This was posted 10 years 2 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

X-Men: The Cerebro Collection Blu-Ray Approx $36.63 AUD Delivered, with Code MCARD5OFF @ Amazon UK


Get this set for $36.63AUD by using your Master Card and entering MCARD5OFF at checkout.

This code works on purchases of £10 or more when used in conjunction with your Master Card at checkout.

Items must be sold and dispatched by Amazon.

Set includes:
X-Men 2
X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: First Class
The Wolverine
X-Men: Days of Future Past

Other suggested deals:
Hannibal Trilogy is probably a decent pick up at £8 (less with -VAT)…

Battlestar Galactica set is a steal at £30 (£20.00 less -Vat and code)…

Deal code could possibly be posted by itself, but don't want to duplicate.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel K Keepa.

Related Stores

Amazon UK
Amazon UK

closed Comments

  • +1


  • +1

    Thanks, easy Xmas present if it arrives on time!

  • +1

    $35.21 using 28 degrees, thanks :-)

    • Got error msg
      "The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase"
      How did u get it to work? Trying to use 28 degrees as well. Thanks

    • Did you change it to GBP?

      I used 28 Degree but stupidly left it on $36.63 AUD.

  • Maybe I've missed it….but is there another post regarding the code? I'm sure that you can use it for any purchase worth £10 or more? Also, any details how often you could use the code?

  • Got error msg
    The promotional code you entered cannot be applied to your purchase.

    • Hmm I had a message similar but side still showed the discount applied, was your purchase with a Master Card, the above code and sold and dispatched by Amazon?

      Note: my second Amazon account still allows code to be applied (8:50pm Vic time)

  • Thanks was using mobile to order so couldn't see..all good now.

  • You get the error if it is already applied.

    Annoying, all my fee free cards are Visa :(

  • Gonna wait for apocalypse top come out first

  • code works, got it thanks

  • Worked - great value thanks OP! I remember paying $25 - $30 per Bluray disc!

  • Amazing deal. Shame I already bought DOFP during the Black Friday sales.

  • Already have most of the X-Men, but dang, that Battlestar Galactica price!!
    Turned out to be $46.51 AUD when using Amazon's currency converter, and including postage

    • +1

      Is that as good as it gets for 'Battlestar Galactica' - Seems pretty damn good. Listed as $140 on Amazon US.

      • Absolutely no idea sorry :(
        Had a quick poke around and it seems to be.
        I've never watched any of the series and thought this would be a great place to start
        One of the reviewers mentions everything it has in it:

        • Battlestar Galactica (2003) (TV-Mini-Series)
        • Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009) (the Main TV Series, All Seasons [1,2,3,4 and The Final Season]
        • ALL unaired extended episodes of specific episodes from the Main TV series (as well as the original broadcast versions)
        • RAZOR (TV Movie) (BOTH the original broadcast version and the unrated extended version)
        • Razor Flashbacks (Minisodes x7)
        • The Resistance (Webisdoes x9)

        Seems pretty comprehensive to me!

        • +1

          Same here - Battlestar virgin.

          Might have to pull the trigger on this one.

          I remember from a while back someone saying Sanity (out of all places) has good deals on the stuff not included which I think is 'Blood and Chrome' and 'Caprica'

          UPDATE: From the Amazon customer review

          The Battlestar Galactica: The Complete Series [Blu-ray] DOES NOT CONTAIN:

          • The Plan (TV Movie)
          • The Face of the Enemy (Webisodes x10)
          • Blood & Chrome (a seperate spin-off prequel series that shouldn't be expected to be included in this box set. Can be purchased seperately)
          • Caprica (another seperate spin-off prequel series that shouldn't be expected to be included in this box set. Can be purchased seperately)

            UPDATE 2: Amazon UK has 'Blood and Chrome for 4.40 pounds
            Amazon US has 'Blood and Chrome for $8.49 US Dollars (region free)

               'Caprica' is just crazy expensive or not available.
               Amazon UK has 'The Plan' for 7.00 pounds
               Amazon US has 'The Plan' for $8.43 US Dollars (region free)
               JB-HiFi has 'The Plan' for $12.98 or '2 for $20' 
        • @Noobist45: Thanks for the info on the missing stuff!!
          Links for the lazy haha

          • 'Blood and Chrome':
            JB HiFi - $24.98
            Amazon UK - $14.30 (AUD -VAT incl. Delivery)
            Amazon US - $19.35 (AUD incl. Delivery)
          • 'The Plan':
            JB HiFi - $12.98 (Or 2 for $20)
            Amazon UK $18.56 (AUD -VAT incl. Delivery)
            Amazon US $19.27 (AUD incl. Delivery) *Guess neither are really worth it *

          Not sure if US Blu-ray's are compatible

        • +1


          Blood and chrome + The Plan are both region free.

        • @Noobist45:

          Same here - Battlestar virgin.

          Word of warning, start watching on a Friday or Saturday morning to get 2-3 good days in.

    • +3

      That's a great price. I think it deserves its own post. Highly recommend this series. Here's the link for those who are interested:…

      • +2

        Bought it. Can't resist even though I've watched it before, LOL. Au$44.66 with 28 degrees :-). Thanks, OP!

  • +2

    If I buy this, does mean that they never make another X-Men movie so that my collection will remain 'complete'?

    • +2

      Of course.
      Looking forward to that new Y-Men movie!

  • -5

    I'll stick to YIFY thanks.

  • Is the code one use only?

    • Yeah, you can setup another Amazon account though and link the same credit card with same address! (maybe put a different name?)
      Usually Amazon don't care, as long as you don't start making a lot of accounts haha

  • Great deal.

    One question please: Will this blu ray play on Australia region coded blu ray players?

    It appears so, from the list supplied below (Europe and Australia both Region B). Can someone confirm this is correct as I have never purchased outside Australia.…

    Thank you.

    Ps. Ooops … now I am looking at the Battlestar Gallactica series … plus …

    • +1

      Australia and the UK are region B, I personally purchased the Battlestar set from and it works on my player meaning it is either region free or region B. Good site to check details…

      • +1

        Thank you for your reply.

        I have ordered The Battlestar Set, The Plan and Blood and Chrome also, and applied the discount code effectively. With postage (and using MasterCard prepaid card) it all came to a total of 36.06GBP … $71.13 AUD. I am very happy with that price (even if somewhere cheaper) especially compared to what is available and offered on eBay.

        Merry Christmas to all!

  • +1

    Edited: to supply info directly as a reply to above poster.

    • Yet another thank you … Noticed a blu ray Battlestar set retailing (on sale) for $150 at JB HiFi today. Don't believe that set also included the other movies I purchased with the order as above either. Happy New Year!

  • +2

    Probably a bit off-topic but here's a recommended viewing order for Battlestar Galactica for those who are interested:…

    • Thank you.

      When I ordered the Battlestar collection I also added "The Plan" and "Blood and Chrome." Shall wait awhile before purchasing "Caprica" also, as that one is a tad expensive at the moment … and it will take me some time to get through all these.

      I should make mention that the Blu rays arrived from the UK within a week! That is pretty fast, especially when compared with local mail deliveries.

  • Brought Rocky the collection for $22.50 Cheers for the coupon bud.

  • has the price gone up ? on the x men

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