For every 5000 notepads requested Arjowiggins Graphic commits to provide education for one year to the 720 children of the 4 SOS Children’s Villages preschools in Madagascar. Thanks for helping out.
Request Your Free Notepad and Help Preschools in Madagascar

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Obviously fishing for data too, however I am sure we can deal with that.
Is this page loading for anyone else?
Not loading.
Website not working.
The link should be:
On that page, I see an overlay that announces the freebie and Madagascar sponsorship.
Maybe they are trying to block bots with that other link. I got a confirmation that the form was submitted, but it took over 10 minutes to receive.
Also, the description on OzB varies from the official description. The way I read it, it's not a deal that multiplies for every 5000 requests, it's a single deal that takes effect if 5000 requests are made. They state: "When we reach our target of 5,000 notepad requests, we will support education in the four SOS Children’s Villages pre-schools of Madagascar for one entire school year.*"
- Arjowiggins Graphic commits to provide education for one year to the 720 children of the 4 SOS Children’s Village preschools in Madagascar.
Edit: Maybe this link is more direct: but note that after the link has been followed once, it stops working.
Well it was working yesterday, it was also on hotukdeals so it got pummeled and it reads..
The 2015 Cyclus Supporting Education campaign is now closed.
Seems odd they have a goal of 5000 free notepads instead of just giving the education to the villages.