This bike rack is on sale (25% off) at Supercheap Auto - after C20EXTRA discount, it becomes $111 if you click and collect, or $7 postage makes $118.…
I bought it last night and picked it up today.
I also own the Thule ProRide 591 and this compares quite favourably. The adjustable ratchet arm that clamps onto your bike frame is very similar in function/design (length is about the same too).
The main differences are that the wheel holders (different design/shape) and the aluminium piece is bent differently (seems cosmetic).
This rack can also be reversed just like the Thule (switch from passenger side facing to driver side facing.
I haven't installed mine on the car, but I did adjust the mounting points on the floor to test that my bike fits (flat bar road bike).
You can get 2 of these for less than the RRP of one Thule ProRide 591.
How would it compare to a cheap ebay one like this?…