Spalding NBL Indigenous Basketball $59.95 + $9.95 Shipping ($0 Perth C&C) @ Jim Kidd Sports


TF 1000 tech in a Indigenous Ball. $59.95, can pick up in Store

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Jim Kidd Sports


  • Featuring patented Spalding TF 1000 ZK Legacy technology…

    Yes, but I wait for Wilson on sale and it is free delivery on over $50 spent.


  • -4

    Well it’s about time!

    I’m so sick of all the white privilege my current ball drags along to the court…

  • +1

    Why is it…. Orange, with only black striping..

      • +10

        You're the clown making a big deal out of a basketball with an indigenous designed logo. im not surprised people don't enjoy your intellectual banter at BBQs.

        • -7

          No big deal here, buddy. March on…

      • -1

        But look out, the Russian Bots have arrived to sow discourse & division in Oz!

        No longer content just turning American bbq’s and dinner parties into awkward events where belligerent bots offer a pugnacious observations…. the online forums aren’t safe from their automated pens and bellicose swords…


        • Someone has a different opinion to me online so they must be Russian bots


  • It is also the official ball of the best basketball league EuroLeague

    • -1

      Btw, where is the stacker cowgirl who posts codes for free junk food from hangry jack now playing IH vs MU for NBL championship.

  • +6

    Where is this indigenous basketball made?

    • +3

      In indigenous china

    • +2

      Somewhere that has an affordable and efficient source of power that doesn't force all industry to shut down and move elsewhere..

      • Or somewhere with much cheaper labour and lower quality of life. Somewhere that has a GDP per capita that is only 20% of ours.

        • Tell me exactly how an increase in the minimum wage in the past 30 years has increased the quality of life for the underclass in Australia..

          Exactly, it hasn't.

          • @cobrakai: Correlation doesn't equal causation. I would suggest that the huge wealth transfer to multinational monopolies and terrible housing policy during a period of rapid population growth has played a much bigger part than the movement of manufacturing.

  • +3

    Got one when it was $10 more, can absolutely vouch for it…has a really nice feel, so much so that some guys prefer this ball to the official Wilson leather NBA basketball when I play pickup with some mates…

    • I play regularly with a Molten GF7X, it has a nice soft touch… any ideas how it compares?

      • +1

        Haven't had much experience with the GF7X, but it's definitely has a soft touch, so I'd say it's comparable..

      • +1

        TF1000 has a soft touch compare to GG7X and GF7X. It's not as grippy as the Molten G series.

        • hmm.. well i bought one.. But i gotta say the GF7X has been my favourite ball to handle to date… just couldn't find anywhere 'reputable' to buy it, without spending an arm and a leg. I hope i'm not disapointed :)

          • @GuniGuGu: I wouldn't say it's a bad ball, but I still prefer my GG7X. I’ve still got one backup from when it was discontinued and on sale.

  • -5

    I'm guessing it's cheap because it's heavily Government subsidized?

  • -1

    Yesss! thanks, got 2.
    Now who wants to come play with my indigenous balls?

    (looks over and seeing a swarm of white women)

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