iPad Air 32GB $489
(Officeworks Price Beat $464) Officeworks has updated their price to $489
iPad Mini Wifi 16gb $258
(Officeworks Price Beat $245)
iPad Air 32GB $489
(Officeworks Price Beat $464) Officeworks has updated their price to $489
iPad Mini Wifi 16gb $258
(Officeworks Price Beat $245)
Click the link. Target is $258 for ipad mini.
iPad air 32gb @ OW IS $549 http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/ipad-air-wi-f…
What's the point of this old device? It's running an A5 SoC, which means it's 4 years old already.
512mb RAM and a 1024x768 display isn't good enough for you? Talk about picky!
Seriously this is a fossil.
yep - i have one of these and it's dog slow. can barely browse the web.. we only use it for youtube and iview now.
This is an iPad 2 in a smaller shell. There's no way $250 for a tablet with 4 year old hardware inside is a good deal.
Why the vote downs? I have an iPad 3 and it's near unuseable with iOS8, especially with JavaScript websites (which are most now day). This thing would be basically a paper weight. If you want to spend that much on a pretty price of metal and glass, go for it, I guess.
The Apple Watch will be about as powerful an iPod Touch, yet people will go nuts for it. Try switching from JavaScript-rich websites to apps if you can.
To be fair, the watch will be running much less intensive apps on a lighter OS. iOS 8 on this tablet however, will be a nightmare.
And who browses websites on a watch???
Bad value for money is not a reason the neg the deal.
But 'defective product' is. Which is what this tablet will be with iOS8 on it. Basic promised features, such as browsing, will be incredibly slow to the point of being unuseable. Ie. Defective.
@Google Chrome:
Rubbish. Go to www.brisbanetimes.com.au (an JavaScript intensive site), and see how long it takes for scrolling to become responsive.
@PainToad: ios8 is the problem, not the hardware.
I'm using an ipad3 quite happily on ios7, because I'm not a masochist. These won't be running ios8 out of the box, so they should work just fine. You might want to revisit your logic on negging the deal.
It's funny how we come to this website to obtain good value for money, and we up vote accordingly. So when we see bad value for money, we can't neg vote it? Interesting…
I know u are stating the policy, LL. but thought I'd instill my rational.
For anyone else interested, I have a first gen iPad Mini running iOS8. I have absolutely no problems with its speed.
I only recently upgraded to iOS8 after staying on iOS6 for ages (I had a hardware issue last month and the iPad was replaced at 23 months old!).
Visiting BrisbaneTimes isn't slow at all. My MBP (last year) is SO much slower loading websites. I'm still very happy with it. I I'll only be upgrading at the end of the year because I'd like more space.
I have an iPad3 with iOS7 and it is still pretty darn slow compared to a decent Android device (eg my Galaxy Note3 and LG Gpad). Perhaps you have got so use to the slow iPad it seems good/normal now? Apps are generally fine but you try browsing a webpage with any decent amount of content and it is infuriating. If iOS8 is worse still it would be unusable.
I actually agree with this, I have the first iPad mini and it runs fine on ios 7.
JS is the reason. Turn off JS in Safari and the thing flies.
I've breathed new life into mine by changing the User Agent to always load mobiles sites.
How much free space do you have PainToad? I've found my iPhone needs at least 1GB of free space otherwise it gets sluggish.
Also you may find solace with this recent article
thank you TRENT86 :)
Sorry guys, I know the Apple fanboys are going to neg vote me, but this is a terrible deal for $258. This technology is over four years old, if not even more. The processor in this thing is the same as what was in the iPad 2, or the iPhone 4S. If you wouldn't buy an iPhone 4S, then don't buy this.
There are plenty of other, better options in the market. If you're interested in an Apple tablet (and I know some are, because they absolutely need apps which are only available on iPad…etc.) then just pony up and get the last generation iPad Mini with Retina Display, or perhaps the current version. Unlike what Apple wants you to think, the first and second versions of the iPad Mini are more like two or three iterations, rather than just one iteration. It's simply is vastly superior in terms of performance and the Retina screen is almost a must if you're used to using phones with high resolution screens. It's more expensive, but well worth the money.
If you're not interested in specifically Apple tablets, then look elsewhere, with your $250, you could get a much superior tablet that's faster, has a higher resolution screen and does more than this old iPad. A couple of years ago, Apple did have a genuine advantage in the app market, but Android has largely caught up and for 99% of people, all the apps and features they will ever require will be present on both platforms.
They can buy the ipad air 32gb which is also on special :)
for my husband who has been playing infinity blade for yrs now.. apple is worth it. also, the fact that apps come out first on ios. for educational stuff, still better quality on ios than android.
I personally think that iPads Air 2 is the best tablet you can get at the moment for content consumption, barring the TLC SSD. Tab S is amazing for movies but I'd still say Air 2 has more umph so for general content consumption, Air 2 I think is better. So personally, even though I prefer Android stuff, I am fine with recommending Apple products.
That being said, iPad Mini 1 is outdated like you've said. The hardware is simply too old and outdated, i.e. resolution and RAM. I'd say if you want something at that size, chip in little bit more and get iPad Mini 2 or if you are fine with Android, go with Android tablets at that budget. I know that people don't change their tablet like some do with their phones, so investing bit more and getting Mini 2 would probably last people longer, and better in value in long term, than getting a Mini 1.
The screen resolution of the original ipad mini of 1024-by-768 is just too low by todays standards for that price.
Yeah, I think if the price was lower, it might've been a better deal. There are android tablets with better spec at that price range, not to mention that you wouldn't need to spend much to get next gen iPad Mini (which has improved so much from the first one). I personally think slight more investment for iPad Mini 2 would last far longer. Tablets don't get damaged/lost easily (because you don't carry it around like a phone), so I think slight more investment would be better than getting this.
no thanks im happy with my apple products. my macbook pro 15" is 5 yrs old, hubby has 5 yo 13" macbook pro, my kids have ipods and my son uses old ipad for byod with a keyboard, hubby loves his ipad air 2 for his gaming and we both have iphone 6plus and iphone 5s. what amazes me is that we've never had any issues with our manbooks. nothing else has ever lasted that long without full reboot, viruses etc and iphone 6+ is the best phone.
I think if you are happy with android tgen awesome. i dont know why people need to talk down apple users and then try to get them to change over. apple is has given us great user experience. the few times i have had to use android has been pre frustration.. even taking a photo is weird. galaxy 2.
Because people like you make Apple users look like the type of people who would be confused by a doorknob. I haven't gotten a virus on any of my Windows PCs for well over 10 years and even my grandmother knows how to take photos on a 'weird galaxy 2'.
Your ignorance is not a virtue.
And for the record, I have a MacBook Pro and still use it from time to time (mainly to jailbreak iOS devices :) )
yeah. I met one apple fan argue with me big time saying apple product has no virus compare to pc. then why apple has anti virus software? during that time apple desktop market share is like 12% vs 80%. hackers just ignoring apple
Just because someone is a loyal Apple supporter, does not mean he/she can do unfair comparisons between products.
Galaxy S2 should be compared to iPhone 4.
iPhone 6 Plus getting a screen size that large - you need to thank Samsung and other Android phone makers for that.
5 years without full reboot? Really? Which version of OSX are you running? And, this idea of PC needs to reboot all the time is not true. I have been using sleep feature on PC desktops for > 5 years.
As an Apple user, I am quite upset about the slowness of iOS 8.1 on iPhone 5. I am talking about launching the phone dialer for the first time. There is a 1 second delay before I can press the first digit of the phone number. Dialing a number is the most basic function (and Apple already toned down the buttons to remove the gradient effect, yet there is still a delay). How about iPad 3? That was replaced by iPad 4 within 9 months. iPhone 4 with the known to fail Home button, iPhone 5 that's easily scratched. Running iOS 8 on iPhone 4S/iPod Touch 5g/iPad 2/iPad 3 and iPad Mini is not a good idea.
Why do Apple users always feel like others are trying to convert them. To be honest, most people wouldn't even personally care what you use. Do I care if you use Apple? No. Do I get anything if you use Android? No. So why would I try to convert you?
The thing is, on most metrics, Apple products are overpriced and underspec'd so any "numbers comparison" will hand the advantage to Android. There are benefits to Apple, but the benefits Apple has are rarely on the spec sheet and have more to do with the user experience, thus, it can't be measured as well as, say, Android's benefits. Thus, most comparisons generally show Android being on top, which Apple users think are attempts to convert them.
what amazes me is that we've never had any issues with our manbooks. nothing else has ever lasted that long without full reboot, viruses etc
Never had any issues with my PCs either, no viruses, no full "reboots" (wrong terminology), nothing.
apple is has given us great user experience. the few times i have had to use android has been pre frustration.. even taking a photo is weird. galaxy 2.
To me Apple is "weird" - you're just used to what you're used to, that's all. Plus, Galaxy S 2 is like 5 years old, don't know how it's fair comparing modern Apple stuff to five year old Android stuff.
I own an iPhone 4S, and my friend is ok to sell me the iPad Mini 32Gb + the Apple Smart Cover for $160.
Is it still a good deal?
I am sick of using my small screen at home, and the battery with Facetime (I used a lot with oversea family) is horrible.
At least, with the ipad mini (last iOS update) I can see them good, and can spend some time on tablet without killing my eyes on my iPhone 4S after spending 9horus in front of my computer at work.
Anyway, is the iPad Mini 32gb black (not even 1yr old) + smart cover for $160 is a good deal?
Yeah thats a reasonable deal. Just make sure the iPad is in good used condition and works properly.
Apple keeps living rent free in the heads of android fanboys
Pretty sure they live in Ireland paying no tax to anyone.
I don't know how this silly smartphone war started anyway. I wish people could just be happy with their phones and not paying out some other phone which they have never owned and is on a platform they don't like.
Except that many people have or have had both devices so are able to make valid comparisons. You would think that info might be helpful to people that aren't wearing blinders. I for one am happy to hear about products that might give me a better experience than I currently have.
Totally agree with you.
I am getting an iPad Mini because my Asus TF300T is now getting unusable even after a Factory Reset.
Too slow, too tired of tweaking it to have performance.
And I am good with computers and stuff, just tired of doing this just to browse internet, listen to music, skype, read and play simple games a bit.
What helps apple ipads popularity is that you can go into any store and buy an ipad quite easily. At the moment I'm considering a windows tablet. There are some great options available in the USA but those options haven't filtered through to Australia which is a shame.
Which windows tablets are you considering that aren't in Oz yet?
Something along the lines of the winbook tw802 as it has 2gb of ram, 32gb hard drive and full usb and it currently goes for about 100US. There's nothing much available in low to mid range here. Most of what's available here is either too pricey or older stock some of which have poor screens. Seems to be much more choice in the US.
True… I was thinking about getting a TW801 too :(
Anyone knows when will this promotion finish ? The iPad Air 32G looks good price, is it ?
Just went into office works they priced matched ipad air 1 32GB + 5%
target is $265 for 16 GB iPad mini and officeworks is $259
Target is $489 for 32 GB iPad air and officeworks is $465