SCA Fire Extinguisher - 1kg, Home & Vehicle, Metal Mounting Bracket - Available in store only
Free Supercheap Auto Club Plus Membership with $10 Bonus Credit (Save $5)
($10 credit expires 31/10/2014)
i could put a fire out by pissing on it better than a 1kg extinguisher , they just dont have the capacity for more than putting out a campfire
buy a fire blanket instead , cheaper and wont fail when you need it
if you don't stop that fire while it's the size of a campfire, it's going be house-sized pretty quickly.
thats why you buy the blanket over the 1kg extinguisher
@J5: "Yes gran, if the sofa catches fire from a dropped ciggie, grab this piece of cloth, walk right in front of the fire and cover it. And oh make sure you don't breathe in any fumes."
When an engine is on fire, hows the blankets gonna help except looking like a piece of bacon on bbq? Fire is going to suck air in from bottom of car, correct me if I'm wrong.
Agreed on maintenance part, these probably need replace or recharge every couple year, which is a pita
the blanket is going to work better than a 1kg extinguisher
I used one of these to stop an engine bay fire on my street a few years ago, there was already a dude on the scene with a full sized extinguisher which he wasted as it was not the correct type of extinguisher for the fire (liquid based vs powder), so no.. you could not piss out an engine fire and your blanket would be useless, unless you used it to cover your burnt knob.
… but $30 let me burn! wait what?
Ozbargain's favorite price.
Not free, still have to pay $9.98. :D Unless you're talking about the SCA membership…
For those that don't have a Supercheap nearby, Bunnings has them for $19.90.…
The SCA one has a better fire rating than the Bunnings one linked. 1A:20B:E vs 1A:10B:E
Thanks man could you explain?
AS 2444 and AS/NZS 1850 ratings:
Basically, 20B should be somewhat better than 10B on flammable liquid fires.
I got one of the 1A:20B:E dry chemical 1kg extinguishers from Aldi (this deal) for $15 a few months ago. Dunno just how effective it is, and I hope I never have to find out.
I love how he just rattled it off the top of his head like we were supposed to understand hahaha
20B = 2x better than 10B for Class B fires (flammable liquids) :)…
Fire extinguishing capacity is rated in accordance with ANSI/UL 711: Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers. The ratings are described using numbers preceding the class letter, such as 1-A:10-B:C. The number preceding the A multiplied by 1.25 gives the equivalent extinguishing capability in gallons of water. The number preceding the B indicates the size of fire in square feet that an ordinary user should be able to extinguish. There is no additional rating for class C, as it only indicates that the extinguishing agent will not conduct electricity, and an extinguisher will never have a rating of just C.
Now all I can see in my head is Elusive trying to put out a 20sq m fire with 1.25gal of water. :p
Is this the normal price?
aldi has them for $15 every now and then, just keep an eye on their catalogue.
Fires don't wait until the Aldi special items go on sale!
Or on the BiasBoating liquidation sale …
where is that?
This is dry powder?
Yes. Dry ABE rated powder
just in time for those who bought the BBQ stuff last week. Peace of mind when you're BBQ!
This is the AB(E) dry powder type. Both AB(E) and B(E) will work on LPG gas, etc., but AB(E) is unsuitable for fire involving cooking oils and fats. I searched google but didn't see specific advice. Wouldn't it better to get the B(E) type for barbeque? Or for a kitchen?
I've been getting bored of water pistol fights lately. This should kick things up to the next level.
do these need to be repressuried every so often? or is that another kind?
Yes however these are cheapies so even if you could recharge them you'd probably need to pay many times more than their RRP to have that done. If the other Chubb plastic cheapies I've had for around 7 years are anything to go by these should last around the same and then fall under the usable pressure on the gauge after which I assume you just chuck them out. My Chubb units are borderline so I'll be using one of these SCA units to replace one of them, probably the Kitchen or the Workshop and then use the old one in a non-critical lower risk area.
just give them a bang with a rubber hammer every 12 months
in the mines we were told to flip them upside down every week. To stop the powder compaction.
huh? what's the 'story' behind this?
It's "supposed" to loosen the powder at the base of the fire extinguisher (in compacts over time with vibration).
I prefer to turn it upside down.
if this is normal price then take it down~ dont include discounts , at least thats the general rule i think
Erm, did you even bother to click on the link and/or do a search on the SuperCheap site before posting that comment?
Normal price is $36.88, these are on sale tomorrow for $19.98 then the $10 club discount is on top of that bringing them down to the bargain price of $9.98.
didnt someone just say they are that price elsewhere? around $20? bunnings, i read it ~
The Bunnings one and Super Cheap Auto one aren't the same. Apparently, the SCA one has a better fire rating.
ah well then winner winner <3 making sure everyones on the ball, haha my excuse
Just wanted to clarify…. is the $10 off(or credit) from the members card for only for new members signing up? Or all members as Im already a member?
new members signing up
Free Supercheap Auto Club Plus Membership with $10 Bonus Credit (Save $5)
Im already a member
join again? :)
This years Christmas presents, checked!
Be careful storing these in the cabin of your car - we're now banned from having these in our mine-spec vehicles at work, after a few guys had them go off and cover the interiors of the vehicles in foam. That is impossible to clean.
In other news, one of these came in extra handy earlier in the year at home when our air conditioner caught fire - still called firies just in case as it's a highly populated apartment complex, and got this awesome photo.
do you even lift?
Gecko which one is you? :P
The Lou Ferrigno lookalike.
Wondering if I should splash out and use my $10 in store credit on this one, or wait for somthing different.. in the 10 + Years of living in our own place I've never had one of these.. hmmm!
should I get this or a fire blanket?
how do i use the loyalty credit to purchase this, i cant add it to cart and do a click and collect
how to use in store?
Next time you shop with us be sure to ask one of our friendly team members to help you redeem your Loyalty Credits and take full advantage of our Club Plus ‘Price Promise’.
Ask our team members in-store to search for your membership until your card arrives. You simply need to give them the below details so they can find your account:
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When you need to use an extinguisher remember the acronym PASS. Pull the pin, Aim at the base of the fire, Squeeze the nozzle, Sweep over the fire.
Pass it to the closest person and run.
I just checked and it says "Available in store only
Check your nearest store for pricing and availability".
There is no click and collect option on their website. So do you need to buy it in store and just tell them you are a member to use the $10 credit?
Bought. Thanks! My local store still had the original price up too.
just grabbed 1, thanks :)
$10 to save a house or life, worth it. Even $20.