Looks like a decent deal. Googling shows other shops sell for $550+. i think there may be a $3 shipping code floating around or something. but shipping isnt too unreasonable anyway!
Price history seems solid.
Looks like a decent deal. Googling shows other shops sell for $550+. i think there may be a $3 shipping code floating around or something. but shipping isnt too unreasonable anyway!
Price history seems solid.
How is that confusing? The device's capacity is 6GB (meaning you can swap out the drives for 1.5TB) and it comes with 4x1TB drives
Thanks 2pro4sho.
Can you please advise:
1) if we have to replace all the four drives , we cannot use 4 X 3TB?
2) if it is RAID based NAS, the current available capacity will be 4TB or 2TB?
depends on the type of RAID you set up…
I'm unsure. I do not own one of these. It sounds like a good deal with 4 x 1tb drives included as those drives are worth a decent amount, but perhaps it does not support drives over 1.5tb? I.e. if you put in a 2tb or 3tb drive it would not recognise it?
1) if we have to replace all the four drives , we cannot use 4 X 3TB?
I have the Linkstation quad pro which I think is a lower version of this NAS and it supports 16TB (4X4TB), so I don't see why this can't support 4 x 3TB.
Include 4TB hard disks?
includes 4x1Tb hard drives…
includes 4x1Tb hard drives……..
How many 1Tb hard drives does it include ???
How is that confusing? The device's capacity is 6GB (meaning you can swap out the drives for 1.5TB) and it comes with 4x1TB drives
Capacity is 6tb so probably 6 x 1tb drives
So that will make it 6 bay NAS, now you're confusing! J/K :)
Looks to support larger drives. Guess its dependent on the raid setup you choose.
Actual page from buffalo
supports up to 4x wd red 3tb
Stay away from buffalo. Having major problems now. After replacing hard drives you need a USB image to get your new drives to work. This image is only available to the us customer.
People simply go to the web site for this product and you will see a list of supported drives, it can take 1tb 2tb and 3tb
So the maximum unformatted capacity is 4 x 3tb = 12tb
if you use raid 5 you will get approx 9tb
it does support just a bunch of drives as well
so as bought 4 x 1tb = 4gb raid 5 = 3gb
it has a reasonable cpu with 2gb of ram
there simple to use i have a buffalo lanstation pro the lesser model,
and cost me more lots more with 4 x 2gb nas drives.
Might they be about to discontinue this model that why they are a reasonable price
if i was looking I would not turn my nose up at it at that price.
so quick round up on pricing nas drives 1tb $89 2tb $129 3tb $159 each
so $359 for unit and 4 1tb drives is good.
just seen on a computer retailer site the 2tb version for $399
Confused as to what you actually get and this statement in the specs
Capacity: 6TB (4 x 1TB)