shesaidshewas18 » user profile

Member Since 28/02/2012
Last Seen 1 hour 8 min
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

With AGL NBN using Telstra's modem. Still waiting for them to pick up the phone. Just weird I can use it only on the macbook
23/01/2023 - 19:37
FTTC connection. NCD lights all blue. Telstra Smart Modem light is green. Macbook pro is connected via wifi with working internet. Every…
23/01/2023 - 19:22
Reverse park. Easier to jump start a flat battery
11/11/2022 - 21:40
OP - you mind sharing the receipt?
22/05/2022 - 20:48
Brand new in Australia with gst. Yes, would expect them to last longer and not fail 3 times under a year. Is there a timeline period where…
05/11/2017 - 22:25
You can see the leads here - They are not doing anything when connected. As if the wires inside are broken
05/11/2017 - 21:49
Wouldn't it count that I contacted them the day warranty ended? I'll email them again tomorrow nicely, see how it turns out. I already…
05/11/2017 - 21:46
I know warranty does not reset. But the item failed 3 times in 12 months. Wouldn't this be considered a major issue and not fit for purpose?
05/11/2017 - 21:40
I bought a testing equipment costing $5500 for testing copper lines - received on the 21/10/2016. Over the last 12 months, The test leads…
05/11/2017 - 20:55
"That's what" - She
07/07/2016 - 18:54
[@Catalystic](/comment/3384979/redir): Thanks mate, really nice. Any idea if OW will do the same offer if I show the receipt?
15/01/2016 - 13:32
Sure it is the retina version? Receipt doesn't say
15/01/2016 - 12:32
@catalystic that's a great price. Mind sharing the receipt?
15/01/2016 - 12:12
Was at the same store Picked up Miele bags, head to cashier Staff: It's normally $27.50, but you can have it for $22.50 Me: Okay, I've a…
01/08/2015 - 12:40
Both is better I like people to fear how much they like me
28/07/2015 - 13:48
Yeap. Transfers both way
28/03/2015 - 22:20
Hey Ozb I'm at Melbourne Startup Weekend and working on an app and hope to gather some info regarding IMTs 1. Anyone well experienced with…
28/03/2015 - 17:25
shesaidshewas18 joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!
28/02/2012 - 13:09