• expired

10% SEN Discount Code for All PS Members


From the Sony EU Blog, they are giving a 10% discount off total cart purchase (one time purchase) to make up for the down time on Christmas. good time to purchase playstation plus for another year.

PS plus subscription for a year at 63 dollars.
code will be announced soon.
mods/ops, feel free to move to forum if necessary.

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closed Comments

  • -2
    • Not a 'Deal'
    • Don't think you can add discount to PS+ subscription.

    PS+ subscriptions when added goes to Subscribe checkout area instead of the 'cart' area where the 10% discount voucher can be applied to. Also, the Subscribe checkout area doesn't have any place to enter discount codes.

  • You need to have been a Plus member when it happened (over Xmas)

    This is not available to all.

  • +7

    Thought they would just give away copies of "The Interview".

    • haha

  • I got an email from PSN - Basically said a 5 day extension for PS+ users and a 10% discount for everyone else. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Yeah. Looking into it the 10% will be for anyone, not just PS+ subs

    • thanks updated again

  • Also might not be valid for everything

    They stated the following

    "The discount can be used towards great content available on PS Store including blockbuster new releases, award winning indie games, game add-ons and season passes, and an enormous selection of TV and Movies"

  • Is the code only applicable to US PSN members?

    Do we know if Australian PSN members will get something similar?

    • First 5 words says it all "From the Sony EU Blog"


      • Must have missed that, thanks.

  • +3

    So they're making sure everything is full price before they announce the code?

    • This is also what I think will happen :(
      Dragon Age Inq would be nice. Special ends on the 12th I think.

  • Anyone know if this code is planned to expire?

  • +1

    pretty poor effort, non ps plus gamers have been inconvenienced too…

    • -1

      You can have a 100% refund of PSN access fees as a non PS+ subscriber i.e. $0 :p

      • What about as a consumer who actually paid for the games on PS3? Non PS+ subs do pay for their games too, not just PS+ subs.

        • -1

          But you had/still have your games didn't you? You can't expect to be given five days free Plus if you didn't lose five days of your sub.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: I'm not talking about PS+ though, well not in the sense where non subs should get it for free because of the downtime, I pointing out that it wasn't just PS+ subs that were inconvenienced like Steptoe's reply suggested.

  • I subscribe to Music Unlimited for 2 years, just tried using it on a trip from Noosa and it wouldnt log me in. Checked my emails and from Sony it said payment refused (my credit card) . strange, never had a problem before. Called the bank, no problems there.

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