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IndieGala Mega Adventure Bundle: 11 games for $4; PixelJunk titles $1 each


This is one of IndieGala's best bundles so far. Almost all of the 11 games have positive or above ratings on Steam, and none of them I owned - most haven't been Bundled before. The last Tinker and Venetica are probably the most professional of the games, and definitely worth $4 each.

Runaway, The Dream of The Turtle
The Journey Down: Chapter One - Trading cards

Mushroom Men: Truffle Trouble - Trading cards, first time in a bundle
Venetica - Gold Edition - Trading cards, first time in a bundle
The Last Tinker™: City of Colors - Trading cards, first time in a bundle
The Journey Down: Chapter Two - Trading cards, first time in a bundle
War, the Game - Trading cards, first time in a bundle
About Love, Hate and the other ones - Trading cards, first time in a bundle
Runaway: A Twist of Fate
Runaway, A Road Adventure

Also, there are quite a few titles of interest on their store this weekend, including:

Naild $1.24 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/naild/40380

Knytt Underground $1.39 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/knytt-underground/24…

PixelJunk Shooter $1 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/pixeljunk-shooter/25…

PixelJunk Monsters $1 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/pixeljunk-monsters-u…

Call of Warez $2.49 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/call-of-juareztm/302…

PixelJunk Eden $1 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/pixeljunk-eden/10580…

Men of War Assault Squad Deluxe $8.74 https://www.indiegala.com/store/product/men-of-war-assault-s…

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closed Comments

  • Call of Warez

    Call of Juarez :) - great game, do recommend.

    • I played it about 4 years ago and really liked it to. It is one of the few games with a built in benchmark as well. The next Call of Juarez game was much more consolized, with a terribly narrow default FOV.

      • I didn't mind the sequel, I felt it wasn't that long though. I can't wait for a new one, it's one of my favourite series. Shooting feels so satisfying and it seems hard to master the "feeling" of it in a lot of games these days.

  • i played the journey, not much gameplay as it point and click but great dialogue and had fun playing it, there are puzzles though, i would recommend

  • The Runaway click and point adventures are quite interesting but not all are of equal quality.

    • Shame it doesn't include Hollywood monsters or yesterday. They had a more solid story imo.

  • Runaway and Journey Down games look ok…but i think calling it one of their best bundles is a bit of a stretch. I don't think "positive or above" ratings on steam says that much really…

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