This was posted 9 years 9 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Big W Total Toy Spectacular 2: PS4 Black/White + 2 Games $398, SMC Amiibo $10, Splatoon Wii U Bundle $328 + More

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Nice price. But now I have to wait for the new PS4 version.

    • +1

      Is there another version coming out soon?

      • There may be one announced next week

      • +2

        Two, actually.

        The current model will have its 500GB swapped out for 1TB in a "Players Edition". According to the ripoff merchants at EB, it retails for the same au$549 RRP come July 15.…

        The 'new' model has minor changes (8% lower power consumption, 10% lighter, mechanical power/eject (hooray!), but still has a 500GB drive. According to Sony, it also retails for the same price (at least internationally).…

        • +1

          I heard the ultimate players edition is the new model but with a 1TB HDD.

          Source was IGN Youtube so I'm assuming it is legit.

        • @ProjectZero: The box and promo images show the shiny HDD cover of the old version, not the matte of the new.

          Also it'd make a no sense to have both 500 and 1TB new models at the same RRP.

        • mechanical power/eject

          I'd be tempted on the new model just for this! I really hate their touch sensitive buttons.

        • doubt Aussie retailer will sell for same price, knowing how we usually get ripped off here

    • is the new version going to be this price? so far its just lighter, uses less power and is just to reduce manufacturing cost (hopefully less manu cost means lower price) … i haven't seen anything about it being any better than the current one in any meaningful way (apart form using less power i guess) :)

  • +2

    anything on there about a WiiU?

    • +2

      Current splatoon bundle 358

  • Catalogue photo shows the limited edition white PS4 console too.

  • +2

    Image link is dead. Might want to update it.

    Edit: spoke too soon. I blame my phone.

    • +1

      Is working for me.

    • +23

      Fastest selling console of all time. Sold more then 2 times the amount of consoles as the xbone. Ummm…………..

      • +3

        I think the Wii was the fastest selling console… I believe the ps4 was the fastest selling playstation console. I know some PR/reporters may have misreported it. As for games, all the machines have fun games. Microsoft/Xbox and Nintendo have alot of exclusives now but im sure Sony will probably have some more as well a bit later on. Outside of exclusives, controllers, features and online, the Xbox One and PS4 are similar.

        Sales don't matter, its about having fun.

        • From e3 all the exclusives I give a shit about are PS4 only.

          Xbox does have halo though.

        • @kasp: For Ps4: That Horizon Zero game looks really good, i think its 2016-2017… That Godzilla, Teraway game looks alot of fun… Uncharted could be fun next year.

          For XBOX ONE: Halo 5 looks awesome, also Recore, Fable Legends, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Rare's Thieves game, CUPHEAD, FORZA 6, GEARs of War 4, Rares 30 Games in 1 all look like awesome games.

          For Nintendo Wii U: XENOBLade CHRONICLES X , MARIO TENNIS ULTRA, SUPER MARIO MAKER, Fast Racing NEO, Fatal Frame 5, Yoshis World,
          Star Fox ZERO, DEVIL's THIRD, look like Awesome games this year. Earlier this year they released Treasure Tracker, Mario Party 10, Splatoon, Kirby, Mario vs Donkey Kong Tipping Stars.

      • +1

        It still lacks good exclusives. Fasting selling is a pretty useless metric as well. The PS4 is doing quite well, but the games aren't there yet.

    • +4

      Hurt its sales? Its the #1 next gen console has been since its release… Yes exclusive are not there but sales are …

      • +1

        Sony are just lucky Microsoft messed up bad. PS4 is nothing special, games arent anything special either, its selling based of it Microosft doing poorly.

        • -2

          fanboys like you aren't worth addressing factually

        • +9

          I agree.
          I have all consoles, well most past and present, I love gaming ever since Atari 2600. I have all next gen consoles and last gen and so on.
          Microsoft messed up big time, Pushing a online only console in 2013. Sony could of easily had the same mistake, but they where smart enough to push their conference after Microsoft's.
          Seeing how the internet exploded with hate. I bet Sony had same idea as microsoft's? But did a 180 and claimed they where for the gamers when they had their conference?
          The reason i strongly believe it to be true. Is sony also had a day 1 update, and without the update many feature wern't available. Yes you could play games of the bat but, standard feature where left out. like playing Bluerays? But who knows what really happened?

          But i think it had a major role in PS4 selling so well. Plus they used way better Ram DDR5.

          But both are great consoles! Cant wait for this years E3!
          I love Halo! Gears! Uncharted! Ratchet and Clank!

        • +1

          How I remember Microsoft pushing the Xbox One as online console only and the backlash from gaming community as a result of it. LOL

          This image as well:

        • Microsoft took some short term pain and are getting long term gain!

        • -1


          This guy gets it

          All consoles have their positives but without microsoft's stuff up I doubt the ps4 would have sold as many units

        • @catbarf:

          MS should've put the $100.00 cost of the Kinect toward a more powerful GPU and made the Kinect optional, like it is now. Xbox One has lost sales because of the initial online only fiasco and the fact that Sony can boast better specs for the PS4. There are some positives for Xbox One though. DX12 will bring some good gains to game performance, cloud processing has the potential to increase performance further, and lastly, Xbox is doing better than Sony as far as exclusives goes. The latter can change pretty quick.

        • +1


          Or my old favourite, the Reverse-Nelson

        • @CHIEFMEGADETH: I don't think Microsoft's original plan really affected the console's initial sales, I think its higher price and inclusion of kinnect probably put people off getting it first. Most people outside the net most likely didn't hear much about the initial ideas…
          Calling the system something else might have also helped (540 or something). The specs are quite similar, most games look the same regardless, though generally minor differences are the result of Sony or Xbox having a lead platform version that would get some additional detail or more consistent frames. Meanwhile Nintendo didn't market their system and made it a bit more expensive then the Wii era stuff…

          But thats just all industry based stuff, average consumers don't really pay attention to it…

          I agree that all consoles will get there specific games.

        • @CHIEFMEGADETH: upvote for mentioning the 2600

  • +1

    Good deal, but i think a lot of retailers will drop the price with the anticipated announcement of the PS4 Slim next week at E3 Convention.

  • +5

    There will be no PS4 slim announced at E3.

    • -4

      Is that confirmed??
      All leaks point to yes there will be…we will all find out next week

      • +6

        No way. Ps3 took 4 years, this hasnt even been out for 2.
        What will be announced is a 1tb model though. Possibly with a price drop on the 500gb if they follow Xbox.

        • +1

          Are you sure? Looking at the wiki, PS3 launched March 2007 in EU and the slim in September 2009 which is ~2.5 years. It's possible we might see a PS4 slim given the supposed shorter lifespan of this console generation.

        • @ironsword: The PS3 launched in Nov 2006 in North America. Only a storage stopped the EU & Australia/NZ launch to March 2007.

          The Hard Drive and smaller components (less watts) is rumoured to be in the next PS4 model, but the same thing happened with the PS3 the slim came out and there hasn't been a huge change of components since it launched.

        • @HardcoreHazza: storage=shortage

      • If they actually make Slim version within thjs year, i think we need to prepare for PS(5)V in next year or next 2 years

    • I'm at the moment trying to get a original first gen ps4, cause eventually they will jailbreak it and might not be able to do that with newer models

  • Could you please tell how you got that picture? I can't find that catalogue or a mention of the toy sale on Big Ws website.


    • +5

      Could you please tell how you got that picture?

      I'm just going to make a wild guess and assume he took a photo of a catalogue..

      • Um, yeah got that. If you read the rest of my comment you'd see that I wanted to know where he got the catalogue from or a mention of it on Big Ws site.

        If the poster or you could answer that question that'd be helpful.

        • Hey silly walks, I got these pics from a facebook group.

        • There's still 2 weeks remaining till the catalouge officially launches, thus it cannot be found online .

        • @bargin193232222:

          Thanks for the heads up.

  • -1

    Even the dualshock controller is good price at $74

    • +1

      Back when I was a lad SNES controllers were only $70

      • And $140 for Starfox.

  • +4

    There isn't going to be a "slim" PS4 next week, it's too early to say so. But there is news of a "new" PS4 with updated hard drive capacity and some other updates to power supply and voltage from memory. As for a slim, there is no REAL news of one. The updated hard drive and power supply came from documents for a "new" PS4 hitting the market. Pretty sure a quick google will yeild some results.

    • +1

      Xbox have already announced a 1TB XBOne, so I think PS will follow and do the same.

    • -2

      Cant really be so definitive and say "there isnt going to be a slim" - none of us will know till E3 next week.

      There is clear speculation that there is a chance that a slim version will be released next week with SSD and 4k capabilities.

      • +1

        Too early for a revision I would say.
        Took the ps3 4 years and the original was huge and ugly, the ps4 is slim and slick and hasnt even been out for 2 years.
        Also yeh no chance of SSD. A 500gb one is almost the price of a PS4 by itself. And 4k or media sure, that can probably just be done with an update. For gaming not a chance in hell. They would literally have to make a new ps4 that would cost $1000+ and new games wouldn't be able to run on the old model. That is a 0% chance of happening ever.

      • +1

        If there were to be a slim, the documents would have been found along with the other PS4s coming out. 4K for console GAMING, not media, is still a while away. Looking at a PC, you have to spend a good chunk of change to run anything newer at 4k. SSDs are still expensive, so it's a no go, would bump the price up way too much unless it was coupled with a HDD, but it's not likely as storage speed makes almost no difference when actually gaming.
        We'll find out next week, but from what I've gathered from real evidence, not speculation, there is not going to be a slim. There haven't even been ruomors from within sony from trusted sources, and it's very very early in the PS4 cycle (looking at the library of both consoles) to consider the release of a redsign.

  • Is drive club worth it considering Project Cars is out now? Either way, might be time to finally dive in on a next gen console.

    • +4

      You can pick up both Driveclub and LittleBigPlanet preowned for $18 each at EB at the moment, so don't let the bundled games influence your decision.

      After playing the lot, I'd strongly recommend Forza (Horizon 2 or 5, and 6 is coming later this year) or Project Cars over Driveclub.

  • -3

    won't call this exactly good good deal for PS4..the games let it down..

    • +9

      I've never seen the ps4 under $400 at this price and with 2 games.

      • -1

        You're right, but I'd rather pay a bit more if I can get better bundles og the games I like such AC, last of Us etc ..

        • +4

          Or just spend the money you saved to buy the games separately? AC games go cheap. LoU can be picke up for $30 on ebay

        • @KorupTx: kinda waiting for deal like <$450 for all new AC games & last of us & bloodborne..can wish I Guess..:P

        • +1

          @Droid11: Haha yeh that would be nice. Couple weeks ago there was the one for $510 with Bloodborne, LoU, The order and MKX. I got that and sold MKX for $55. Couldve probably sold the order and bought ac unity/black flag. That wouldve been around $450 then.

        • yep did just the same. sold MKX for $50 so became a sweet deal for $460.

  • +3

    Anyone have a PDF of the full catalogue?

    • -1


      If not, take pics and upload them.

      • These are not my pics

      • Donatello agreed. Please make it happen.

  • -2

    or at least the page with the ps4 deal?!

    • Click on the picture and you will find it there.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, just price matched Amiibos at JB based on your pic, didn't even realise this doesn't start for another 12 days. Win

  • +1

    sorry- didn't see image 1, 2 , 3 at top..still- rest of catalogue would be greatly appreciated for those with littler kids too..

  • -1

    You may want to consider taking this down, a few scanned pages from the catalogue with lego leaked and the big wigs flipped their shit. The site that was hosting it has taken it down (potentially a C&D), and they were investigating who leaked it.
    Big W takes the Toy Sale very seriously. My store doesn't even have the catalogue yet (which is insane) but when we do get it, we're not allowed to leave it anywhere in public view.

    • +8

      Big W takes the Toy Sale very seriously.

      then they should be happy with the free advertising and pre-sale excitement such posts like this will raise

      • +1

        I'm assuming they don't want competitors to see it

        • +6

          then as a consumer/oz-bargainer its win-win :)

        • @SBOB: btw these are not my pics

        • Eg. Target

        • @bargin193232222:
          Just a shame Target don't price match. :(

          But I do hope they do catalogue price match before the 25th June though.

        • -3

          That's exactly the reason why. The Toy Sale is the biggest sale of the year and it makes the company millions of dollars, they don't want to risk losing those sales to competitors.

        • +15


          then they should ensure their pricing and service is better than the competitors… if a competitor can see some random screen grab on the internet 2 weeks before catalogue drop and its soooo easy for said competitor to beat that price, then BigW arent trying hard enough

          Stock for these sales is ordered months in advance including pricing/advertising kickbacks etc etc. If Target for instance can beat the price in 2 weeks, the sales/stock and advertising managers at Big W need to work harder

        • +4

          @Rohlan: If the competitors are relying on a leaked pic from FB to get a heads up of Big W's prices, they are doing it wrong.

        • I'm sure competitors have sources providing the info well before catalogue leaks.

        • +1

          @SBOB: Targets toy sale last year was a month later than bigw

    • +1

      Sounds like what happened to Bricking Around:…

      • That was the site I was referring to, I hadn't seen that post though.

  • Borderlands: Handsome Collection for $59 is also the lowest I've seen at retail. That being said, for PC The Pre-Sequel will hopefully be dropping pretty low in the current Steam sale.

  • Might just be the cheapest price for Batman Arkham Knight too…

    • How much is Arkham Knight? Nevermind, saw there is more than one image in the link. $69 is a great price!

  • I have a gift card at JB i want to use. Wonder if I can price match the ps4 deal @ JB?

    • Yeah, you can try.

      • i'll give it a shot, but i think they will refuse because it doesn't seem like they have this exact bundle.

        • -2

          Well of course they will refuse, if it's not the same product.

        • +1

          It depends on the person that serves you, don't ask the people at the counter, ask the person at the games desk.

  • Can anybody help me out with a good 12 month xbox live deal?

  • +1

    Thx 4 heads up.
    I might bargain EB Games there since I preordered & traded my stuff for Yoshi's Woolly World with $69 deal from Big W

  • Odd that there's no Xbone bundle, since 1TB is announced already. PS4 only has 'leaks' at this stage.

  • Is the deal online only or in store only or both?

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