• expired

Steam Summer Sale - Day 6 + Flash Deals + Minigame Deals



Daily Deals (Daily deals last 48 hrs, new deals in 24 hrs)

Life is Feudal 50% off - $19.99 USEARLY ACCESS
WWE 2K15 50% off - $24.49 US — Includes all DLC
Space Engineers 50% off - $12.49 US
Terraria 75% off - $2.49 US
Sleeping Dogs - Definitive Edition 75% off - $7.49 US
Assetto Corsa 50% off - $24.99 US
Payday 2 75% off - $4.99 US
Microsoft Flight Simulator X - Steam Edition 80% off - $4.99 US
The Crew 50% off - $37.47 US
Elite: Dangerous 25% off - $44.99 US
The Talos Principle 66% off - $13.59 US
GRAV 50% off - $9.99 US
Verdun 50% off - $11.49 US
Final Fantasy Franchise

Final Fantasy XIII-2 50% off - $9.99 US
Final Fantasy XIII 50% off - $7.99 US
Final Fantasy VIII 50% off - $5.99 US
Final Fantasy VII 50% off - $5.99 US
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years 30% off - $11.19 US
Final Fantasy IV 50% off - $7.99 US
Final Fantasy III 50% off - $7.99 US

Total War Franchise

Total War: ATTILA 33% off - $30.14 US
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai 50% off - $19.99 US
Total War: SHOGUN 2 50% off - $19.99 US
Total War Battles: SHOGUN 50% off - $3.24 US
Napoleon: Total War 50% off - $9.99 US
Empire: Total War 50% off - $9.99 US
Medieval II: Total War 50% off - $9.99 US
Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms 50% off- $6.49 US
Rome: Total War 50% off - $6.49 US
Rome: Total War - Alexander 50% off - $3.24 US
Total War Grand Master Collection 50% off - $104.99 US
Total War Master Collection 50% off - $62.49 US

Flash Sale (Flash Deals last 12 hrs, new deals in 12 hrs)

Rise of Nations - Extended Edition 75% off - $4.99 US
Distance 50% off - $9.99 USEARLY ACCESS
Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition 66% off - $6.79 US
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 75% off - $9.99 US
Contagion 75% off - $4.99 US
System Shock 2 90% off - $0.99 US
Mordheim: City of the Damned 40% off - $19.19 US
Grow Home 50% off - $4.97 US
Spelunky 80% off - $2.99 US
Skullgirls 85% off - $2.24 US
Reassembly 35% off - $9.74 US
Door Kickers 75% off - $4.99 US
To The Moon 85% off - $1.49 US
Ironcast 50% off - $7.49 US
Mini Metro 25% off - $5.24 USEARLY ACCESS
Antichamber 90% off - $1.99 US
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box 78% off - $4.39 US
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill 66% off - $8.49 US
Alan Wake 80% off - $5.99 US
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball 66% off - $5.09 US
Substance Indie Pack 20% off - $239.20 US
Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension 75% off - $8.74 US
Sanctum 80% off - $2.99 US
Magic 2015 66% off - $3.39 US
Transocean: The Shipping Company 60% off - $7.99 US
Mafia II 80% off - $5.99 US
Need for Speed Franchise

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 78% off - $4.39 US
Need for Speed: Shift 78% off - $4.39 US
Need for Speed: Undercover 78% off - $2.19 US

Street Fighter Franchise

Ultra Street Fighter IV 50% off - $14.99 US
Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition - All-in Costume Pack 40% off - $8.99 US — DLC

Deus Ex Franchise

Deus Ex: The Fall 80% off - $1.99 US
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut 80% off - $3.99 US
Deus Ex: Invisible War 80% off - $1.39 US
Deus Ex: GOTY Edition 80% off - $1.39 US
Deus Ex Collection 80% off - $6.59 US

Dirt Franchise

DiRT Rally 25% off - $26.24 USEARLY ACCESS
DiRT 3 Complete Edition 30% off - $20.99 US
DiRT Showdown 70% off - $4.49 US

Minigame Sales — New Deals in 24 Hrs

Dino D-Day 95% off - $0.49 US
The Fall 80% off - $1.99 US
bit Dungeon II 50% off - $2.49 US
Take on Mars 33% off - $12.05 USEARLY ACCESS
Sony Movie Studio 13 Platinum - Steam Powered 34% off - $39.59 US
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition 66% off - $6.11 US
Lords of Xulima 50% off - $9.99 US
Driver: San Francisco 75% off - $2.98 US
Republique: Remastered 33% off - $16.74 US

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I am loving the 130% off.

    • If only.

  • Spent 11 bucks on Payday 2 dlc's - probs will never use or unlock them!

    • For someone who may have got Payday 2 in the recent Humble Bundle and not played the game at all, is any of the DLC not worth getting at 75% off?

      • +2

        I've played a lot of payday 2 and I find that most of the gun dlcs are bad value.

        Also if you have friends that you reliably play with that have the map dlcs you don't need those either. (Only need the map dlc to host, you can join any map)

        • So, no real need for guns, gonna need the maps. Got it :)
          Thanks Larz.

        • +1

          @Thrift: courier is worth it the packs you collect actually end up being useful.

      • +3

        just my quick 2c (have payday 2 and majority of the DLCs)
        yes there are some DLCs not worth it
        answer would primarily be: it depends on your play style and how you like to play the game /approach the heists etc.

        I had fun with gage pack 1 (for grenades) and sniper pack
        some of the other weapon packs are just redundant (have a look at the reviews on steam for them, one of them was just 1 single pistol etc.)

        character packs are fun and would be a good investment

        heist packs are not strictly necessary - other people who have purchased the heist can host that DLC heist in a public game and anyone can join (regardless of whether or not you have the DLC itself) which means if you play coop/with randoms you can experience the DLC heists for free

        the game has grown a lot since I last played, back in the day there were clearly op rifles and specific builds, but with so many new weapon varieties it's hard to say what is useful and what is not

        but the sale on payday 2 is pretty regular, don't waste too much of your dosh now cause you're still new to the game and trying it out

        i'd suggest, pick a few guns that suit your regular fps play-style (snipe, minigunner, shotguns, pistols etc.) and see how you like the game before sinking so much money into stuff you might not use :P

        if you do like it, pretty sure payday would be on sale in the dec xmas sales haha

        • +1

          Thanks exonerate. One thing we can always count on, an upcoming Steam sale :)

      • +2

        Dlc's are used to add new interest to the game for me. Buying them at this point is like a no brainier since I've invested so much time into it.

        Playing close to 600 hours on steam, in my experience the shotgun, sniper, armored transport, gage mods 1 and gage mod courier job are the bare essential dlcs you should get (imo ofc). Shotgun mods are mostly for the HE rounds to take down shields or stun dozers, sniper pack are handy for taking out shields or skull dozers on death wish difficulty, gage mods 1 provides you with grenades (very handy in a tight spot or cover to escape) and gage courier mod job gives extra mods to turns your guns from normal to lethal (car 4 etc.). Finally the armoured transport dlc gives you the commando rifle that you can use from level 0 (it's a weapon that has handy stats with the correct mods giving you the edge when you go up infamy levels - also an awesome rifle to have at any level tbh).

        The other dlcs especially maps are not needed as you can easily join a hosted game for that particular mission you want. Bottom line is I would recommend certain dlc's but not the majority of them. Get dlc's for the weapons not the mission or playable characters and your gaming experience will be much better :)

        Hope you will enjoy this game as much as I do!

  • -1


  • +3

    Spelunky 2.99 usd. SOLD this is a great game didn't know it was on pc.

    • +1

      Great game, keyboard controls are a bit wonky. Playable but better with gamepad.

      • +1

        Definitely controller preferred. Good thing it has game pad support built in. Was going to pick this up for my vita but might get this one instead.

    • Spelunky started on PC (there was a free version, then the developer made a HD reboot). Such a good game, there are mods for the free version as well that allow you to play as the man-eating plant.

  • +1

    Obviously personal opinion, but Driver SF wasn't bad for an arcade driving game. The story got a bit stupid, but just cruising around jumping into conversations had some funny moments.

    • +2

      Probably the most unique driving game imo. Also no more on foot sections where you have to shoot somebody up like in previous games.

  • +5

    Huzzah! Finally a discounted game worth buying (Baldurs gate 2).

    • But… What of us nostalgia-robbed-plebians who haven't played the first one!? Either enhanced, or original!? :O

      • We wait for either steam to step up to the plate or nuuvem to (was <4$ once)

      • Baldur's Gate 1 is $6.79 (66% off) :D

  • +1

    Total War: Rome II is 75% off & $19.98

    Is Attila the better game of the two?

    • +1

      All a matter of perspective. I played more of Rome II despite being pretty buggy for ages (they have fixed most of the issues now), but Attila feels more refined. Personally I prefer the time period of Rome II over Attila (just personal preference), which would be why I played Rome II more.

      • Alright, well I went with Rome II and if I don't like it I'm blaming you :-)

  • Hmm… guess I'll bite on terraria and NFS undercover…

    The Terraria 4pk seems to be a cheaper option, anyone want to split it?

    Single pack is $2.45 whilst 4pk is $7.45… Will be picking up the 4pk… anyone interested in splitting PM me.

    • I still have 3 copies left from a 4 pack from the last steam sales. YOU should Pm me :P

      • Crap… already bought lol

  • +1

    Highly recommend Dirt Rally and Assetto Corsa for any sim fans

  • +1

    Icewind dale enhanced is also the cheapest its ever been

  • Contagion looks like a good zombie shooter, similar to l4d
    Rise of nation is a real time strategy game that looks fun for massive battles. Similar to empire earth
    Antichamber I'm going to pickup, just because it looks interesting. Not really a game, but a walkthrough visual puzzle. Probably good for an hour

    • Yeah I got Antichamber just now before the deal ran out, sneaking my laptop onto the website via tethering. Looking forward to it.

  • Any recommendations for a good online multiplayer?

    • Orion: Prelude (previously known as Dino Horde, Dino Beatdown, some other name I can't remember…)

      It's pretty much an FPS with Dinosaurs and Halo mashed together. Definitely worth the $1.00 or whatever price it was a few days ago.

  • +1

    Lovely flash sales today and one mini game sale looks yummy. Mafia 2, System Shock 2, Spelunky and Alan Wake. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a must too.

    Would highly recommend to anyone who is hankering for an extremely well crafted sci-fi game, to pick up The Fall (Part 1). You won't be disappointed.

    • +1

      thanks, got it. Looks interesting, kinda like abes oddysee mixed with bios settings lol

      • +1

        It's a little Abe's Oddysee, but thankfully without the merciless platforming :) Draws heavily from Asimov of course, but its solidly written with the right amount of dark humour.

        Hope you enjoy, part 2 is in production according to the developer.

  • Does Payday 2 still have lots of people playing co-op?

    • Sure does

    • Yep, 10k playing now, 18k daily peak.

      • Thanks. Good game?

        • I can't say I've been a huge fan of it, I'm picky with FPS games. The gun control is a bit gimmicky; limited recoil; guns don't 'feel' satisfying. It's great with friends though!

  • Is there a forum thread on Ozbargain for swapping/trading Steam games?

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