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$4.99/Year SSL Certificates - SSLs.com


COMODO PositiveSSL Certificate

Comodo PositiveSSL lets you secure your site immediately with no waiting. Comodo is one of the most trusted names in the certificate authority industry, ensuring that visitors to your site feel secure when they purchase your goods or submit sensitive information in forms. A Comodo Positive SSL certificate will keep their information safe as it travels between their computer and your server.

  • State of the art encryption. With encryption that can reach 256-bit and 2058-bit key length, the Comodo PositiveSSL certificate provides all the safety that your customers could want.

  • Domain level validation. Domain level validation requires the least thorough examination of your company in order for a certificate to be issued. It doesn't impact or diminish the effectiveness of the protection, and it dramatically speeds up processing time. A Comodo Positive SSL certificate can be issued within minutes; other types of validation take at least two days.

  • High trust level. The Comodo name is trusted by 99.3% of browsers, resulting in extremely high recognition rates. When browsers see a site secured by a PositiveSSL certificate, they know it's safe, and your visitors know it too.

Site Security Matters

Today's internet can be dangerous if website owners don't take the necessary steps to protect information. When your visitors buy something from you or submit personal information through a form, they're sending their data out across the internet. Without proper protection like a Positive SSL certificate, anyone with a bit of technical skill can pluck that information out of the internet midstream and then use it for their own ends. This is one of the leading methods of identity theft.

In the early days of the internet, this risk was little known, and there wasn't all that much to do about it. But SSL changed all of that. Now, having some kind of SSL encryption is absolutely mandatory. But getting the protection you need doesn't have to cost a fortune. Positive SSL certificates are inexpensive and still provide the same protection as their more expensive cousins.

Positive SSL Vs. More Expensive Comodo SSL

There is no meaningful difference in the amount of data protection that these two disparate options provide. Both a Positive SSL certificate and a top of the line SSL will offer the same security for transmission between your server and your client's computer. What's different is how thoroughly they will research your company before issuing the certificate.

PositiveSSL provides domain level validation, which means that they'll make sure you own the domain, but they won't check much of anything else. The more expensive options simply perform a more in-depth background check before they're willing to issue anything. This doesn't mean much for your company, but as you start to have a higher volume of visitors and clients, and particularly as you start to face scrutiny from clients who want to know more about you, it becomes an advantage. People are able to see that your company is real, that you offer the products you claim to provide - no small thing considering how easy it is to set up shop on the internet.

But if you're not to the point where you need more complex validation, the Positive SSL certificate from Comodo is a great way to save money and get the security you need. And when you buy from SSLs.com, you'll save even more! We provide discounts lower than Comodo itself, and we'll also provide support and assistance. Contact us to learn more!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    If you're going for the cheapest, domain verified only option, it'd be better to go with StartSSL and get a free certificate - https://www.startssl.com/

    • +2

      or CloudFlare

      • Well, CloudFlare is only useful for services going through them. If you're not going through CloudFlare, you can't use their certs.

        • Even if you are going though CloudFlare, You can never trust them the SSL with important information.

        • -1

          @Linkiepoo: Why wouldn't you be using Cloudflare!? lol

          And I've said it before and will say it again - careful with StartSSL. I wouldn't use them for any business/commercial use. They are pretty much the GoDaddy of SSL providers..

        • +1


          Tell me why you would use Cloudflare SSL?

        • @Linkiepoo: I use Cloudflare, the SSL just hops on for a free ride.

          Anything business related get a proper SSL.

        • @ryang:

          Yep use Cloudflare if the website is not important/who cares.

      • +1

        Keep in mind startssl free ssl are not trusted everywhere and using Cloudflare is even more not trustable.

        • I've been using StartSSL for years and never had an issue with acceptance. My point was that if you're going for the cheapest option, you might as well go for free. If you want more verification, go for something more trustworthy.

        • Keep in mind startssl free ssl are not trusted everywhere

          That used to be the case 3 years ago but they fixed that. StartSSL is trusted with 99.99% of browsers - exactly the same as PositiveSSL, EssentialSSL, RapidSSL and all the other non-EV certificates. There is, however, one downside to using StartSSL which is the certificate only lasts for one year so every year there is a 5 minute process you need to go through for renewal.

          using Cloudflare is even more not trustable

          Agree 100%. Don't trust CloudFlare SSL with sensitive information

    • How good is this freebie:

      Free 90-day Trial from Comodo:


      2x 90-day periods (after free ReIssue?) might give you SSL coverage until EFF's free cert's arrive.

      Validation: Domain
      Warranty: $10,000
      Issuance time: 2-5 minutes
      Free Site Seal: Yes
      + Free Reissues: Yes
      Browser compatibility: 99.9%
      Free unlimited server licensing
      Works With Mobile Devices
      No paperwork required
      Sent Via E-Mail Instantly
      SSL Installation Service Available
      Installation Checker: Yes

  • +1

    Note that the $4.99/yr price is only if you buy 5 years worth. There are plenty of other providers cheaper than this. GoGetSSL for example is US$3.65/yr on the 5 year plan.

    • +1

      That's where I have been buying my certificates :)

      • +1

        From the horses mouth!

    • $3.79 USD per year on 5 year plan for the same cert as OP and you get EV for 1st year. NFI who these guys are though:


      Don't forget that EFF, Mozilla and some corporates are rolling out Let's Encrypt. I'd trust this more than StartSSL. I'm guessing you'll be able to revoke for free with Let's Encrypt.


      • are rolling out Let's Encrypt. I'd trust this more than StartSSL

        I hear what you are saying and the companies behind Let's Encrypt are much larger and presumably more trustworthy. However Let's Encrypt is at least 6 months away and they will be providing the same 256-bit encryption as every other non-EV SSL certificate (free or paid). There is no difference in the operation of the basic SSL certificates - all do the same job. The only difference is in the application process how they verify your identity when you apply for the certificate. A paid SSL may call you to prove you exist, the free StartSSL sends you an email with a verification link. That's the only difference in operation - the extra trustworthiness has nothing to do with the operation of the certificate on your server.

        I'm guessing you'll be able to revoke for free with Let's Encrypt.

        No need to revoke with StartSSL, just let it run out.

        • No need to revoke with StartSSL, just let it run out.

          Except for a little something called Heartbleed and tight arses not wanting to pay to revoke their StartSSL certs.

          From https://www.startssl.com/?app=43

          Does revocation of a certificate carry a fee?

          Yes, depending on the verification level of the certificate a revocation fee of US$ 24.90 is charged. See also the Fees page with the current price list.

        • @microsnot:

          Heartbleed vulnerability has been closed in OpenSSL for some time. How does that affect someone signing up for a new StartSSL certificate?

        • +1


          Well Heartbleed has no impact on the cert.

          The impacts are:

          1. Someone who HAD a vulnerable version of OpenSSL does the right thing and patches. They generate a new private key/CSR and try to get a new cert to discover it isn't free as it costs $24.90 USD to revoke the current one. They decide they don't want to pay.

          2. Someone who has a vulnerable version of OpenSSL generates a private key/CSR and gets a free cert. They then decide to talk to someone who knows a little more and finds out about Heartbleed. See 1.

          3. Someone like you or me run a patched server and obtain a cert. Everything is great as we have a free cert.

          Heartbleed is less than 1 year old so it'll take a while for all those free certs to expire. Also, as crazy as it sounds, some people don't patch that often. Even scarier is that people who go for free certs don't like to pay and will just wait it out.

          If that still doesn't make sense then you've discovered the truth. I know nothing about security.

        • @microsnot:

          I know nothing about security.

          I'd hazard a guess you know more about it than me! Spot on answer. I think most people interested in this deal would fall into #3 because if they are looking for free SSL certificates then they are likely to be on shared hosts with patched OpenSSL already before they are acquiring their SSL now. In my opinion.

  • Sorry neg'ing because this isn't a deal, its an everyday price. Also there are others cheaper like gogetssl.

    • +1

      +1 based on the facts

      …but folks can learn a bit from reading this deal (I did).

      Maybe OP can replace the deal (in situ) with an actual deal, so they won't be scared away by the neg(s)…

  • Up to 50% OFF Comodo SSL Certificates from $3.50 Per Year at Cheapsslshopt.com

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