This was posted 9 years 11 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

US PSN Flash Sale - Games at $0.90 Reduced from $19.99 / US PSN Account Required


Back To The Future and Tales of Monkey Island complete bundles the highlights down to $0.90

Lots of PSN classics there, too.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Nice. $6 for 7 games. Didnt realize how bad the australian psn store was

  • Great sale - gonna finally give a Telltale game a go.

    • Don't expect a great deal. Telltale before Walking Dead were a different Telltale. Rather than interactive movies as they are now (with great story) pre-Walking Dead Telltale was more fairly basic point and click adventure stories with little challenge.

      • +1

        Thanks for the heads up, expectations tempered.

        • +2

          They are still excellent. BTTF is probably my favorite of their whole catalogue.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: that's the one I went with. Now looking forward to it again!

        • +2

          @Miso: What a spiral of emotions that was!

        • @Where's_That_Cake: IMO BTTF was simplistic and boring and I was a fan of the movies. I bought it years ago and never finished it, I think I got up to Episode 3. I didn't have much of a high opinion of Telltale up until TWD. They removed 90% of the game play but the story telling now is great even if you just select what to say for most of it.

          But obviously YMMV and I bought the Sam and Max and Jurassic Park games with this sale because.. why not.

        • @kaneissik: up is down, black is white. Cats living with dogs.I'm so confused.

      • I agree with @SirGlibbled; Telltale pre-Walking Dead werent great. I did like their CSI games though but they have definitely have improved since 2012.

  • +1

    Holy cow I totally forgot about Fighting Force and Syphon Filter! Nostalgia bomb.

  • +1

    Awesome sale! Mortal kombat arcade 0.90usd!!

  • Damn. I wish I had started my Vita with a US account from the get go. They never have any decent sales here. Most digital games are a rort and are never really discounted. (Or I just miss all the sales).

    • +1

      You can switch it's a pain and takes about an hour. You'll also not be able to use your previous accounts save data and digital games as well.

      • Cant you just create a new user account on your PS and select US zone?

        • +2

          The vita annoyingly is not set up the same way as the ps3 and ps4 where you can switch users. There is only one user and it is linked to a psn account from the get go so the device can only be at one region and any one time.

        • +1

          @michael_123: Yeah I had the Vita set up. There's not reason for it. My wife and I share one but it's stuck on my account because I have more games on my account but she'd love to be able to play games on her own account.

        • @michael_123:
          isn't it one region per memory stick?

  • Games of thrones is $1.
    Is that the full game or just episode one?

    • +2

      It is the RPG, not the Telltale adventure game.

      The other Telltale games are the full seasons though.

  • +4

    Gravity Rush for 81 cents. Such a good game for that price, it's not even a PSOne title, it's a proper PS Vita title. would have jumped on it if it weren't offered already for free as a PS+ game last month

    • lol I've just got this. Best price ever. I have finished the demo yesterday

  • How to tell if your account is US PSN or not?

    • +4

      If you don't know, it's not.

      (provided you haven't setup your PS4 in the US and then moved or something)

    • When you sign into the psn website you will be redirected to the correct region for your account. The url will then have in it /en-us/ for US accounts or /en-au/ for Australian accounts.

      Eg for Australia ;!/en-au/home/main

  • +1…

    Link to US PSN Blog with list of games on sale

  • I know it has been mentioned many times before, but is there a good way to get US SEN credit to link from the accounts? I just tried amazon but they declined the purchase (following guides and for addresses to avoid sales tax and such) =/

    • +1

      Easiest way I've found from Amazon (I did this earlier in the week for the $5 South Park game):

      • Buy an Amazon gift card so you've got credit
      • change the billing address for your Amazon account to a US address - as you're using your gift card, it won't be compared against a credit card or anything
      • buy a $10/20/50 etc PSN card
      • change billing address back if needed

      Should work - the gift card may not be necessary, but it prevents Amazon from saying "nope, Australian credit card" when getting the PSN voucher. This will also probably work for PC games, although haven't tried it.

      • Were there any detailed guides for this? Just wanting to make sure, especially when the credit card has 4 pending statements due to the last attempt. Was that all through the US Store and just marking a AU address for the gift card?

        • Yeah, so basically, just buy yourself an Amazon giftcard & give it to yourself - you then have $X on hand.

          Then you just need to set up an American billing address. This won't be compared against your actual billing address, because you're going to use the gift card amount, not your credit card. However, Amazon needs to think that your billing address is in the States.

          When that's set up, buy a PSN card and activate the code on your US PSN account. You can switch back your billing address to Australia after if you tend to buy things from Amazon.

      • Yep, this is the way to do it.

    • +1

      i use a fake us paypal account

      • +5

        Here's How

        1. Make a USA PSN account via the USA PSN page

        2. Make a USA Paypal account.

          Scroll to the bottom of the page and confirm tiny USA flag in bottom right.
          If australian flag click on it and then go to the USA flag.

        3. Register your USA paypal account.
          put in real name, dob, for address find a usa address some where on the internet.
          put that in put a fake phone number in. (they say they'll use it in the registration process but never do).

        4. Add your aussie debit card (use same USA address if asked for billing address).

        5. Load credit on to your USA PSN account via this site
          by choosing load wallet via paypal account. Choose how much you want (I think $5, $10, $25) don't forget it's in USD so factor that conversion as well as the whatever fee your bank charges (usually 2 or 3%).

        6. your credit is now in your USA PSN wallet go spend it!

        • +1

          thanks for this, great tip!

        • +1

          Thanks, had to transfer from my AU account to the new US account though as they wouldn't accept a credit/debit card under any circumstances. I hate paypal. Tried 10 different cards and none worked.

  • +1

    Dead Nation™ Apocalypse Edition still 14.99 for me : (

    • for Ps3 its 0.88 for me..

      Just search for Dead Nation you will find ps3 0.88. PS4 is $14.99

      • I paid US90c for the PS4 version.

    • now it's $1.65

    • I'm with Faye. It's jumped up to $1.65 for me. :(

  • +4


    Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition – $0.90

    Home: A Unique Horror Adventure – $0.95

    Surgeon Simulator: A&E Anniversary Edition – $0.91

    Tennis in the Face – $0.95

    PS Vita

    Gravity Rush – $0.81

    Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack – $0.96


    Babel Rising – $0.90

    Back to the Future : The Game – Full Series – $0.80

    Bejeweled 3 – $0.95

    Cloudberry Kingdom – $0.90

    Dead Nation – $0.88

    Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazzard – $0.90

    echochrome – $0.90

    Feeding Frenzy 2 – $0.95

    Ferrari: The Race Experience – $0.90

    Flashback – $0.90

    Galaga Legions DX – $0.90

    Game of Thrones – $0.80

    Heavy Fire Afghanistan – $0.90

    Heavy Fire Shattered Spear – $0.90

    ibb & obb – $0.90

    Jurassic Park : The Game – Full Season – $0.80

    Katamari Damacy – $0.90 (PS2 Classic)

    Mad Riders – $0.90

    Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond – $0.90

    Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection – $0.90

    Narco Terror – $0.90

    NOBY NOBY BOY – $0.95

    PAC-MAN Championship Edition DX+ Full Version – $0.90

    PAYDAY The Heist – $0.90

    Poker Night 2 – $0.90

    Puzzle Agent – $0.90

    RIPD – $0.90

    Rock of Ages – $0.90

    Sacred Citadel – $0.90

    Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space – Full Season – $0.80

    Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse – $0.80

    Shoot Many Robots – $0.90

    Tales of Monkey Island – $0.80

    Texas Cheat’em – $0.90

    The Expendables 2 – $0.90

    Tokyo Jungle – $0.90

    Twisted Metal: Black – $0.90 (PS2 Classic)

    Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Special Editions US – $0.90

    Zeno Clash 2 – $0.90

    Zuma – $0.95

    Playstation Portable (Can be played on Vita too unless stated otherwise)

    Beta Bloc – $0.95

    Dead Head Fred – $0.90

    Despicable Me: The Game – $0.90

    Kurulin Fusion – $0.95 (Not available for Vita)

    Myst – $0.84

    Star Wars : Battlefront II – $0.90 (Not available for Vita)

    Streetkix – $0.84

    Super Pocket Tennis – $0.95

    TAC Heroes – $0.84

    PS one Classic (Can be played on PS3, Vita and PSP unless stated otherwise)

    Breath of Fire IV – $0.96

    Championship Bass – $0.96

    Dino Crisis – $0.96

    Dino Crisis 2 – $0.96

    Extreme Pinball – $0.96

    Fighting Force – $0.96

    Hi-Octane – $0.96

    Klonoa : Door to Phantomile – $0.96

    Magic Carpet – $0.96

    Mega Man X4 – $0.96

    Mega Man X5 – $0.96

    Nuclear Strike – $0.96

    Populous The Beginning – $0.96

    Sim Theme Park – $0.96 (Not available for Vita)

    Soviet Strike – $0.96

    Syphon Filter – $0.96

    Syphon Filter 3 – $0.96

    Tekken 2 – $0.96

    Wild Arms – $0.96

    Wild Arms 2 – $0.96

  • What are the must haves on this list guys?

    • You mean other than Feeding Frenzy 2?
      I hear Wild Arms 1 & 2 are also great if you like massive old school jrpgs.
      Also Dino Crisis 1 & 2, Populous, Tekken 2… in fact just buy all the PS1 Games, the rest are the equivalent of bargain bin trash out the front of harvey norman or something…

    • i'm waiting for tactics ogre to be on the sale list. $20 is so expensive for a ps1/psp game

  • Some awesome prices, thanks for that.
    Amazon have the $10 US PSN cards for $9.99 ($US) also, and can get code immediately.

  • Thanks OP got the Following,
    Wild Arms 1, Wild Arms 2, Megaman X4, Megaman X5
    Dino Crisis, Dino Crisis 2, Breath Of Fire IV
    Gravity Rush, Pacman, Sam and Max BTS, Sam and Max TDP
    Klonoa, Zeno Clash 2, Beta Bloc, Dead Head Fred
    Noby Noby Boy, Galaga, Myst
    Yay Flash Sales!

  • +1

    The fact that this is basically 70 odd games for 70 odd bucks puts the Australian store to shame. Yes about half of them are games most wouldn't play even if they were free, but still it's just insane that NOTHING like this would happen in the Aus store.

  • +1

    This is what finally pushed me over the edge to create a USA PSN account. A sale too good to ignore.

  • Careful, folks! The Game of Thrones on sale is NOT the great Telltale one, but the crummy Cyanide one!

    I grabbed it too fast out of excitement and got stooged for a whole dollar, haha!

    (Meanwhile, got Sam & Max S2&3, Breath of Fire IV, Wild Arms 1 & 2 and Tales of Monkey Island. The whole lot for AU$8. Bargain!)

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