) BUT it gets you no long term loyalty. People will stab you in the back the first chance they get.
Both is better
I like people to fear how much they like me
There are more people living with their parents than you think. It's not exactly a unusual or shameful 'title' to have.
Just say you're taking care of your parents :)
I initially left home when I was 17 and have landed back here now. Don't aim to be here long.
In most asian cultures, it is a norm.
In soviet russia, parents live with you.
All the cool people live with their parents. At least that's what I tell myself.
All the ozbargainers live with their parents, because who the hell here can afford a house in Sydney…
Because houses in Sydney are not bargain.
ozbargainers can't, osbargainers can.
I once read that 33 is too old to be living with your parents.
It was on a note… on my bed… signed by my Mum.
Red or Blue?
Red for FPS, Blue for strategy.
What's the biggest regret you have in life?
Hurting people who didn't deserve it, emotionally and physically.
Is that the "Payne" in your username?
If you see those people now, what would you say to them?
Oh shit, we are getting deep now…
I don't feel anything I could say would amend the pain I caused. But if they were willing to listen, I would attempt to explain what was happening in my head at that point in time so they could better understand my actions.
Most of the people I hurt in my life deserved it for one reason or another, although, those who didn't I feel tremendous guilt and remorse.
There is only a few which is good, but I generally feel horrible at least once a month for those people I impacted negatively.
I was with this lovely girl when I was younger for about 7 months. Really had potential of growing into something nice. One night I got drunk and went out and ultimately ended up sleeping with someone else.
I felt too guilty to face her after this had happened so I simply stopped talking to her out of the blue. Didn't answer any calls/sms, deleted her off facebook and just wiped it from my mind that we were ever together.
It was simply gone for a while, until I stopped and actually thought about how it would have affected her. Over the years I have attempted to make contact with her and explain myself, but my messages always go unanswered.
This is one significant moment I will live with for the rest of my life, and definitely a massive regret I have treating someone so kind in such a horrible way.
I would always stick up for people who could not find the strength to do so themselves. For a large part of my life I made it my primary objective to put other peoples needs ahead of mine. When a situation came where I had to 'deal' with a problem… I would.
Whether that may be a bully picking on someone, or a friend I see who needs help from an abusive relationship. I never intervene unless it is wanted, but my friends and family always come to me for help but I generally don't have anyone to turn to.
In other words, what I was trying to say is that I generally have a justifiable reason to 'hurt' someone. I guess hurt really isn't the right word for what I am trying to explain…
When I was younger (about 11-12) I used to play with my friend on a daily basis. He used to love to make weapon like spears and what not out of random objects found in the bush near where I used to live.
He used to love throwing them towards animals not expecting to get anywhere near them, and most of the time that is what happened… Except this one time.
He threw the home made spear towards a rabbit and it landed into its back and ran off the edge of the cliff towards the beach.
We both walked down to the animal and it was still fully alive, but it's back legs were paralyzed. I didn't know what to do, so I just left it there to die a slow and painful death… withering away to nothingness.
What do you do for a living?
At this point in time I am unemployed, although, I have been in the Telecommunications world for a number of years.
Telecommunications world
Did you enjoy it or hate it?
Would you recommend your previous job to anyone?
I have worked in several different positions from sales, technical support, data analyst, provisioning… Although, I am yet to find a specific avenue which I want to pursue. I much prefer working for a smaller company than a larger one (i.e. Telstra) as you have more direct impact on procedures that take place.
What I would suggest to anyone interested in entering Telecommunications (or any potential career path) is to envision yourself doing that same thing in 5 years time. If you still see yourself having passion for the job, then go for it. Ultimately, you will never know until you give it a crack… So start young.
I have spent the past 8 years of my life in this industry and have lost inspiration to proceed. I have managed small companies to become quite successful, only to see them get shut down due to silly mistakes.
How is your financial status? How are the bills?
Currently have about $30,000 combined savings with my partner and she is still working fulltime. Bills are fine as her salary alone can cover the mortgage and bills. We have always put money aside to for this exact situation.
Hopefully it's a temporary thing. But the reality is that I have left my newly built home to get some time apart from my partner. It has been a few weeks, and no real improvement yet…
What is the significance of the Dr in your username?
It is a permanent reminder of what I hope to achieve someday.
I started a Bachelor of Psychology many years ago and still have been unable to complete it.
No to burst your bubble but psychologists are a dime a dozen out there and to get a job you need to bare minimum progress with honours.
Source: friends with psychologists. Also, this wouldn't qualify you to put a Dr in front of your name. Not trying to be a dick, just being real.
Very aware of this :D. I am in my 'third' year of the degree (actually been 6 so far).
become a neuropsychologist they are in demand and in some areas get paid more than doc!
Sounds like perfect timing to me! I was made redundant in 2011 & jobless so I went back to uni in my late 20's. The plan was to continue a degree I started in 2001 but didn't remember anything so had to redo the entire course anyway. Stuck it out for 3yrs & it has been my greatest personal achievement, has paid off career wise too.
I think the main draw back is that you need to do a few years of post grad study before you can be qualified.
Apparently these friends forgot that psychologists can work for themselves. Quite strange as that's what a lot of psychologists commonly do.
What major achievement do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve a major achievement?
I wish to own four houses outright so I can retire comfortably. Also would like to start a family very soon and settle down properly.
Do you think you will make a good parent? Why?
I love children, and have raised a child for the first 3 years of their life.
It was one of the most satisfying and grateful experiences I have ever encountered. Being able to watch a child develop is one of the most fascinating things I have ever witnessed.
I have been waiting for the right person/time to start a family and I hope I have found the right person now. Just want to get some good financial stability before making such a large commitment.
Just don't go doing this then :)
How is your love/sex life? If you have a partner, what does she think of your life in general? If you don't have a partner, do you want one?
I have been with my patner for four years now. Our sexual interaction has had its ups and downs during the time of our relationship. This happens due to higher preference in life which bumps the sex life down on the hierarchy.
For example, at the moment, my partner is currently very focused on her career. This indirectly affects our sexlife along with other variables in our relationship.
At this point in time we are having some time apart because tention has been increasing at a daily rate. Leading up to this moment in time, our sexual interaction has been quite minimal.
What is your partner's career?
Parole Officer at the moment, aiming to get involved with the AFP.
Do you feel emasculated by your partner's career success?
How would you feel about being a stay-at-home-dad/house-husband and dependent on your partner's income?
At this point in time we are having some time apart because tention has been increasing at a daily rate. Leading up to this moment in time, our sexual interaction has been quite minimal.
How do you feel about that?
Have you considered that more sex might relieve tension and help your partner with her career?
Which of you has more power in making the decisions which affect your relationship?
Do you think you should be putting more effort into the relationship?
Do you feel emasculated by your partner's career success?
How would you feel about being a stay-at-home-dad/house-husband and dependent on your partner's income?
Horrible. It's not fair. I think we should be providing an equal share to our relationship. Financially and emotionally. If we had children, that would be a completely different story and I would happily be a "stay-at-home-dad".
How do you feel about that?
Have you considered that more sex might relieve tension and help your partner with her career?
Absolutely. But I am letting her focus on what she needs to in order to set herself up in life.
Which of you has more power in making the decisions which affect your relationship?
I do. Well at least I think I do…
Do you think you should be putting more effort into the relationship?
I have always put as much effort as possible and we really work well together. It's just that my anger has been coming out more recently and started drinking again (had a problem when I was younger). I know what needs to be done, and have been actively working on it.
*Have a problem. Don't sugar coat it. Deal with it. I did.
What are your political views in general? e.g. Left-wing/right-wing, socially liberal/conservative, etc.
I keep clear from politics. I am a firm believer that I should not worry about something that I can't directly change/affect. Instead I think about family, friends and different ways I can actually impact the world.
If I was to take politics seriously, then I would run for senate and attempt to actually make an impact.
Apathy towards Australian politics by the general population is what has allowed it to become the pig trough it is.
Uh huh. And compulsory voting allows it to continue.
@Diji1: or makes it worse… (citation?)
There are plenty of examples:
Where it is not compulsory, the downtrodden peasants vote less. Corporations still influence events and media to control the way the desperate (and those with less political fortitude) vote, en masse. The influential (not just the educated) may or may not vote with more thought, but mostly people vote in their own self-interest the world over.
In UK, Middle East and US the outcomes are no better, the influential in Russia and China arguably do no better without ANY democracy (better in fact, considering that those at the bottom slave away for USD$2/day).
Perhaps. I think the 2 party system has more to do with it than "compulsory" voting though. Imagine if people actually had to look at policy rather than Party Name/Figure Head. Imagine if politicians actually had to listen to constituents rather than their Party Name's Ideology.
@zerovelocity (is there a right way to do this? sorry everybody!)
Where it is not compulsory, the downtrodden peasants vote less.
Interestingly, the areas with lower SES' already have higher percentages of informal votes.
I think the debate of compulsory/voluntary voting is erroneous anyway. The issue is an uninformed/ignorant/stupid (by choice or not) populace, and the ones on top would like it to stay that way. With voluntary voting, the bad guys have free rein to do whatever they want without accountability. With compulsory voting, said uninformed voters still end up voting for the bad guys (currently, the bad guy is Tony Abbott).
Furthermore, as zerovelocity noted, China, with its relative lack of democracy/opposition parties seem to be doing well (relatively speaking, there's a lot of negative things to say about China too). America, land of "freedom (tm)" is also giving democracy a bad name (by not respecting it), so they ain't helping either.
And Australians who complain about Australia's 2 party system are just lazy bitches. There are in fact, more than 2 parties and you can even preference them. "Oh, but I don't agree with every single policy of x party!" Yeah that's why it's called democracy bub, everyone wants different things and different combination of things. You vote for the one that most aligns with your values. I'm sure there's at least one party for you - I doubt you're that special a snowflake that you can find a party for you. If you dislike all of them so much, then feel free to form your own party. Or you can stay in your basement and complain about the "2 party" system in futile.
Careful, in that last paragraph your ignorance is showing…
R U OK? pm if need.
Cheers, I'm all good.
Just going through some ups and downs like anyone in life.
Appreciate the offer.
just cause i can.
Are you single? Have you been in a romantic relationship before?
Not single… Just having some time apart at the moment with my current partner.
I have been in several long relationships starting at a young age.
First long relationship was 4 years (age 14-17) . Second, was between 3.5ish years where I raised a child from the age of 6months old (age 18-21). Third (current), 4 years (age 29-33).
I spent a good part of my 20's figuring out who I am, why I have become the person I am and explored my sexuality. There were several other 'flings' but nothing tremendously committed during that time of my life. As I didn't really live your average teenage life, I sort of did that during this time and got it out of my system.
Where did I leave my pants?
I believe you left them in the washing machine and forgot to take them out. Now they are all stinky because you neglected them for several days and have to be washed again.
Next time, don't leave them in there for so long or else they will dissipate into thin air.
Omg lol
Favorite food
Hard to put just one, but I'll say Carbonara.
With what style of pasta?
Fresh Egg Fettuccine.
How could you?
What did you get your Doctorate in?
I do not currently have a 'doctorate', it is more of a reminder of what I hope to achieve eventually.
Cool, good luck with it.
How is the whole "Trust me, I'm a Doctor" thing working?
Horribly, everyone keeps running away screaming.
I thought you are supposed to do surgery with a chainsaw…
Studied under Dr Patel, huh? lol
Nah, trained first hand from Dr Lecter.
what is the significance of the 1990 in your username?