Sanity game clearout. Some great deals here, including Street Fighter 4 for $35 and most games in the $20 - $40 range.
Great for picking up stuff for trading at places like EB and GAME…
mod - their site now says that campaign is closed
Sanity game clearout. Some great deals here, including Street Fighter 4 for $35 and most games in the $20 - $40 range.
Great for picking up stuff for trading at places like EB and GAME…
mod - their site now says that campaign is closed
Just ordered a GHWT super bundle for $99 + $5 delivery to Melbourne. Bargain!
There's also Star Wars: Force Unleashed on 360 for $18.75 -
me TOO :D :D
SingStar for PS3 only $17 i saw both 90s, pop and ABBA…
No GHWT bundle for Wii? Darn…
Xbox360 Guitar Hero World Tour Bundle $37.50,
Not bad! Shame its not on the PS3 too!
That's just with the guitar only.
still, it'd be good if the PS3 had that, or the wii >_<
Is this online only, or in store too? (I can't check the website at work unfortunately)
Online only
Great bargain - grabbed quite a few trade bait for jb.. its better than shopping in real life - had the exclusion list in one window and the sanity games in another window.
Any suggestions? I'm trying to get Forza 3 cheap, what did you use for trade bait?
…. just grab forza 3 on sanity. its $45 only…
Legend. +1
which games did you get as trade bait?
Pssst…. Please keep the trading bait suggestions quiet.
You guys dun want them to change the policies right?
Or maybe even change to…. Trade 6 games to swap for Batman Asylum….
I am telling bwahahaaaaa….
guys post the links of you can i'm capped its taking foreva to look through the site
Not sure it's you being capped. The site seems to be getting hammered right now. It's taking forever even through the corporate LAN.
I think the site is getting hammered pretty badly… it's taking forever to load and I'm not capped!
But have managed to snaffle Guitar Hero super bundle and a couple of other games for X360 :D
Does that mean if i buy the three cheap singstar titles, i can trade in for modern warfare 2?
In theory, yes. None of them are on the exclusion list… yet. JB tends to be fairly quick in updating things if there's a chance they'll get swamped with trade-bait, so if you're going to do it, do it quickly :-)
site not loading at all now
Loading a little bit slowly, but fine for me at the moment.
loaded for me :) but just slow :P better than COTD crap haha!
thanks just ordered skate 2 and sf4 for ps3 $65 delivered for both :P
Grabbed the GHWT Bundle as well after a bit of deliberation, I read about issues with the Drum Set though.
Hopefully my order gets filled considering how many people seemed to have flooded the site.
Wonder how long they would take to deliver…
If you pay an extra $2 for Express, then it will arrive the day after it ships :-)
What is the difference between the Guitar Hero World Tour Bundle and Super Bundle?
Bundle is just with guitar..and super bundle is drum set, mic and guitar.
Wii's De Blob is only $15 (was $39.99).
Guitar Hero World Tour Super Bundle is only $99.25 (was $264.66).
Halo 3
NFS undercover
street fighter 4
all xbox360
$100 delivered.
Thanks to poster!
Great find first off
I'm a little concerned that there are the same number of items now than there was a few hrs ago…..either they have a crap load of games or the site inst reflecting live stock figures and some people could miss out.
I hope its the crap load option :-)
One of the games I got (Lego Batman) has "ships in 5-10 days" so I think they'll honour the purchases.
This is their policy: makes every effort to fulfil all orders placed; however, we cannot guarantee the in-stock position at any of our suppliers and occasionally we are informed a title is no longer available. If this is the case we will notify you via email and remove the title from the website. You will not be charged for unavailable items as payment is only processed when goods are shipped.
So in theory they could pull a Dell, unfortunately.
I agree…great find but with so many people buying and their site not reflecting live stock levels, it's inevitable that some people will miss out. Doubt they'll restock so they will sell games to ozbargainers at a loss.
Didn't stop me buying a few games for myself though :)
can you trade in singstars games in the three for free trade in offers with out the mics ?
if not on the exclusion list then yes
I have never played guitar hero before, but have seen it in action. My 2 year son loves the drums, is there any mode where he can just bash them in guitar hero without playing the competitions?
So what is the quality of the drums like with the; Guitar Hero World Tour Super Bundle?
Apparently the drums aren't particularly good if you read through the reviews, a lot of people RMA'd the cymbals.
There were reports of problems but the set I got when it was first released hasnt had any problems to this day.
Activision did release a tuning software where you could connect the drums to a PC and adjust the sensitivity through the use of a MIDI cable
anyone get a pending email after they paid?
doesn't that mean they can chuck a dell on us?
Mine says "Your order was successfully placed. We will keep you updated of your order's progress and let you know when your order has been shipped."
Edit: just noticed every item says 'Pending'.
Thanks for the post, bought a few games to add to my collection
Purchased $300 in items.. selling the GHWT and GH:A that will pay back most of it!! Excellent bargain!
Ist only me or does the list keep changing.
You might be right! There seems to be a few more games (mainly Sims) in the list now than when I first posted the deal. At least, page 4 has slightly more items in it now than before…
There' some games here, like Quantum of Solace for 15 bucks, that I've been waiting to come down to bargain bin price, for the post-Christmas gaming dry season.
haha the one morning I don't check ozbargain!!
I think almost all the games are gone now :(
Lol, happens to me all the time. I check this site religiously, and it feels like the best bargains go when I happen to miss a day of logging on.
How can you tell if they're all gone, i just purchased some, email says they're all pending?
looks like i was too late, pretty much just garbage there now.
Wow the list is rapidly drying up. Went from about 160 titles to 20 within 10 minutes. Hope the items in my cart were actually reserved.
Lol. Only 12 games remaining at the XBOX 360 category:
Nothing left… all sold out… like above - hopefully my order is honoured…
Purchased the following:
James Bond Quantum Of Solace
Mercenaries 2 World In Flames
Ratchet And Clank: Tools Of Destruction
Resistance: Fall Of Man
Virtua Fighter 5
Never mentioned that they were out of stock. Some good bargains there!
actually, what if all the items are still in your basket, can you still checkout and all?
nothing interesting left for xbox 360.
wow lucky i got in fast hahaha woooot BEST DEAL this yr for me if they honour all the stuff i ordered…
Damn it.
was waiting for my dad to get home… they're all gone now….
Dont feel too bad, most retailers will try to offload their games before christmas otherwise they will be stuck with them especially with the awesome games coming out.
Woops had Virtua Fighter 5 and Soul Calibur in my cart was going to see if there were any other additions to the list before I bought - forgot about it and closed the browser.
I noticed the deal when there was about 450 clicks and ended up getting 7 games for the ps3. They were slightly more expensive than 1 full priced game. My collection of games went up by 25% or so :)
Can someone tell me how this:
Is a special price?
$69.99 was $52
lol. Reminds me of a special sticker, with a discount of a whopping 0c.
Wow.. Burnout Paradise (PS3) for only $14.06..
damn you all! that's all I have to say…
cannot believe i missed this =[
oh well might hit eb games for their boxing day sale.
lol sheesh , it wasnt that special. You can still pickup games like street fighter/resident evil at almost the same if not cheaper elsewhere.
lol errr there was about 10-15 different ps3 games not on jb exclusion list for $15-20 bucks so I can trade $45 worth for a new ps3 release ^_^
Guitar Hero World Tour super bundle normally $250+ for $99 isn't cheap? Hmm..
Damn, net was slow earlier so I thought I'd come back later. Got back and all gone. Missed out on some huge bargains :(
20 items left now, though nothing looks very interesting.
WOW i'm glad i got in early.. can't believe its gone from about 6 pages to 1
Aw man, I was going to do this at work earlier when there were 4 pages. Didn't get a chance and now they're totally gone. Fail (by me)
Missed out on a PS3 GHWT bundle when the checkout locked up. If anyone has a PS3 version ordered they are keen to offload, let me know. I'm in Sydney.
I picked up Burnout Paradise PS3 for $14.06 yesterday before everyone ransacked them.
I ordered too, but how do we know this won't end up like another Dell screw-up?? Prices were too good to be true and prob way more demand than they would've been expecting…my order has been pending for an awful long time…
They also have Need For Speed Pro Street for PS3 $13.12
This doesn't show on the clearance page but if you go to games then ps3 you can see it
There are about 30 Sanity Stores that are doing 50% off all games that they have in store. You can only grab whats on the shelf, no more orders can be done, but they are same price as the website…. should call the local store to see if they have any games stock. got guitar hero world tour for $28!
There aren't 30 Sanity games stores… There's only a handful now..
Mine is doing it!
Maryborough QLD.
Nothing there worth grabbing however except for the GH:WT full bundle for $99.
This was a great post, alot of very good bargains.
I phoned and changed my 2 orders over to express shipping.
She said the games clearance was very popular. They are ordering in additional stock to fulfill these orders. They will ship next week.
Nice! I guess it was a good sign when the items started disappearing off the list, that they probably wouldn't be doing a Dell, as they're limiting their liability.
Great to hear! Gee… I didn't know there were 6 pages to start with! By the time I put up this post there was only 4 pages. Wonder what other great deals I missed!
I know there was GH Aerosmith with limited edition guitar (PS3) for $37 that I managed to grab.
I just grabbed the last PS3 GHWT instrument bundle in stock in Sydney Metro stores, but she looked and found there are still copies in Bathurst and Dubbo. She wasn't sure if they were prepared to move stock from store to store, but it might be worth a phone call to these stores to see. Or drive to Dubbo and see the great Zoo while you are there!
I didn't ask about other states, sorry!
What were the other great deals people got yesterday that others may be able to grab in-store today?
The deals I remeber were
Resistance FOM (PS3) - $13
FIFA 08 (PS3) - $13
WWE vs Raw 2009 (PS3) - $13
Ratchet & Clank TOD (PS3) - $13
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3) - $13
Need for Speed Pro Street (PS3) - $13
Skate (PS3) - $13
Saints Row 2 (PS3) - $17
Lego Batman (PS3) - $17
Singstar Abba - $17
Singstar Pop - $17
Guitar Hero Aero Smith With Guitar (PS3) - $37
Guitar Hero Complete bundle (PS3) - $ 99
De Blob (Wii) - $15
MySims (Wii) - $13
Madworld (Wii) - $23
Castlevania (Wii) - $23
Virtual Fighter 5 (X360) - $9
There was alot more for very good prices.
Placed my order in last night, brought 6 ps3 games….so far atm, no email and payment is pending…also I checkout as guest…so can't check the order..
You should have received an order confirmation e-mail at the very least. Did you check your junk folder?
yeah..i did check…but no email at all
Perhaps you where in hurry to checkout and mistyped your email address.
I would phone them and confirm your order.
as would i..
So is the $99 GUITAR HERO WORLD TOUR instrument bundle compatible with the ROCK BAND software?
Depends which console you are talking about:
Thanks. PS3 versions I was referring to.
I emailed them yesterday:
Hi. I am a new customer. I purchased items from the games clearance sale. Order numbers: xxx & xxx. I am concerned you won’t be able to fulfill everyone’s order. Can you please confirm both my orders will be processed and delivered to me. Thank you, Michelle.
Hi. Our games clearout was a massive success yesterday we sold all the reduced stock we had and are currently trying to source more at a reduced price for the remaining orders.
Your order will remain in pending until we source the stock.
We should find out more details in the next couple of days will advise as soon as we have solid details
Kind regards
I'm happy with that response.. At least they are trying to source more stock, unlike other companies…
Nice.. Bought Guitar Hero 3 Guitar pack for $30 delivered.. Really just wanted an extra guitar for World Tour/Rock Band.. the game is a bonus I might trade.
World Tour Super bundles are only $99!!!
That's $99 for Game, guitar, drums and microphone!!
Almost worth grabbing for the spare instruments alone