This was posted 10 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

NBA League Pass $130 Save $120 on Standard Subscription


Much like this post from last year

For those asking you DO NOT need to watch the games through a proxy. Its only for signing up

NBA League pass for the 2014-15 season has just become available.
The Australian price is $248.99 for the standard subscription and $302.99 for the premium subscription.
Using an overseas proxies reduces the price down to a more realistic point compared to the amazingly inflated price us aussies face.
Last year i used a Brazilian proxy and it worked really well and i had no problems or security issues.
The Brazilian price this year is $119.99 USD which at 4/9 works out to be just under $130AUD.
India and Thailand brought about similar prices. If you feel like testing other countries and find a cheaper price please let me know.

The method i used is as follows:

  1. go to and find a suitable proxy with good speed and connection strengh
  2. input the proxy into your computer, i had to use a proxy for HTTP and HTTPS as the website uses both through the signing up process.
  3. reset your browser and go to Sign up and pay, i used my credit card and used my personal address as the biling address.
  4. once your account is set up remove the proxy settings log into your account and change your password just to be safe.

Enjoy. You can use the service on computers/phones/tablets/xbox/ps/appletv

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closed Comments

  • +11

    NBA season is nearly here! :) Like last year I'm opting to wait until discount codes come by before subscribing.

    • Yep, I do that every season. The thing about the NBA is 80 games plus finals means teams need to pace themselves and the early season is often lacking any real desire from players to push themselves. Besides I am flat out watching NFL which is a vastly superior subscription in quality and interface terms, and also cheaper (though proxy's don't seem make any diff.)

      rant: why do we need to sign up via proxies, the price of AUD$302.99 for premium is ludicrous when you consider what they charge other countries, you need to ask why are they screwing Aussies?

    • Any word on specials yet? It's getting close!

  • Just to confirm from someone who has used it before - there is no issue with doing this? Do you need to use a proxy on an ongoing basis?Also, is there any benefit in the Premium vs Non Premium package?

    A buddy of mine asked me to source him a cheap NBA gamepass - I want to be sure if I sign him up to this, that its not going to crap out halfway through the season because I've signed him up to a dodgy deal.

    • +8

      i did the exact same thing last year and it was fine. You only need to use the proxy to sign up.

      Premium gives you access to NBA TV, various video features included access to an archive of historic games. You also get the option to switch between home and away feeds which i'm guessing gives you different commentators.

      • This is particularly useful for when they are playing in Charlotte or Toronto :P

      • The last finals series selecting Miami commentary was in Spanish for me but Spurs commentary was in English.

    • +3

      I used the same method last year and didn't encounter any issues. After subscribing I went back to the normal way i was using without proxies etc.. Difference of the Premium and Standard one are listed on…

    • Thanks guys - I'll let him know.

      Hanzyman - I saw that list on there but it made little sense to me on home/away feeds. Didnt know the terminology.

    • I bought a sub when I was in India, and brought it back to Australia to watch. No issue. (VPN'd to India page, bought with PayPal with Australian Address (if that matters), could watch wherever without VPN).

  • +1

    Do you need the proxy only for the sign up? I.e. Once signed up, can you revert back to your plain old Australian IP for the purpose of watching games?

    • +2

      As someone who signed up using the proxy for the last 2 years can confirm, not required after sign up.

    • +2

      Yep! Done it for 3 years running

  • I signed up last year from "india" for a much bigger discount, but i just recieved an email from NBA league pass stating i'll be renewed automatically…

    Will they give me AU or Indian renewal price?

    • +2

      im guessing the aussie price.

      I got the same email, it doesn't re-subscribed you until November 5. Go into your account and cancel the subscription and when you signup through the proxy create a new account.

    • Yep same here. Waiting on an "Indian" discount deal before signing up.

  • +2

    I might consider Ballstreams for this Season

    • Yeah, I'd like to try it before I commit.

    • What is it?

  • +4

    hopefully they build in chromecast support this year too…

  • im still waiting for my invite request to go through for ballstreams. how long does it normally take?

    • +1

      I requested this afternoon, received this evening. I'm not sure if I'm gonna take it up as the legality of it all makes me a little uneasy. Australian league pass is a total rip though compared to the $99 signup for ballstreams.

  • +1

    Using a VPN connection to Panama and to convert (knowing that you will never get those exchange rates), the standard connection worked out to be $128.47 AUD (119.99 Panamanian Balboa) and premium $171.31 AUD (159.99 Panamanian Balboa).

    Indian VPN connection cost $174.34 AUD for premium (9833.99 rupees) and $130.76 AUD (7375.99 rupees) for standard, again using the conversion.

    Will hold out for a discount code like last season to get an extra 10% or 15% off.

    • Actually… Canada is the cheapest.

      Premium $162.05 AUD ($164.99 CAD)
      Standard $137.50 AUD ($139.99 CAD)

      Only problem is… do they get any blackouts or delayed telecasts?
      If the do, does it affect us if we watch the games from an Australian IP?

      • +1

        Umm… You know that $137 is more than $130 right?

        • Yeah, just re-ead the description. I'm only after premium though, not standard. So Canada is the cheapest for premium that I've found.

        • +1


          Argentina has Premium for AUD $147.50, with Standard AUD $105.

          Also, using the "Hola Better Internet" Chrome extension is easier than setting up a proxy for each one. Once added, you just change the country and it refreshes the page.

        • @blasfarmer: I currently use a VPN connection on my iPhone. It's preconfigured for several countries so I just have to click a button.

          When I'm at the computer I will have to try the Hola Better Internet extension though. Thanks for the tip! Much appreciated.

          Oh and thanks for finding an even better deal!!!

        • @blasfarmer: Hey bud, how do you make the payment though? The billing country on the cc is the issue? Or do you just make up an address in Argentina?

      • +1

        Yeah canada gets black outs

        • +1

          Isnt the blackouts related to your current geographic situation; and not the proxy u purchased it from?

          thats why the league pass app wants to read your geo location.
          eg. if you watch it in AU - it will blackout the games currently being broadcast on foxtel (espn)

        • +2


          Australia doesn't have blackouts so you won't miss any games. The proxy is only used for the payment, nothing else. As far as league pass is concerned you have an Australian account

        • +1


          I dunno - cause on my account last year - there were some games sometimes where it did say blackouts - but it was very very few.
          Could have been a problem with the league pass app though

          Last year it was almost impossible to me to watch games live on my mobile up until around april.

  • +4

    Don't they usually run a 15% sale closer towards the start of the season? If this is the standard price, I'd probably wait a few weeks.

    Also tried Ballstreams last season and found it too choppy. But they did refund the money quickly once it was requested so got to give them props for that.

  • Thanks for the detailed instructions OP!

    I wasn't aware that proxy was needed only for sign up.
    This has prevented me from buying in the past (proxy use for the whole year isn't appealing at all).

    I think I'm going to give it a go this year… But I'll wait for discount promo hopefully soon.
    Plus vote for 'bargain'… Because it's far cheaper than normal Aussie ripoff pricing.

  • +2

    Around late september/early OCT we may see a code like last years, stack this with the proxy and pay around $115 AU

    • +1

      i wouldn't hold your breath. They have brought in an auto-renewal system which might effect things

      • affect*

      • +1

        The breath is being held

  • +1

    You would be a fool to not wait for a discount code.

    • discount codes were released this time last year

  • -4

    Bought This for the 13/14 season but I think I'll stick with the free streams for this season. There isn't much difference other than the slight difference in quality.

    • +7

      slight? the free streams are crap - and they lag like hell. Oh and they have spam banner ads up the wazoo.

      Plus you have the instant back catalogue of any game this year.

      • -1

        It depends if you have a decent connection speed or not and get adblock or something for spam banners.for me it rarely lags and can't really complain since its free.

        • Connection speed!? Can't tell if srs…

  • +5

    Wait for the 10-15% discount.

  • Hey NBA fans, 2 questions from a newbie:
    1. What time do games usually start AEST time?
    2. For someone who hasn't got a 'team', who should I follow?

    • +1
      1. 9-10am, just in time for when I arrive at work :D
      2. Warriors are a fun team to watch. Cavaliers if you like riding on bandwagons.
      • Thanks for the feedback!

      • Hey Kyrie and Ball hard waiters were fun to watch last year and don't forget d3lly

    • +2

      The games are played from 5am through to a 1:30pm start depending on where the game is being played.

      For the most entertainment the LA Clippers, Golden State Warriors, Oklahoma City Thunder, Houston Rockets and Portland Trail Blazers.

      For good old fashioned fundamental basketball the San Antonio Spurs are the best the Bulls are also worth a watch

      The Cleveland Cavaliers have signed a huge team in the off season i'm sure they'll be entertaining.

      To watch Aussies play check out Warriors (Bogut), Utah Jazz (Exum, just picked at no.5 in the draft), Spurs (Patty Mills & Baynes)
      Other teams like the bulls and the cavaliers have aussies on their rosters but they won't see much court time.

      You don't need a 'team' to enjoy league pass though

      • And I'm sure Jazz fans aren't panicking after Exum's 1pt/1.5 asst/0.8rbd/not playing World Cup so far

      • Thanks for the feedback!

    • You can come cheer for the Celtics if you are a masochistic
      I can use all the help I get

  • Can anyone comment on the content of the Video Vault (premium subscription)?

    • I had it last season and didn't watch any of it

  • +3

    Nigeria comes to $107 (…), who wants to try?

  • I watched a few of the Video Vault games - there were some classic games like Lakers vs Houston during the twin towers (Ralph Sampson, Akeem Olajuwon) days. I've heard so much about that series it was good to watch a game. Also games featuring the Larry Bird Boston Celtics. So some entertaining games, but I have to be honest and say that I only ended up watching a few of those. If you end up following a team (I've become a passionate Golden State Warriors supporter) that ends up being 82 games to watch all season (exclulding Playoffs). That is a lot of games and a major investment in time - you end up not having a whole lot of time left for those Video Vault games. Then there's the the fact that those old school games aren't exactly in high res! It is a bit of a shock when you are used to 720p type quality!

    If the real question is "is Premium" worth it…I found the ability to choose Home/Away feeds to be quite useful. With some of the games the Home or Away feed would lag significantly. By choosing the other option, I would find the lag would disappear. Also, if you watch enough games (like my 82+ warriors games, and some other random games), trust me, you will learn to hate certain commentators!!! I was glad to be able to shut them up by choosing the other feed.

    Having said that, last season I was able to purchase with the discount code resulting in the cost for Premium being circa $130 (via India proxy).

  • Who is in for sharing a connection?

    Multiple logins is allowed, right…?

    • +1

      multiple devices are allowed to login however not at the same time. (you get around 5 from memory which are recorded on the NBA system, you can remove access to devices as you go via the online portal)

  • If you're thinking about using Ball Streams and have internet speed of around 8-9mbps, don't expect to watch smooth and lag free Live HD games. You may have 8-9mbps here but when connected to Ball Streams' North America or Asia stream server, your speed will drop to around 1-2.5mbps. Check here before you go with Ball Streams if you're speed is over 4mbps in North America - West or Asia, then you'd have no problem.

    • can't access the speediest.. need to sign up first?

  • How do I opt out if the auto renewal from last season?

    • Login to your account then billing, click the blue button that says "cancel subscription"

    • I'm having the same issue man.

      There is NO cancel button anywhere in My Account. Have followed every link.

  • +1

    Wait for the discount, they always come.

  • When I try to sign up, what should I type in for phone? I'm trying AU numbers 614xx-xxx-xxx.

    It shows up with a message: "Please enter a valid international phone number (ie: CC-AAA-LLLL or CC-LLLL where "CC" is the country code, "AAA" is the area code, and "LLLL" is the local number.) Please use only numeric characters and the hyphen character, for example: 44-123-12345678 or 44-12345678."

    • +1

      Nevermind I solved it by using a land line: 61-003-xxxxxxxx (for Victoria)

      Argentina worked out to be AUD$105 ftw.

  • Does anybody know if by using a proxy - will the games be commentated in the language of the country that you choose?

    • +1

      Well last season I paid via an Indian proxy and all games were with the US commentators, so don't think it matters on the proxy.

      • Awesome thanks for that!

  • Hey guys, does anybody know what kind of a discount you get as a returning customer? In the email I was sent from them they say as a returning customer I'll get the "lowest full-season price available" on the subscription. But that'll probably still be more expensive than re-buying league pass through an international proxy right? And if that's the case, after cancelling the subscription should I make a new account to buy the new league pass with the international proxy or is my current account fine? Any information would be greatly appreciated :)

    • It was like $10 a year or so back, I've emailed them to ask but I expect the proxy option will be considerably cheaper.

  • I used an Indian proxy last year. If I use a proxy again do I have to create a whole new account?

    • Anyone?

      • Yes create a new account

        • Thanks

        • What's the reason for creating a new account?

        • I'm assuming because your current account has your location a renewal price already attached?

        • @gadgetguy:

          I've cancelled my sub. Plus I made an AUS account years ago and only last year I purchased through a proxy.

  • any codes released yet or what!?

  • hey guys is this method still working? i tried 2 different indian and brazilian IPS, the website acknowledges it by displaying the price for 120, though after i filled in my credit card details and pressed submit it said Transaction Error? thoughts anyone?

  • Hey guys, just received this response from NBA help. Not sure if they will be doing coupons or just auto-resubscribing at a discounted rate.


    Thank you for the NBA GAME TIME inquiry,

    If you visit you will see the price offered to new NBA LEAGUE PASS subscribers. As a returning customer, you will receive a special > discount of 15% off of the new subscriber price for your NBA LEAGUE PASS subscription for the 2014-2015 season.

    If you have any more questions please let us know.

    Thank You

    NBA GAME TIME Support

    Ticket Details
    Ticket ID: GIW-650-96872
    Department: NBA GAME TIME
    Type: Issue
    Status: Closed
    Priority: Normal

    • Just a follow up from NBA support:

      There is no promotional code provided for the 2014/2015 NBA season to return subscribers, your current NBA Game Time subscription will auto renew on >Nov. 5, 2014 at the discounted price.

      Best Regards,

      NBA GAME TIME Support

    • Cool, thanks for posting this.

      Did you use a proxy last year for your subscription?

      If so, do you think it will auto-renew at 15% for the SAME country you proxied though?

      That's what I'm kind of hoping for.

  • Do they go off your last sub or your country pricing?

    Paid via India last year.

    Do I need to cancel and then re subscribe through another country otherwise?

  • I just sent an email to NBA Support with my subscription email from last season with the USD$99 in the email, and have asked them to confirm how much this year is going to be.
    I also know people who have their league pass subscription last year paying the AU price as well, so I wonder how much they will get charge.

    From the email:
    "The lowest full-season price available on your 2014-15 NBA LEAGUE PASS subscription. This price is ONLY available to returning NBA LEAGUE PASS subscribers from last season like you."

    It almost sounds like they will charge you with the cheapest price available worldwide with no fiddling with signing up with proxy / vpn.

    • Can you please confrim when you receive a reply? Im in the same boat and I dont want them to charge me OZ subscription amount, else i can proxy it and buy it myself.

      EDIT: I paid USD$ 89 last year, and i have just sent them an email, hopefully they can match it!!

      • This is reply I received from NBA


        Thank you for the NBA GAME TIME inquiry,

        If you visit you will see the price offered to new NBA LEAGUE PASS subscribers. As a returning customer, you will receive a special discount of 10% off of the new subscriber price for your NBA LEAGUE PASS subscription for the 2014-2015 season.

        If you have any more questions please let us know.

        Thank You

        NBA GAME TIME Support

        Ticket Details

        • So unfortunately that's not much good?

  • So what's the verdict? No sign of any discounts? Or is it still possible?

    If not then what's the current best country to use?

  • Argentina is up to $112 AUD for regular league pass (still a great deal!). Nigeria and Nepal are at similar price points. Haven't tried all countries, anyone else find any other countries ?

    EDIT - Algeria and Uruguay at $110 AUD

  • I compared 4 random premium plans, forgive the poorper graphics presentation on this link:

    • So Indonesia comes out cheapest of your four at $140 USD or $159 AUD for premium.

      I think Argentina and Canada were coming out cheaper (from earlier in the thread - not tried myself).

  • hey guys looking at getting this. is premium worth the extra 40/50 bucks?

    • It depends really. If you have a favourite team you want to follow then potentially. I don't know that I'll be dipping into vault or watching the news stuff much. But I watched every game the Timberwolves played last year and some teams commentators are terribly biased to the point of being ridiculous. A couple of games were painful to watch because of it (especially since the T'wolves underperformed, lost a lot of tight games and threw away a lot of leads so the commentary was particularly brutal).

      But if you don't have a favourite team or don't take it too seriously (it's the only sport I seriously follow) then I probably wouldn't bother as it doesn't really seem to offer that much, unless you are going to watch stuff from the vault, press conferences or the stuff on NBATV.

      • yeh see the commentary is a good point. i did miss that in the playoffs.

  • Don't know what's happened but I can't get anywhere near the rates quoted earlier for Premium. Currently India = $182, Brazil = $182. Can't find a Canadian or Argentinian proxy on hidemyass.

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