Recent price drop on the 120GB 850 EVO
Cheapest price on ozbargain since SE deal for $109 Delivered
Recent price drop on the 120GB 850 EVO
Cheapest price on ozbargain since SE deal for $109 Delivered
Would this suit to replace the HDD in a 2011 Mac Mini? Anyone know?
I'll say why not?
I have got one on my 2006 mac mini old white one. with 2.33Ghz 4GB ram running OSX + window 7
good luck.
I suggest do some more research. try here.
For 3rd Party SSD in a Mac you need a utility to enable TRIM.
Here is a free one:
For 10.10 Yosemite there are extra steps to disable kext signing:
Technically, Apple would consider this a hack to install a non-Apple SSD and enable TRIM.
lol, apple.
i get why grandma's and teenage girls choose Apple - but how any technically-minded person would even consider Apple is insane!
Because Windows makes simple tasks incredibly cumbersome and Linux is a nightmare for compatibility.
@Amar89: I've never had an issue with peripherals, almost every software app I use is available on Mac, and, if not, I have Parallels. Same cannot be said for Linux.
Alternatively, just buy a drive that doesn't rely on TRIM support being enabled for good performance. Most new drives will actually be fine without TRIM. Not sure about the EVO series. It isn't worth trying to enable TRIM on 10.10 with non-Apple drives because if you perform an update it will turn kext signing back on and prevent you being able to boot into your OS.
Thanks EC
Would you still get the: "…five-year limited warranty"
I don't believe Samsung offer International Warranty. As such, RMA would need to be sent back to US.
Thanks. That is a deal breaker for me… :(
106USD+shipping for the 250Gb seems pretty good too.
Total is 153 AUD with shipping, local stock is about 165 AUD, but you also have to pay the transaction fee to your bank.
Ah, maybe it isn't worth going international then. For some it could be though.
I feel like your Ozbargain membership should be revoked if you're not using Citibank Plus or 28 Degrees for international transactions.
I got the Samsung 850 EVO 250gb from MSY for $158 today over the counter.
Do these still suffer from the performance hit on files older than 30 days? I remember reading that the 840's new firmware didn't even fix the problem.
What could Samsung have done to make their EVO series even better this round? "
Well they could make it so it does not slow to a crawl after 90 days. Samsung these days really is an overpriced and overrated brand.
I'll say, I have an 840 evo as my boot drive and it takes roughly 30seconds to boot my pc and copying files to it goes slower than copying to one of my recent hdds. It offers hard drive like performance with ssd reliability :(
VVV, look one post up, read the referenced URL. It does not slow to a crawl after 90 days. Samsung have done it already.
No they have not, fix didn't do jack. Typical Samsung, once a product has been supercided, why get "old one" working as intended.
The review was done in December 2014, so the reviewer didn't know the 840 EVO firmware "fix" does not actually fix the read slow down on old files. Besides, no review is willing to wait 3+ months to test the drive.
Samsung priced 850 EVO quite high, considered that it is a TLC drive after all.
Hopefully, Samsung will fix 840 EVO read slowdown issue (instead of releasing something which basically moves/re-writes every block - i.e. refresh the drive every 3 months). 840 (non-EVO) drive owners suffer the same issue and no sign of Samsung doing anything about it.
Return to shop for a refund, major flaw in design/ manufacturing, so more than entitled to your money back.
Thanks OP, leave it in USD because their conversion rates are a rip off
$86.02 on 28 Degrees after conversion. Amazon wanted $89.06.
Are SSD prices going to go back up thanks to our dollar tanking?
Is it free delivery to Australia? I tried but saying $5.44 USD shiping and handling cost
No, still have to pay shipping
If only it were mSATA. Good price though