Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Always Sometimes Monsters
Insurgency four pack
Full Mojo Rampage
Euro Truck Simulator 2
More games to unlock in week 2
Saints Row IV
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Always Sometimes Monsters
Insurgency four pack
Full Mojo Rampage
Euro Truck Simulator 2
More games to unlock in week 2
Saints Row IV
Thanks OP. I went the BTA avg tier ($5.31 for me) so I could get Grid 2. I missed out on the special a few weeks ago at $7.50. The way I see it is I saved $2 and got a bunch of free games.
Thank you, Lycan!
Thanks mate!
To start be second in the insurgency give away…
And I still have a copy of risk of rain
thanks for insurgency.
Anyone else got a gift copy of risk of rain? message me..
actually - don't know why I did that considering I bought the bundle - I just got caught up in the excitement!
have at er
I can't believe they were so generous with Insurgency. Amazing shooter.
I was about to buy the game a few days ago for $5 and thought that was a good price lol
It's a jumbo bundle, yet no Gabe Newell is included?
As if he'd have anything to do with Jumbo Bundle 3.
He must have an aversion to the number 3.
Is Grid 2 a good game?
GRID 2 lacks a good cockpit view. GRID 1 is better but 2 is probably worthwhile for the price.
I played it for a few hours over the free weekend. Similar campaign style to the other Dirt. Drifting in this is fun. I played the new Forza at PAX for a few hours and I think Grid 2 is better.
any more games anyone doesn't use? thanks
If anyone giving away a copy of Insurgency I would appreciate a key and thanks in advance :)
There's 3 copies in there for other OzBargainers.
Thanks mate!
Thanks :)
Thanks mate, got it.
Thank you!
ty :)
I assume Saints Row IV will be the low violence version, correct?
The app id is the same (as the low violence version). I think Humble or Steam are being 'clever' about the version they serve.
iirc, app id used to differ for versions?
I'd have thought that it'd be more about the IP location when you go to redeem it..
You used to be able to gift from a Steam account with a US address(/IP) to Australian accounts (with no checks on the recipient).
Here's the US app id (actually a Sub ID, because it simply adds a "DLC" over the australian version) -
One should be able to buy it from Amazon.
try saying humble jumbo bundle ten times quickly.
More insurgency incoming!!
Also got 3 copies of Risk of Rain. Awesome fun game.
Grab it while it lasts! :)
Edit: Replied to wrong person
Wow, OzBargain is truly efficient. All the keys snatched up within 4 mins! @Prothean is right. "F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5" :D
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
Thank you, got one : D
Claimed one copy of insurgency, TY!
got one, thanks!
If someone has a copy of risk of rain to give away please pm me :) I would really appreciate it! thanks
Thanks bud!
Thanks for sharing.
Anyone with a spare copy of insurgency you don't want, pls pm me!
edit: thanks got one
All claimed now
Aaaaaaannnnnndddd another couple of copies of insurgency :)
Thank you, got one:)
Thanks mate, I picked one up. Created an account to say thanks.
Insurgency x 3
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Always Sometimes Monsters
I only wanted Full Mojo, SR4 & Grid 2 :)
cheers for insurgency!
Cheers for Full Mojo then, I couldn't have got it without you. Well, once someone redeems it to Steam I'll have it.
(Insurgency all gone)
Thanks, finally able to get a copy of Insurgency
A few more copies of insurgency for anyone who is interested
Cheers :)
Can you feel the love in this thread? Virtual fist-bump ozbargainbros <3
Amen sister!!
Thanks everyone for redeeming it on Steam. I have unlocked Full Mojo Rampage now. People here are very quick :)
More Insurgency gifts if someone still needs (All gone now - so quick!)
Would these games be alright to play (smoothly) on a Windows 8.1 tablet?
Hi, please, any key of Insurgency? thanks!
Looks like all the gifts until this point have been redeemed.
Lots of people nabbing the keys and not saying thanks
thanks to the OP for linking the games to their steam profile, very helpful!
I have a few to give away as well:
Thanks for the insurgency key!
anymore please???
Thanks mate, nabbed one
waaa,,beat me on to it..
Thanks mate!
hey guys, here is 3 more insurgency keys!
also i have a whole bunch of other games i can gift if you want them, maybe pick one each:
And Yet It Moves
Bastion Steam Key
Batman™: Arkham Origins DLC
Brütal Legend Steam Key
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Steam Key
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Steam Key
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising Steam Key
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
Crusader Kings II
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition Steam Key
DEFCON Multiplayer Key
Dead Island GOTY and Saints Row: The Third - The Full DLC Package
Dead Space Steam Key
Dear Esther
Don't Move
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Euro Truck Simulator 2
Gratuitous Space Battles Multiplayer Key
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Mark of the Ninja Steam Key
Medal of Honor Steam Key
Metro 2033, Risen, and Sacred Citadel
Mirror's Edge Steam Key
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Multiwinia Multiplayer Key
Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack
Papers, Please
Papo & Yo
Prison Architect Key
Quest of Dungeons
Risen 2: Dark Waters, Sacred 2: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third
Small World 2 Royal Bonus DLC
Surgeon Simulator 2013
The Bridge
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack
The Sims 3 Date Night Key
The Sims 3 Date Night Key
The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Key
The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Key
The Sims 3 Key
The Sims 3 Key
The Sims 3 Late Night Key
The Sims 3 Late Night Key
Thomas Was Alone
To the Moon
these are all unclaimed as i already have them on steam
can i have origins dlc pls? Thanks!
thanks! nabbed a key. you're a champ!
wrong person :)
I PM'd you - hopefully you got it :)
Would I be able to have Prison Architect mate? Thanks!
One Mirror's Edge please. Extra sharp.
Got it, Thanks. :)
Hey, thanks for the giveaway. Very generous of you to give back to the community!
P.S You might want to turn on Private Messages, since others can only communicate here.
if you message me your email address I can send links out, hopefully i can edit the post to let everyone know what has been given away
EDIT - i just turned on private messages
Would you be able to initiate a conversation with me mate as I only created this account earlier today? Otherwise I'm fine with creating a new e-mail address and just posting it here.
lol woops my bad! thanks gizmocreative :)
This here is a nice person. Thanks for the game :).
Thank you for the game :)
Just grabbed Risen 2: Dark Waters, Sacred 2: Gold Edition, Saints Row 2, and Saints Row: The Third if anyone was thinking about it
cheers champ!
Hey mate, would I be able to get the Batman game? If that one has already gone, then either Mark of the Ninja, FEZ, or Orcs Must Die 2 would be awesome. Thanks so much!
I knew I'd see this posted within these minutes. Personally, I'm only going for the $1 tier since all the other titles are ones that make me pay extra for DLC. There'll probably be better deals in the future with the game and DLC bundled together being cheaper than buying the DLC separately.