• expired

Woolworths - Short-Dated 30 Month Parmigiano Reggiano (Parmesan) Cheese 200g $3 (Usually $12)


Similar to last week's deal for 18 month but this is the Woolworths Gold brand 30 month extra mature cheese wedge. Last week it was half price at $6 but now it's dropped to $3. This price is reflected online so it should be the same price where it is available.

Link to woolworths product page with price - no picture though. You can see it says '30 month' when you hover on the product title.

At my local woolworths it was short-dated (11 June) but I'm not sure about other stores.

There was also a 20 month grana padano at $2/200g wedge (Normally $10). The grana padano had best before of 14 June. I could not find the product on the woolworths website, but at least one other user has seen it at their woolies.

Might have to make some parmesan biscuits this weekend…

Related reading:

HOW TO STORE PARMIGIANO REGGIANO - from the Parmigiano-Reggiano Consortium:

After purchasing a piece of Parmigiano Reggiano freshly cut cheese or after opening the vacuum pack, the cheese must be stored at home in the refrigerator at a temperature between 4 and 8 Cº.

Parmigiano Reggiano maintains its organoleptic characteristics
* if it is stored at the right humidity level (in ventilated refrigerators, cheese tends to dry)
* if it is stored separately from other food (the fatty part of cheese tends to absorb other smells present in the fridge)
For example, it should be kept in appropriate glass or plastic containers. Another very practical solution is wrapping it in food-grade plastic film.In this way, Parmigiano Reggiano can be stored for a limited period of time, whilst checking its preservation conditions. Cheese should never be frozen: however, it is possible to freeze grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

Does Parmesan Cheese go bad?

Parmesan is a hard cheese, which means that it tends to last a very long time in block form. Just how long does Parmesan last? For those cooks that like the block cheese, and keep it in a sealed container, the shelf like can be from three to six months past any sort of expiration date. If a mold spot then appears then it can be cut out and the cheese will continue to be just fine in the refrigerator. Those that prefer to grate (you can also buy grated Parmesan cheese) the cheese and place it in the freezer have reported their Parmesan has lasted up to a year; the cheese was still good, but they made the decision to dispose of the cheese for safety reasons.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Does this cheese go off or is it still safe to eat after expiry? I know cheeses in packaging are different to cheeses maturing in a controlled climate with the ability to breathe.

    • +15

      It's already 30 Months old…Whats a little longer going to hurt :P

    • +2

      According to this site:

      Parmesan is a hard cheese, which means that it tends to last a very long time in block form. Just how long does Parmesan last? For those cooks that like the block cheese, and keep it in a sealed container, the shelf like can be from three to six months past any sort of expiration date

    • I saw one in Woolworths that had mold on it. Must have been a leak in the packaging. I guess if you keep it sealed it should be fine.

      It says not suitable for freezing but not sure why.

      • +1

        quality goes down, down.

        • +1

          Wrong mob :)

  • +10

    Once again, the lord Cheesus provides!

    • +14

      We should all be grateful.

  • Which store has the stock at this price?

    • +1

      Should be all stores since the price is online.

      Edit: I was at Woolworths Eastwood, NSW.

  • +2

    We tried this cheese weeks ago and it was excellent. Thanks OP

  • +1

    Didn't need it, but had to buy. ;)

  • Anyone else seeing "Unavailable"?

    • Just try a different store, or I'll sell you one of mine for $6 haha

  • +1

    Not another "Come to Cheeses" moment!

    • Blessed are the cheesemakers.

  • Looks like price has gone up by $1.00

    • +3

      That's for the 18 month.

      The 30 month was $6 last week.

      Well, assuming anyone can tell the difference in taste between the 2.

      • Good pick up

      • Has anyone tried both and been able to tell the difference in taste?

        • I would have liked to but couldn't get hold of the 18 month in my local woolies last week….

        • +1

          yeah the 30 month has a stronger and sharper taste, more flavour.

  • Combine with the Amex $10 back from $30?
    Buy 10 blocks of cheese to get 2kg's for $20 = $10/kg (or just be sensible and by toilet roll etc as well)

    • +6

      buy toilet roll as well

      Is there a connection? ;)

  • +2

    I bought so many that I had to ask my wife to buy a new cheeseboard!

  • Picked up the 20 month at my local Woolies. Sign said $4, scanned at $2.

    • That would be the grana padano ?

      • Yep.

        • Should be good as well. Some regions in italy prefer grana padano over parmigiano reggiano.

  • A while ago a local Woolworths had a similar but fancier Italian grated cheese about 90% off due to short dating. The usual price of $50/kg is pretty insane to this die hard OzBargainer. As the cheese is already aged at least a year, another few days doesn't make any difference. Just check the bag for mold.

  • Cheese comes from Italy and is authentic, just relabelled as wollies gold brand absolute bargain. Put in the freezer and it will last you ages. picked up 5 from local woollies store in Oakleigh in the clearance section for $1.50.

  • There were three or four types (including this one) at Chermside for $2/pack.

  • It only smellz

  • Bought some from Doncaster Woolies for $2 each a few weeks ago. Place a few of them in the freezer to use later on

    • It's weird that the packaging says not suitable for freezing.

      • +1

        Maybe you need to put it in a different container if you want to freeze it. The taste gets ruined by being frozen though but I guess it's still above any other cheese of this price.

        Edit: Did some quick reading and you don't want to store it in the freezer as it will ruin the cheese taste and texture. Only suitable if you are freezing a block cheese that you intend to melt on top of food.

        The best way of storing it is in your refrigerator as per this:


        A french guy in the comments of this page http://www.thekitchn.com/can-you-should-you-do-you-free-1178… said that if you do freeze your cheese you should defrost it very slowly by moving it to the refrigerator and that way it retains its taste.

        • Thanks for that. According to the source (the Parmigiano Reggiano Constortium)

          Vacuum-packed Parmigiano Reggiano must be stored in the refrigerator between 4 and 8°C.
          It is important to make sure that the pack is sealed and no air can enter.

          Cheese should never be frozen: however, it is possible to freeze grated Parmigiano Reggiano.

        • I've updated the description to include what the consortium says.

        • +1

          yes cheese should never be frozen - the only dairy product in the freezer should be ice-cream :)

  • I paid .80 at my local woolies a few weeks back. Grated, sorted into 1/2 cup portions and froze in zip lock bags for cooking.

  • +2

    it's too nice a cheese to freeze, when it gets to this price it becomes the general purpose eating cheese, no hunting for bargain cheddar. My local woollies doesn't have it so I stock up when I find it by luck at other woollies stores I tried to get it as click n collect once but it said run out.
    don't let the bargain price fool people, it truely is a bargain and I hope the woollies bean counters never catch on.
    somehow at a bargain price it tastes better

    • +1

      somehow at a bargain price it tastes better

      Most definitely!!!

      • Must be the extra aging lol

  • Maybe this stupid question but how I should eat this cheese? Any ideas?
    Its my first time to buy this type of cheese.

    • +1

      You can eat it on crackers, or use it in Italian food. Here's some ideas from the consortium.


      • thanks mate, will give it try.
        I tried with toast, didn't like it that much. its kind of dry.

        • Yeah it's a hard cheese. Enjoy.

        • +1

          Grate it on pasta mate, or add thin shrivels to your rocket salad with slices of pear. Hell, you can even sprinkle its gratings on your tacos and nachos. Parmesan is one hell of a taste enhancer, far better than MSG. It's all about the illusive umami taste.

    • Oh, and never waste the rind. Pop it in a soup e.g. this

    • +1

      with red wine like cabernet or shiraz :)

  • My local still has the 20 month old 200g for $2, so I bought a kilo. Not sure what I'll do with it, however!

  • +1

    at Woolies Hawksburn, opened 3 packets - Mouldy…

    And the discounted shaved parmesan on display - Mouldy…

    Check before you buy peoples !

    • Hmm I didn't open the outer paper packaging but opened one last night and it was fine.

  • +1

    I went into Woolies Fitzroy yesterday (04/06), they had about 20 blocks of this still at regular price but Best Before date (note: not actually a Use By date) was 02/06. I asked Deli Supervisor if they'd drop the price for them, but they had to throw them out because it was past the date. We then moaned together about how something like this would still be fine, and what a waste that it was going in the rubbish. They don't even give it to an organisation like FareShare.

    EDIT: just read geoffcraig67's post above… maybe chucking it out was not such a bad idea after all.

  • -1

    Not sure if happy here or not
    ordered 15 and got 7 of the as advertised and 13 x 150gram macro parmigiano and they never made mention of it at pickup or on the invoice
    An extra 350 grams of cheese but probably of a lesser quality

    • Looks like it still has the official parmigiano logo on it. Does it say how mature it is?

      • -1

        No indication of age but I just took the end off of each and the macro definitely has less punch.
        Prefer the stronger flavour myself so I guess eat the 200gram first and leave the macro for last.

        • Does the macro have a later best before date? I reckon you still got a good deal.

        • @moocher: earlier 19/07 for macro vs 14/08 for other
          Doesnt bother me as I rarely eat a cheese before its best before date, the mankier the better.

        • +1

          @Davros: That's plenty of time. Wish my woolies had those best before dates!

  • +1

    Just picked up 3 at woolies bondi junction, down to $2 each for the 30 month!

  • Just reporting that Woolworths West Ryde has the 30 month parmigiano with August expiry, and $2 shaved Grana Padano 200g for $2 with 29 Jun expiry.

    Made Parmargiano Reggiano and Rosemary Shortbread yesterday with the 30 month, it was nice but quite strong, might have been better with the 18 month. (recipe calls for 24 month)

  • Just got back from Woolies, and my local has about 20-25 packs of the Grana Padano for 50 cents now with expiration dates of this week.

    • Wow cheap!

  • Still on sale at woolies… anyone work at woolies and know why they have so much of these cheese about to expire? wasnt selling? lost a container of it somewhere along the way from italy and only just found it? Curious to know!

    • Pricing them at $12/200g wedge would have something to do with it. That's double the price of Millel.

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