This was posted 9 years 9 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sodastream Syrup Flavours at Dick Smith $2.15 C&C or + Shipping


Sodastream flavours for $2.15 each. Flavours include Raspberry, Lemon, Cola, Diet Cola, Creaming Soda & Ginger Beer. Available for click and collect.

Also, for some reason I received a discount of $12.35 taking my order of 6 of them to a total of $0.55. Had 4 in my cart which was showing up as no cost.

Related Stores

Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • -5

    Are Dick Smith branching out into food now?

    • Well they sell the Sodastream machines so makes sense they would sell the syrup to go with them

        • +6

          That's because cakes and sausages would be what you would make with those appliances. Why would you buy a mixer and then buy a cake when you would use the mixer to make the cake yourself?

        • -4


          Why would you buy a mixer and then buy a cake when you would use the mixer to make the cake yourself?

          Do Harvey Norman sell flour, sugar, meat then ???

        • +2

          @jv: no, but they might sell straws.. so you can go grasp them

  • +1

    What the…?

    Dick Smith, what have you become

    • +2


  • +1

    Ordered 6 for in store pickup. It seems if you order 5 it's free!!! I ordered 6 so it's harder for them to cancel my order…

    • +1

      I did the same thing, as then I have actually paid something.

    • +1

      I noticed the five for free after 1 was out of stock, but decided to order 7….paid $2.70 so even harder for them to cancel :). Nice share OP.

  • Awesome thanks OP

  • +1

    can you drink the syrups without the soda stream machine?

    • +1

      Mix with soda water…. Same thing

      • +1

        sweet, which are the nice ones?

        • Creaming Soda and Raspberry are my favourite

        • -1

          I see what you did there.

        • @Utopian:
          Going to see if I can pick them up from the Local DSE at lunch time.

        • -3


          see if I can pick them up from the Local DSE at lunch time.

          let us know if they are selling hamburgers as well now…

        • None of them

        • +1

          thats negative, im drinking the raspberry one now, its nice.
          you seem sad that you missed out.

        • @tuzii:

          Not at all.

          I've had a soda stream for years and have tried many of the syrups and think they taste awful. Mix with fresh lime juice or buderim ginger cordial is far nicer IMHO.

    • +1

      Yes, Just buy carbinated water and add to taste…

    • -2

      can you drink the syrups without the soda stream machine?

      Just use Cottees Cordial, normally much cheaper and tastes better.

      • +1

        hows it cheaper???…

        3L for 55cents here.
        your bargain skills are crappy today JV

        • -2

          hows it cheaper???

          learn to read

          "normally much cheaper"

        • @jv:
          find me 3L Cottees Cordial for 55cents then…..?

        • -2


          find me 3L Cottees Cordial for 55cents then…..?

          proof you really can't read…

        • +2
        • @tuzii: drink the cool-aide

  • Just did my order for 2, it came up as free but if they charge me I'm fine with that. I know, so not an OzBargainer attitude.

    Thanks OP

  • -1

    Just ordered 6x from 3 different stores. I wonder what they re-sell for?

      • -5

        I just looked, I technically should be able to resell them for $250. If I can (and they fulfil the order) I'll be VERY happy!

        • +1

          technically, DSE just ruined the market by giving them away for free…..

  • +1

    lol… their cart is seriously messed up

    I had 4 syrups for $0 C&C, then added another item for delivery….. now I've got a negative amount for C&C items

    • +2

      It is "ONE DAY OF MAYHEM!" after all.

    • +1

      They pay you?

      • +1

        seems they split the discount across both columns

        unfortunately they enforce all the items being either C&C or delivery….. still trying to get around that

  • I was able to add 3 packs of the caps to the cart as well, plus 5 syrups for about $2.68.

    Let's see if it works.

    • What are the caps for? Do you need them?

      • SodaStream Caps are a new flavouring method that takes home soda making to the next level.

        One SodaStream Cap is 100% recyclable and will flavour a 1 Litre SodaStream carbonating bottle in an instant, resulting in a consistently flavoured sparkling beverage each time.

        Simply choose your flavour, place the capsule onto a 1 Litre SodaStream bottle and press down lightly to start the flow of flavour. Within seconds the sparkling drink is ready to enjoy

  • +1

    Hahaha!! It worked for me too! Great share! I hope they are not expiring next month or so.

  • looks fixed now - not getting free syrup in cart

  • doesn't seem to work anymore for me :c, was just about the check out too

    • yeah its finished by the looks of it.

  • no more!

  • +2

    Why's the deal expired? $2.15 for these is still quite good.

  • Anyone else just get a ready to pick up SMS?

    • not yet

    • Yep I just did

    • Yep, got mine.

  • Still seems appears to be active, I just placed an order

  • Just got the SMS to pick up

    • -3

      Same here… now waiting on the other two stores :) 2/2 ready… can we make it 3?

  • My order was cancelled due to subtotal $0. I ordered 5 for picking up and just got a phone call from local dicksmith said they had cancelled my order.

    • +1

      you never get these deals if you try get them for free…..

  • Ordered 6 for $0.55 and just got a call saying they are waiting for confirmation from head office but its probably getting cancelled. Will wait and see what the final word is, but still a good price for them either way. Will ask what the expiry dates are on them and may still get all 6 if they are good for awhile.

    • +1

      My order ended up going through! I almost felt bad when picking it up, I had to tell them they were missing one of my syrups and asked them to replace one that looked like it may have had one leak on it.

      2 of my syrups expired in April, one expires in August, 2 in November, and one March of next year. Not too shabby for 55 cents. Thanks OP!

      edit. Also bought a sodastream for 20 bucks off of gumtree so I am good to go

  • Just picked up mine!!

  • Temporarily out of stock..

    Yeah temporarily until they put the price back up.

  • +1

    Paid for mine at 10:20am and picked up a little after 12:15pm. The staff member said it was one of the last the head office allowed to go through. Thank you OP.

    • -1

      Well I get 2/3, might cut and run at 2pm and go pick them up

  • +1

    I got mine from Mac Centre (North Ryde) DSE just then, they were relunctant to release them, but couldnt get a hold of the "Web Team" so they handed them over.
    The girls said "you'll probably get a call form the web team…."
    I laughed.

    Now how much do i use in a 400ml glass?
    or where is the cheapest SodaStream Machine I can get?

    • +1

      Answer the phone, buddy. We KNOW you're home. - Web Team Leader

    • Bottles of soad water = 75c at woolies.
      Add flavour to personal taste.

  • The first store refused but the second one gave me the order… 1/2… let's see if the order on the 3rd store gets processed

  • +1

    Picked my order from Dicksmith Kippa ring and Northlakes. Some of the falours has exprity in Aug and Nov this year, some has May next year. No questions asked by store reps. Lucky me! 6 bottles for $0.55!! Bargain in its true sense!

  • Awesome, thanks OP :)

  • Got six for 55 cents, but I'm not sure I'll even pick them up. Would still have to buy a machine, and it doesn't look like there are any on special at the moment. Probably only use it until the six bottles ran out, and not sure it's worth it.

  • +1

    Picked up my order this morning, store worker didn't even notice I paid $2.70 for a massive bag of syrups. Bargain of the year.

  • just got a message now saying it is ready for pickup….will go after work tonight (55c for 6) hope it works

  • Got 12 bottles from two different stores. Didn't want to press my luck TOO much!

  • +1

    picked my 6 up tonight for 55c THANK OP

  • Still waiting on my pick up SMS

  • I decided to go and pick up the 6 for 55c. Probably should have bought more if I'm going to buy a machine. How long does one of these bottles usually last for?

  • They canceled my order and refunded my 55c :(

  • Haven't received my pick up SMS either. Ordered 4 bottles for around $8.

  • Mine got cancel as well. how come some get it and some got cancel. Guess luck of the draw :-)

  • LOL, just collected my order of 6 and the cashier was like, "Wow, you only paid $0.55 for these?" I just smiled and shrugged and said, "Yeah, there was a promo online." :-)

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