This thread is for disclosing take-down requests from merchants and related discussions. We at OzBargain often receive requests from merchants to remove pages and deals on this website. Sometimes the requests can be reasonable but sometimes not. The moderators will use this thread to post requests from merchants + our actions.
For merchants / store representatives:
Alltrails+ 1 Year Subscription $17.99 (Was $35.99) @ Alltrails
Alltrails sent us a DMCA claiming "copyright infringement". Also received an IP Rights Infringement Notice from Alltrails via Red Points claiming "the following content is infringing upon their valid intellectual property rights". However so far only an URL is provided — no exact violation is mentioned.
I've sent back an email requesting for more information, and will update here if there's any followup. Meanwhile, I am replacing the Alltrails store image with our default "Removed due to copyright issues" image just in case.