Saw this on Facebook this morning. Didn't save link but managed to get a screenshot.
If someone has the link, that'd be great!
Seems similar to all previous years promotion.
edit: Link to McDonalds Website Thanks aaron y w
Saw this on Facebook this morning. Didn't save link but managed to get a screenshot.
If someone has the link, that'd be great!
Seems similar to all previous years promotion.
edit: Link to McDonalds Website Thanks aaron y w
It's what McDonald's calls their meals (i.e. a burger + fries + drink).
Also I believe it's only the large meals such as large cheeseburger meal etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
All sizes are referred to as extra value meals. On the registers it's listed as EVM.
Where's the value?
That's extra.
You get extra empty space when ordering/paying for large chips but barely get half (or less) chips as you would when getting medium size chips, if my recent experience is any indication.
If only they sold Coke in glass rather than the watered down post-mix version
It's not watered down. Coca-Cola enforces strict quality checks on their post-mix products including verifying that the correct proportions of syrup/water are delivered in the end product.
Where do y'all live. Others in my area GC and Brisb agree maccas-coke is best coke. Adding bourbon to maccas-coke is like a rare delicacy.
I know it's only coke anyway but it's different than what you'd get off a pub tap.
Was Barney sucking off the tap again?
Pubs are selling you Pepsi. Not even kidding.
It depends. Sometimes Maccas (or HJ's) coke tastes fine, other times it's too watery or too sweet, it depends on when it was calibrated and a whole lot of other factors. I've had coke from a pub tap where it was almost all soda water.
Watered down or not it doesn't matter.
Post-Mix coke tastes different to regular coke there is no way to make it taste the same.
It may meant to be that way, but it never is. The amount of times i've had a coke or sprite and effectively got soda water (obviously impossible to tell visually with sprite) but the coke was barely even brown. They just don't check the syrup boxes or the machine is cactus.
I agree & know that Coca-Cola do this.
reason for my comment is that they (Macca's staff) ram as much ice in the cups as they can to (1) make it more 'cost effective' and (2) extra ice waters down the Coke.
As someone who has worked at Maccas, this is false.
There's a small line near the bottom-middle of the cup indicating where ice is to be filled to. You can ask for no ice if you prefer that.
The cost of the syrup+water+CO2 is so cheap I doubt they save anything on the ice. Maybe a few cents max, probably not even that.
@nexus4: You're assuming that all staff play by the rules like you did, nexus :P Occasionally you do get cups overfilled with ice. I personally ask for no ice :)
What always disappoints me is being served flat fizzy drink. Happens (or has happened, rather) more often than it should. Mind you I haven't had Coke (diet Coke rather) from Maccas or Hungry Jacks for a long while now, but I used to buy just a drink fairly regularly back in the day while out and about and it was always a lottery as to whether it'd be fizzy or flat. :/
Gone are the days when these meals were around $4.95 for the free glass. I have about half a dozen of these glasses gathering dust in my cupboard! :D
That was like… 15 years ago… I know time does go fast.
$4.95? So, 1992?
No, more like 2001
19 year old here, I swear they had these deals when I was in yr 2/3 at least. so oh, ~2002. It's been a while I guess
He talking about when meals were $4.95, not how long they've been the glasses have been around.
Large meals at Maccas were $4.95 up until July 2000 when the GST came in. Literally overnight they became $5.45, and then they jacked up the price to $5.95 before the year was out.
The "Burger King vs Hungry Jacks" war of 2001 was great though — $5.50 at BK vs. $6.50 at HJ for the same Large Whopper meal. Then they lost their court battle, HJ bought all the BKs, and jacked up the prices.
How do you know so much about modern Australian fast food history?
Those glasses look better than the previous skinny ones they were giving away.
Yep that's me too, love these glasses.
you can buy the glass only at the counter, for $2each, if you want to collect them
Thanks! Someone mentioned they find them fragile but i find the opposite. I'm a heavy handed fool and have smashed many a glass against the sink and spout bit (whatever it's called) but these seem to take my abuse.
I definitely read that as "smashed many a glass against the sink and spouse (whatever it's called)" and worried OzBargaining was beginning to cost you your family.
Good to know. But I like the free ones they give out at licensed establishments better.
"100 years of killer curves" doesn't sound like a great testimonial for Coke or McDonald's…
I have 20+ in my cupboard already…….
but i don't think i can resist it, I can't control myself……
There pretty fragile. Most mine broke
Same for me.
The ones I have shaped like this, I agree. The ones they had about two years ago that were taller and narrower seem to be not too bad, only broken one (out of about 12) in the last couple of years.
My experience has been the opposite if they're similar to the maccas coke glasses with the olympic sport motif.
Used regularly and I've only had one break - dropped on kitchen tiles from waist height ("yep: that'd do it…")
Maccas is too expensive for their shite food.
Ah crap - here comes my McDiet.
You can buy these cups individually I'm pretty sure. Usually for $1 or maybe two.
The cheapest large meal would probably be a hamburger meal around ~$6.
I'll check when I work next.
how many mL's are they?
You can buy these cups individually I'm pretty sure. Usually for $1 or maybe two.
Keep us posted, ta :)
it's $2 and also there are new minions toys also $2
Please come back and let us know, eh? Thanks.
Are they all the same colour ?
While you're at it, whats the composition of sand in the glass material?
Come on. fair shake of the sav. was on my mobile and unable to view pics.
What and I had like maccas like 4 times in the past couple of weeks and now hey have cups?
This was announced 4 months ago (Thanks Gomo):
Dates of the Coke Glass promotion (including 1 week of run out period) are as below:
VIC: Wednesday, 1st July 2015 until Tuesday, 28th July 2015
All other States: Wednesday, 27th May 2015 until Tuesday, 23rd June 2015
Awesome, time to make use of the AMEX offer I registered for ($5 off $15 spend at Maccas)
That will get you a small fries.
Anyone know if you can get them for the usual $1.95?
Are they glass this time? Got some a few years ago & it was cheap plastic!
Also saw this on TV this morning
Really? All the Olympics ones I have are made of glass.
I don't think they have ever been plastic.
Def got cheap plastic ones at maccas, may have been about 10 years ago or so…. weird green colour too
I can confirm they did have cheap plastic cups at one point.
They didnt like the dishwasher either, and faded and cracked soon after.
But of recent memory they've been glass. thin crappy glass, but glass none the less.
I'll give the new ones a shot this week and see if they've improved.
Yeah, they are the ones
The cups are extremely fragile, the glass thickness is not acceptable. I'm surprised its not on the recall register.
Got a pic to show us? :D
Its the same shoddy cups they bring out every 2 years.
Yeah I mean I dropped it on concrete and they shatrered. Was not impressed
Yeah, what is it with glass, everytime you drop it on concrete it seems to break…???
Duralex glasses are supposed to be virtually unbreakable.
tap it lightly against a table, it might break, tap it a little harder and it will..
try and do that with a normal cup with the correct thickness.
I got some, the glass was so thin you could literally see right through it.
a few years ago they started using slightly thicker glass for their glasses, it depends if you were using these or the older ones.
The slightly thicker glass means it will no longer shatter while washing it in the sink, but it still won't survive a large drop like a regular thick glass can.
Having said that you can buy plenty of glasses that are similar thickness to the Mcdonalds glasses
Why don't they make them from iPhone glass, then they'd never break ;)
Problem is, when you rotate it into landscape mode, all the liquid comes out.
Mine have lasted well over the years survived a number of drops as well
They look much better than the last ones. Differing designs too.
"look better" just like the big mac on the website haha
I believe last time I used these for my hot tea the glass pretty much cracked.
Couldn't handle fresh hot boiled water.
I through mine at a brick wall. Same deal.
Lol @ through
D'oh! Wow I need some sleep. I'm usually the grammar dork…
Regular glasses are not meant for hot/boiling water.
You need special glasses if you want to do this.
maybe so, but i use my $5 set of 4 tumblers from big-W with boiling water no problems.
That doesn't mean they won't shatter one day.
[@samfisher5986](/comment/2780720/redirits been years so I guess it wont
I still have the coloured ones from two years ago. Going strong!
Still gonna pick these up… maybe two of the ones I like :-P
Good thing I saw this in time for lunch.
Ok just got one,
390ml capacity
Made in France
ok now squeeze it as hard as u can haha
Those aren't Coca-Cola branded.
So you mean they're even better??
Those aren't Coca-Cola branded.
What's an extra value meal?