Unlimited ADSL and ADSL2+ for $69 a month with $50 setup. All Australian ISP.
Available nationwide.
NO lock-in contracts.
No slowdowns due to netflix.
ozbargain code will get a further 15% discount.
Unlimited ADSL and ADSL2+ for $69 a month with $50 setup. All Australian ISP.
Available nationwide.
NO lock-in contracts.
No slowdowns due to netflix.
ozbargain code will get a further 15% discount.
A special deal for ozbargain!
Never heard of this ISP… HMmm
has anybody used them before?
They were down all last weekend:
Tells me everything I need to know.
"They blamed congestion at the exchange"
Heh "no slowdowns from netflix"… just slowdowns from everything else then?
I'm an Exetel customer and I've been affected by 2 separate outages in Telstra's infrastructure for 5 of the last 7 days (with a short 2 day up time in the middle)… what does that tell you?
oh it does it's $15 off
all fixed!
Includes lan line?
No it does not.
15% off what? the monthly ongoing cost? just one month? the setup fee? Details pikkaachu! pikka pikka! :P
it's a one off $15 off.
only applicable to the $69 plan
I vote for 15% off the monthly ongoing
its 15% off setup and ongoings :)
recurring and setup fees!
Had never heard of a bonded product before, this could help me out of my slow speed hell given no sign of the nbn near me
Does anyone know what these bonded products are like? What sort of speeds I might expect? At the moment I struggle on a service that went from 3Mbps now at 2.3Mbps and can barely handle iView let alone Netflix. Would a bonded product get me up around the 5Mbps needed?
The big issue is you'll need multiple active phone lines from what I can gather… the site isn't exactly clear and none of the Product Information summaries work when clicked…
Yes if 3Mbps is what you sync at a 2 line bond will make it 6Mbps (2x3Mbps)
I had a 4 line bond but downgraded as wasn't in my budget anymore
You only pay your original line rental the new lines are covered in the setup costs and monthly fee, very good value
My node service was churned in 2 days and the extra lines were installed in a week from ordering
I don't have a phone line, do they offer installation of that?
hmm well rental is $0… dunno if that includes installation (probably not)
Yes zeno offers installtion, $50
and line rental, $30 per month.
umm your website said $0 for line rental
I am happy to sign up for 36 months contract if 15% discount is allowed.
Seems like a lot of 'new' Ozbargain members are just joining to let us know how good this ISP is…
wow this whole post is dodgey
the website looks good tho
already reported
Do they have their own DSLAMS? Or do they resell Telstra/Optus/etc?
I heard that they can give out unlimited internet by taking advantage of the fact that in order to reach 1GB of usage, you first much reach 500mb. And to reach 250mb, you must first reach 125mb. And so on and so forth. So by allocating merely 1GB per month per person, they provide you with an infinite sequence of ever smaller data packages that are impossible to get through there's an infinite number of them. Thus, reaching your quota is impossible. Thus, unlimited quota.
Seems legit to me.
What do you mean?
ROFL, that perfectly explained how I downloaded 500G of Free Linux Distros with Dodo :).
Serious Note - WTF?!
Keep going - you're halfway there.
I'm unsure whether to take this seriously or not?
ROTFLMHOAKTC - I think your arrow flew over a few heads. I must admit, it's all Greek to me…
I don't see how an arrow could have flown over anybody's head if all arrows are motionless.
Good isp have been with them since November last year churned off internode and haven't looked back. Support the little guy. If your exchange has different dslams they will order one of those ports before a telstra port so they support Annex M
Can someone explain for a newb why changing to Zeno would offer any improvements in speed. In my area I am with tpg and get around 12mb/s. Based on my distance from the exchange this is classed as an expected speed. So how can Zeno offer faster speeds if I'm allready at the highest approximate speed based on my distance. Any constructive info on what they offer that improves their speed would be appreciated. Note NBN and optus cable unlimited are not available at my location.
what TPG plan are you on and how close to exchange are u?
Line of Sight: 1303 m
Estimated Cable: 2020 m
Estimated Attenuation: 28
Estimated Maximum Speed: 14000
TPG Unlimited Bundle
Where do you get these details from?
ie Cable length (m), max speed.
@check: just do a search for "distance from exchange" pick a site, enter your details and it will give you the info. Quite interesting
They won't increase, unless you opt for one of the bonded products.
Or, in very rare cases have a transposition from an exchange connection to a cabinet (with a tophat) based connection. Very unlikely to happen, but worth mentioning I guess.
Oh god just realised the day, some people been without internet for SIX DAYS now… And it has nohing to do with the flooding etc. It's just purely because they have such a poor setup.
edit: And it's $30 a month line rental, since hwne is $99 a BARGAIN?
hi rep,
how can you guarantee no netflix slowdown? you don't seem to have the capital to create your own network so who do you resell (whose ports do we end up on at the exchange)?
we use a mix of providers dslams.
We have our own back-haul network that has plenty of capacity, so we are no experiencing congestion at this time.
How can you guarantee Netflix when you admitted to having outages for the last 3 days?
how is your service better than tpg unlimited with line rental?
Beat me to it.
$59 for unlimited ADSL2+ INCLUDING home phone rental at TPG. Very hard to top.
The reason so many new people are posting on this is because we are zeno users and want to help out the Isp.
I have already downloaded 500gig this month and I still have three times that queued! No issues no slowness. Two streams of netflix work flawless.
My ping dropped from mid 30's to low 20's in battlefield. I churned in 4 days and have not had an issue in two months.
Since joining zeno I have found it to be more of a community then a client business model and I even help them out some times with support stuff. They are funding I am learning things!
How come all these users only signed up today?
Obvious sockpuppeting going on here..
All Australian ISP.
Yet web site domain located in British Indian Ocean.
max speed for "adsl2+" is 8mbps ….
8 is for adsl not adsl2+
great finding sherlock, thanks for the downvote :)
I didn't downvote you mate, just so you know.
Such obvious sockpuppeting… Check whirlpool to read nothing positive about Zeno
I call shenanigans!!
Hey guys, I just joined up to say I love Zeno Internet and I want to pledge my first-born son's soul to them as a religious sacrifice for their awesome service. Now I'm going to take a swig of this awesome free Kool-Aid Zeno sent me when I signed up.
On a more serious note, they have an interesting "No Data Retention" claim on their website.
So either they've found a legal loophole in the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment Bill of 2015 or they don't know about the biggest thing to impact ISPs that happened this year.
Stop posting such ridiculous crap mate..are u getting paid to write such spam?
Relax, it's a joke. I don't think I joined OzBargain back in 2009 and bided my time for 6 years just to be a sleeper agent for Zeno Internet.
lol..sorry! i was just soo annoyed by these fake spammers..apologies
So they seem to do a lot of other things besides being an ISP,
Looks to be nothing more than a reseller, so no real control over the network,
Check out: https://portal.zeno.io/cart.php
SteamPC, RaspberyPi hosting, VPNS… hands in everything.
ALL AUSTRALIAN? Website is registered in France!
Also their own website is hosted by Zuver ( VentraIP ) which makes me question if they actually own/host anything they sell.
A few of us fans decided to removed our comments out of contempt for the numerous trolls who either forgot their manners or were just plain moronic.
most of us would really prefer characters such as this do not go near our awesome community and ruin it for the rest of us sensible yet fun loving folks, in the same manner they trample all over ozbargain not adding anything of value to the site, acting like paranoid schizophrenics suspicious of everyone and personally attacking them. it's too good to be wasted on them, they do not deserve such an offering.
If you're civilized open minded and friendly, you'd be more than welcomed, and you will quickly realize why zeno has so many enthusiastic fans such as myself.
yeah, after chatting to a few guys on slack this afternoon and having a bit of advice here and there I really think people over reacted here… these things happen though and hopefully it won't occur again :)
now, just gotta decide if I'm going with bonded or plain old single line adsl haha
seems like you are shutting down..guess who the moron and troll is ?
Interesting push for customers, right before this:
Attention Zeno Customers,
We deeply apologise for the outage of the Zeno network. We have encountered numerous challenges with upstream suppliers while trying to rectify the outage, however to date have come up unsuccessful.
As a result, we have decided to CEASE TRADING at this time. This is IMMEDATE.
This effects ALL broadband, ADSL, BONDED and NBN Customers. All customers affected by the present outage will not have a restoration of services.
Any customers still with Active services will have until the end of the month to move away from Zeno.
For any outstanding billing enquiries please email: [email protected]
For all other enquiries please email: [email protected]
ALL Current Contracts for Broadband services are considered null and void. You are free to move to another provider without penalties. Any equipment supplied to you by Zeno is yours to keep.
Zeno would like to sincerely apologise for this inconvenience.
Kind Regards
Zeno Management
very nice. $50 setup for no contract is heaps good deal
but with the 15% off… seems way too good to be true…