This was posted 9 years 11 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Woolworths Brand Cage Eggs $1.00 Per 12 (Save 60%) - [Prahran/Hawksburn VIC]

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Hi All,

Ethically or, because my GF gets mad if I buy them (or a combination of both) I don't buy caged eggs, but a bargain is a bargain and everyone's moral compass is their own.

Just got home from Woolworths in Prahran and they are selling the Woolworths brand 12 Cage Eggs for $1.00

Other stores I am not sure.

Sorry I did not get a chance to take a photo or check the expiry, but they had around 100 or so cartons available.

Love, Tafe.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    i buy caged. as well as free range. depending on my moral compass on the day.

  • Cue comments about how caged eggs are cruel and you should only buy free range.

    • +3

      So much hate for such a sentient point.

      If you knew how little difference there really was in animal treatment between caged and non-caged, well you'd ignore it and still buy free range, feeling all superior probably.

  • +35

    Torturing animals (i.e. caged hens) is never a bargain !!

    • +47

      Lowest price ever is CONSIDERED a bargain.
      OP has posted a cheap, product, high in demand and it will sell regardless, great post OP.

      Voting a negative should only be used when it is not the cheapest, we are open for comments but I think many are using it in the wrong perspective.

      • +13

        How are those sweat shop clothes you're wearing treating you? What about that computer/phone you're using, components of which made by children with antiquated, dangerous machinery that commonly sees fatal/dismembering accidents? Enjoying your new tennis shoes made in China under the crack of a whip? That's a mighty fine DVD/Bluray collection you have there…do you know how they are manufactured?

        Are those deals not allowed to be posted either?

    • +18

      "Humane" eggs are torture too:

      Every laying hen has a brother that is killed at birth because he is useless to the egg industry.

      Every laying hen is dispatched to the slaughterhouse well short of her natural lifespan (10+ years) when her egg production wanes - usually at around 2 years old.

      Every laying hen is a product of accelerated selective breeding and possibly genetic manipulations in order to maximise her egg production. As a result her body is depleted of calcium and other nutrients through continual egg laying and she becomes week. She is chronically under physiological stress.

      Every laying hen finds herself in a community of other birds of her own sex for her own life. Rather than be in a small group where birds may interact according to their own pecking orders they find themselves in hoards of thousands of other females. Imagine YOU were in such a group your ENTIRE life with never a chance for solitude or intimacy with others.

      • +18

        I've got a wife and two daughters. I feel the pain.

      • +1

        Everything is relative.

        While I understand what you're saying, it doesn't invalidate the debate.

        • What debate? That less torture is better than more torture? No-one disagrees with that.

        • +3

          @thevofa: That's the one :)

      • Every time you drink a glass of water, millions of living bacteria (generations of families) growing in your mouth are killed by your stomach acids.

    • +11
      • Well played!

        • LOL, well played indeed!

          It's not surprising though, it doesn't take too long lurking around OzB to notice just how many of these guys are hypocrites & liars…

    • I always mean to ask ppl who care most for animal warfare then anything else ie pita, do you eat meat at all?
      If you're a vegan, what a person care about plant will say to you? Because you kill a plant if you eat it!
      Should we just eat sand if it's not too environmentally bad?

      • I hope it's organic sand you're talking about

  • +19

    May your moral compass point you in the right direction and steer you clear (nothing personal OP)

    • +13

      Appropriate username.

      • +1


        • +9

          and with regard to the recent KFC specials, I'm sorry for your loss (but it was delicious)

    • +5

      It's pretty hard for average person to know what is right and wrong in a society of relativism, opinionated and political correctness such as this …

  • If (apparently) they struggle to get rid of them - go for it. If they sell them with a regular pricetag - don't buy so they are discouraged to order more.

    • +13

      I have to disagree, financial loss is what teaches them.
      If people keep supporting cruel conditions, big companies will never learn.

      • Totally agree, I only meant if you don't buy them for $1 now, they're gonna trash them and probably prevent divers from retrieving. And I hope it's already a loss for them if the go for $1.

        Absolutely don't buy in other case.

        BTW - just stocked up for Easter with Kangaroo Island free range eggs from QVM. They cost almost the same as certified organic. Any thoughts, anyone from Melbs?

    • -3

      I buy them at regular price tag woollies or aldi, no problem with it. Always selling out at my local. Aldi goes through them to in pallets.

  • +4

    Wish they were in NSW, I have no problems with caged eggs, I buy the cheapest out there and am happy to continue to. At this price I'd buy a couple and have more egg for the fortnight.

    • -5

      Is that a troll I see…

      • +18

        No troll, just stating what I have no problems with. People like to jump up and down about it I'm fine with it thats all. I enjoy having the option to purchase these eggs.

  • -1

    Voting down this, as ethical rejection of any product, has been approved by the mods as acceptable thing to do

      • +19

        it might be okay according to the rules, but it seems like a crappy thing to do to the person who is posting the deal. This is a helpful deal for people buying caged eggs anyway. Why do you need to direct your distaste of the production of caged eggs towards someone who is just saving people a few bucks?
        Don't upvote it, that's fine.
        People buying these eggs are aware of your views already, negging what is a good deal (as in, it saves money on a product that some people want) only galvanizes the rest of the community against you.

        IMO: It's a worthwhile discussion to have… but would be suited to a forum post where people interested in discussing the topic and hearing your opinions can interact.

        • +9

          Neg votes should never be taken personally, it should always be about the deal itself , if you click Rocky's link you will see plenty of discussion about it…

        • -6

          but it seems like a crappy thing to do to the person who is posting the deal.

          It is a far crappier thing to do purchase cage eggs.

          Why do you need to direct your distaste of the production of caged eggs towards someone who is just saving people a few bucks?

          Because they're the ones maintaining the industry.

          IMO: It's a worthwhile discussion to have… but would be suited to a forum post where people interested in discussing the topic and hearing your opinions can interact.

          Sounds like a pointless circlejerk.

        • -1

          same old debate halal vs kosher vs secular meat:). they're all get slaughtered, otherwise how else you can get your meat?!
          of course cruelty or torturing animal is a sin, but slaughtering them (not torturing) is been a way since a long time ago.

          in regard of caged hen, is it torturing? perhaps yes, the same as you put human in jail (so basically, we're torturing our own kind, but hey it's because of their crime). how about these chickens???

        • -2


          If you've seen footage or photos of how chickens are treated in these cages you would not think it's like jail.

        • +1

          @Flying Ace: even being in jail is better than being a caged hen? hhmm, then we should punish the criminal harder.

    • Voting the negative down since this is a personal opinion and has nothing to do with actual votes!!

    • +1

      Voting down this, as ethical rejection of any product, has been approved by the mods as acceptable thing to do

      From the links you posted, I wouldn't say that's the case. Suspect it's being allowed through in regards to cage eggs because the issue has become quite mainstream. I doubt negs based on more marginal ethical views, e.g. negging KFC deals based on meat production, would be tolerated for the most part. Especially given mere comments expressing ethical objections, without any neg vote, sometimes get deleted as being offtopic.

    • +2

      Do you eat chicken?

  • +12

    The blatant cruelty of animals should never be a bargain.

  • +7

    It's disgusting that cage eggs are even legal

  • +78

    I see the point of neggers, but I also wonder where you draw the line? KFC deals are pumped with up-votes. Factory farmed pork @ ~$9kg show up in Coles/Woolworths catalogues. Hungry Jacks $2 breakfast muffins have caged eggs in them. Chinese factory workers who make the cheap imports are exposed to carcinogens, and lots of the cheap clothes we see on this site are the products of sweatshop labour - one step up from slavery. FWIW I don't buy cages eggs, but I think voting should be related to pricing alone, and that people should be free to make their own moral choices on a separate basis.

    Edit: I just read the supplied links and this has been widely discussed already, so "have at it" I guess :)

    • -6

      Totally agree with you - except the edit bit :)

      Previously neg voters voted up the KFC deals, so ethics have limts…

    • -1

      Yep I agree Tafe, and I'm hardly a saint! I just see free range eggs and chicken as the tiny little bit of good I can do, not even good, just for a small expense to me I can passively protest against putting birds in small cages :)

      • +2

        What about pet birds?

    • +29

      "… but I think voting should be related to pricing alone, and that people should be free to make their own moral choices on a separate basis."

      Absolutely, well said. As long as the product is legal; there is actually an official list of legitimate reasons for negging a deal, in the OzBargain rules; and being personally ethically/ideologically opposed to the product itself is not one of those reasons.

      As a bit of an aside, everything sold in the supermarket with "eggs" listed as one of the ingredients, contains caged eggs (unless otherwise stated; which is almost never). Do you guys negging the caged eggs steer-clear of all those products? A loose analogy could be drawn with alcohol. Many people are ethically opposed to alcohol, as it is associated with substantial suffering/abuse/addiction etc., albeit in a minority of consumers only. But those peeps don't neg all alcohol deals, on the basis of their own personal moral objection to the product… presumably because they realise that that is not what the system of negging a deal is for. So rather than flouting the OzB rules to make a collective political statement, why not make anti-caged eggs statements in the comments section, and poz each-others comments? Why do you guys think it's fine to flout the rules? Do you believe that OzB should not have rules? If so, are you tolerant when others break the other rules here on OzBargain? Or is it a bit of a case of 'Oh it's OK for me to break the rules, because my 'cause'/reason (being anti-caged eggs) is more important/legitimate than everyone else's?

      I'm not trying to judge anyone, or pick a fight on this issue (and yes, I personally believe caged-eggs should be outlawed throughout the country, as should sow-stalls, etc.). But I am genuinely interested to know what your justification is for repeatedly breaking the OzBargain rules.

      • +2

        GK - I'm sorry that I can only + you one vote for your comment

    • Meat chicken raising is indisputably far, far more humane than cages.

      • +2

        Think again

        The world’s tens of billions of meat chickens—“broilers”—grow at a freakishly fast pace. Concentrated in houses with upwards of 20,000 to 30,000 other birds, each full-grown chicken gets less than a square foot of living space. Modern broilers spend their short 7-week lives on top of their own waste encrusted bedding, which the industry refers to as “cake” or “poultry litter,” and sometimes enters the food chain as a cattle feed supplement.

        • Take a trip to a broiler barn some time, or just look up on YouTube, they don't compare.

        • +1

          Erm, I did some work with broiler hens some years back Paddy. By about week-6 of their life, they are not able to stand up/ support their own weight properly, because they've stacked on so much in such a short/unnatural period of time; so from then on, they are essentially rooted to the spot (sitting on their own excrement) 95% of the time, like a rock. That is even less mobile than a battery chook.

          What exactly do you mean by "don't compare", btw? And at what week did you visit the broiler barn on? At week-3, even 4, they look sort of OK.

        • @GnarlyKnuckles: yeah I've only been around weeks 4, so I'll take your word for it. I buy free range chicken already, and thank god the feed lot model for beef is minimal here hey?

  • -2

    Sorry, but as cheap as this is, I can't condone animal cruelty.

    • +44

      didn't you just post a deal full of fast food vouchers? I'm pretty sure not all their ingredients are ethically sourced…
      KFC for example.
      Would you please take it down? Because by your logic, you're condoning animal cruelty by posting the deal.

        • +28

          It's pretty well established that the majority of meat (approx 85%) in supermarkets is factory farmed. Same goes for the meat products in fast food. I think it's a little hypocritical to call out one deal on an ethical basis, but be willfully ignorant of your own. Justsayin'

          (p.s. Thank you for your dedicated service to the Ozbargain community!)

        • +1


          I think it's a little hypocritical to call out one deal on an ethical basis, but be willfully ignorant of your own. Justsayin'

          Perhaps, but judging from the first line in this post you saw it coming. I'd say everyone will draw a different line in the sand, and arguably the welfare of chickens has drawn more attention than many other forms of farming which for right or wrong leads to a different level of sensitivity to the issue relative to the farming of other animals.

        • +19

          Is the "line in the sand" that if eggs are inside a carton it's not OK, but if it's inside an English Muffin is OK? Because based on the voting patterns of some people, that's how their stance could be interpreted.

        • @Tafe: I'm not sure everyone is claiming that their stance is consistent, or that it is necessarily well informed.

        • +6


          "… a little hypocritical"

          That has to be the understatement of the century… and as for implying that you don't know whether the egg in an egg McMuffin is a caged egg or a free-range egg, well… I don't think you're that naive.

          (p.s. Thank you for your dedicated service to the Ozbargain community!)

        • +3

          TA it is also obvious and well known, that behemoths like Mcdonalds and HJ and KFC, which make up a bulk of the coupons youve posted use cage eggs. I feel your being a hypocrite on this issue right now, negging this , but posting coupons to use at establishments that use the same kind of eggs your protesting here.

        • @GnarlyKnuckles:

          According to McDonalds, they are beginning the transition to cage-free eggs this year with the aim to be 100% by 2017:

        • @MelbBargainChaser77:

          I'm sorry you feel that way. You'll be glad to know my vote has been revoked by the community.

          Have a safe and enjoyable Easter.

        • @dazweeja:
          Well that is really good to know daz. It's so much more meaningful than Coles simply changing the name on the caged-eggs they sell, and pretending they're taking some sort of moral stance on the issue (which is definitely pathetic, and arguably straight-up deceitful).

          I do wonder why Maccas is going to take two years to achieve it, but I guess the problem might be supply; literally, being able to buy enough to fulfill their needs. Maybe they're establishing their own free-range production facilities? That would be smart of them I reckon… it would give them a real edge over their main competitors, in various ways. And, if (or I hope the issue is rather 'when') Australia finally outlaws battery egg-farming, they will be holding all the aces. They will be able to legitimately claim that they were the first of the mainstream FF outlets to take the moral high-ground/blaze a trail, they will control their own means of production, and other competitors may even be forced to source their FR eggs from them; at least for a while.

          Soz I digress, back to the point. I'm really happy to hear that Maccas has taken this initiative, and I'll be looking into it further to make sure it is truly their intention; and publicise it if it is. The more it is publicised, the more they will be compelled to actually live up to it/legitimately achieve it!

        • @tightarse:

          You too. Please dont take what I said as a personal attack, its just how it looked like to me.

      • +4

        Ah ha. TA Maybe a politician in training :)

  • +1

    the neg votes continuing to pile up.

  • -2

    poor little chickens :(

  • -5

    Creating a cheap price for an item doesn't make it a bargain if the other costs outweigh the discount. If Woolworths offered $1/kg steak, but the cows were drugged and tortured their entire life, would you still buy it?

    • +26

      I personally wouldn't - but if all the other stores were selling drugged and tortured cows for $10/kg, I would post it here, for people to make their own decision.

      Edit: also, I believe morals are grey and circumstantial. I am fortunate enough to earn enough money to pay a little extra for more ethically sourced foods when I can. The same does not go for everyone. If was was on a low income or welfare, and wanted to provide eggs or meat for my family, and the only way I could do that was to opt for the cheapest alternative, then I'm not sure I would hesitate. I would expect the same goes for many others. That's why I wouldn't assume to project my moral standards on to others without regard for their own circumstances.

      • That's why I wouldn't assume to project my moral standards on to others without regard for their own circumstances.

        you are a rare type of person indeed :) too many out there consider themselves morally superior and are too narrow-minded to understand a financial scenario that is different to their own. i mean, do they actually think they have a right to dictate the wallets of others?

  • +6

    Any deals on free range chocolate Easter eggs?

    • Free range rabbits for easter eggs don't exist - it's a factory job right down the line.

  • +7

    Free Range doesn't mean a chicken roaming around acres of grassland, sometimes they are not much better off than caged. I don't buy caged but I am not disillusioned by this free range tag that many seem to be. Unfortunately I need my eggs and lots of them and I am higher up the food chain, sorry.

    • +2

      You "need" air and you "need" water, eggs you can live without.

  • +6

    To be honest, the line between caged and free-ranged eggs is not so clear in Australia.

  • -2

    This isn't personal OP, I just can't can't can't support this. I know some would argue it's a money thing but we all make our priorities and caged eggs shouldn't exist in my opinion.

    • +16

      Well unfortunately I am taking this very, very personally and I am going to HUNT YOU DOWN.


      Mods - You know what would be cool? A "Controversial Deal" badge. I want

      • +2

        this post is scrambling my thoughts

    • +4

      "…I just can't can't can't support this."

      No one asked, or expected you to support it. 'Supporting' it would've meant giving it a plus vote. Actively condemning (by negging) a deal that the majority of OzBargainers clearly think is a useful or acceptable post, is completely different to 'not supporting' it.

  • +17

    I don't condone animal cruelty, but I find more cruel is the wide spread understanding of the chickens cruelty in cages producing these eggs, but when something like $1 pieces of clothing are posted it would get up voted in the hundreds.

    And lets be honest, a large proportion of our clothes and manufactured goods are still being produced in sweet shops where humans are forced to work in horrendous conditions.

    I'll just use one example to back up my claim, purely because this company is a giant amongst giants. Apple.…

    So I see this, double standard almost, where we would down vote deals due to chicken cruelty, but up vote deals that still involve human suffering as mind bloggling.

    • +7

      If you wanna talk about the sweat shops and clothes, 2013 Savar building collapse.
      The deadliest garment-factory accident in history, as well as the deadliest accidental structural failure in modern human history.
      I think that shows that there sweat shops in clothing industry is actually, tangibly bad.

      • +2

        Thanks aznmitch. That was actually the first example that came to my mind.
        But I didn't use it coz most retailers using that building collapse is the likes such as H&M and other fast fashion chains.

        I wanted to use a example that is on ozbargain repeatedly, always up voted if the deal is good, and Apple products came to mind first. I mean, if an iPhone went for half price, that would get 2000+ votes, literally, no one would talk about the Chinese worker who fell asleep working coz he worked 18hrs straight.

        But coz chickens are in a cage, we will neg this deal.

        Another example in my mind, is the $1 sports direct clothing thwt gets lots of upvotes.
        I suspect 99% of the stuff is made from poor Bangladesh, Pakistan, Chinese, etc factories, where the buildgins are gonna collapses any second now. But I have no evidence, just a hunch.

        • and Apple products came to mind first

          And Aldi, and Dell, And HP, And Samsung, and then there are the chinese brands that are now becoming all the rage… So suspect more

        • @RockyRaccoon: I personally see the "Apple hate" is more from the fact that Apple always portrays their products as a premium good and as a result, there are many fans who goes on about it. So it becomes sort of ironic when Apple is caught with those illegal behaviours, that goes against whole idea of fair work and premium goods like child labour and excessive hours of works on workers, when Apple praises themselves on "craftmanship" of their product, i.e. ads on CNC technology and other things.

          Though yeah, I completely agree, Apple isn't the only one who does it, nor will be the last one who does it. Not until the whole idea of child labour is bad (or rather, it becomes more affordable to not have child labour) gets settled in even in China and other manufacturing countries, I doubt the problem will go away.

        • @AznMitch: Premium price means nothing. Nike did the same. And then do we justify not being ethical, because we paid a high or low price. Sorry, I understand but at the same time I don't understand :)

        • @RockyRaccoon: Not just price, Apple advertise themselves as "something more than" the competitors. Look at their ads on CNC cutting, while it is very unique in that no companies do it that way due to economies of scale, CNC router itself is not a complex technology. I personally see some of the Apple hate is caused by a backlash from that, Apple's tendency of making everything sound so premium and how some fans recite that.

          I am simply referring to what I think is the reason for people bash Apple more when all the other competitors probably have similar working condition in China, or wherever.

    • I absolutely agree, but it seems you are saying one is more important than the other. You're free to have that opinion but I don't agree.

      Taking a stand against cruelty is always admirable, but if you're going to check the ethics of every OB post, the site would cease to exist :-(

      • Cheap game? Think of all those underpaid code monkeys who slaved through the night to write that game.
      • Cheap mobile plan? Think of all those underpaid Telstra staff who thanklessly suffer through day after day of customer complaints.
      • Cheap fast food? Think of the terrible wages and safety records of fast food retailers.

      Bottom line is, any bargain has to be paid for somehow :-(

      • +6

        That's the best examples you could come up with?

        Telstra staff really?? How about those in actual third world countries?

        • +1

          You obviously haven't spoken to outsourced Telstra staff recently.

        • @zzymurgy: You're obviously associated with Telstra of some sort.

        • @zzymurgy: The last person who I spoke to who said they were a Telstra employee also danced at clubs on weekend nights as a second job…so maybe you're onto something there.

        • @bargainist: I speak to Telstra staff overseas who are the only person in their family to have a job, and they are paid even less than those in Australia.

        • -1

          @zzymurgy: Then you need to clarify your original post and not just say ''Telstra staff'' because most of them are part-time hipsters.

      • +6

        At zzymurgy, I'm not actually saying one is more important than the other. Ozbargain voting is telling me one issue is more worthy to be down voted than the other.

        I'm not gonna be my anal self and look at the, currently, 12 neggers of this deal and see what they have up voted. But I will assume, they have up voted deals of stuff that would likely have been manufactured in unethical manners. And I see a irony I can not help but to point out.

        And I also agree us mere mortals can not just down vote everything that has an issue, coz u r right, this site won't exist.

        • +5

          Your right - it's hypercritical to vote down this deal and not others that involve the mistreatment of other animals, especially humans (e.g. Mix clothing or apple iPhones)

        • +1

          @sickllama: not just critical - hypercritical!

    • A sweat shop, as an isolated system in itself is cruel and no one should need to work ungodly long hours just to survive.

      The reality is that the the world is not simply countless number of unconnected systems, but everything's connected one way or another with cause and effect. Part of this is the fact that resources are finite.

      While it would be great if everyone can work 9-5 on a wage that allows them to live sustainably, it is not realistic.

      For example, the amount of investment that can be afford has been used to set up a sweat shop of 100 staff. Along comes a rule that enforces higher minimum wage that with the same investment you can only support 20 staff.

      20 staff would be living in better conditions for a short time, but what about the other 80? With only 20 staff left, production goes down, your sale prices need to go up, demand for your goods go down, your profit margins get cut, your ability to reinvest reduces, your company goes down, all 100 lose their jobs and they all go hungry.

      Not saying sweat shops are wonderful, just saying its not that black and white.

  • +5

    +1 for the OP on the good deal.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I wouldnt touch any sharks fin soup but that doesnt mean chooks rear for food and kept in a cage demands a down-vote to a good deal.

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