• expired

5% Cashback on PayPass Purchases @ ME Bank (New Customers Only)


Apply before 31 December and you’ll receive 5% cash back when you Tap & Go™ on all MasterCard PayPass™ purchases under $100 for the first 6 months*. The money you get back goes into your account 30 days after the date of transaction. You’ll be saving whilst you spend.


*Available to customers who open an EveryDay Transaction Account (ETA) between 3/03/14 and 31/12/14 (extended). Receive 5% cash back on all contactless purchases made within Australia using PayPass Tap & Go for amounts of $100 or less for 6 months from the date your account is opened.

The 5% cash back offer will not apply to ATM transactions, payments pressing ‘Savings’, ‘Cheque’ or ‘Credit’, BPAY®, PayAnyone, Phone or Internet Banking, direct debits or credits, cheque or Bank@Post transactions.

The 5% cash back will be paid into your account within 30 days after the date the transaction is debited to your account.

Customers with ETAs opened prior to 3/03/14 are not eligible to participate. Only one cash back offer per customer and account.

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

$150 Coles Group & Myer Gift Card for both referree and referrer when loans are settled.

Related Stores

ME Bank
ME Bank

closed Comments

  • +5

    how much has any ozbargainer managed to accumulate in cashbacks from these offers? i wonder

    • +14

      you can't save money by spending money, I'm sure every oz bargainer knows this.

      • +1

        well look this way. real $200 pay with the card 5% can last longer. $200/0.95=210.52 , $10.52/0.95=11.07. so abt $11.6 extra to use with the card

        • +3


          I think that miscbrah meant, how many nominal dollars could one person save during the offer period.

          e.g. Over a 6month period, I reckon 3 transactions at $100 per week is easily doable, within normal expenditure. Therefore, 3 transactions x $100 x 26 weeks x 5% = $390 saved in 6months.

        • LOL - I have no idea what you just said.

        • +1

          you can if you're buying stuff to sell…

      • +4

        Sure you can, if youre using the card on stuff that you had to buy anyway.

    • +14

      It is the compounding effect that is Pure Gold!
      EG 1. Buy gift cards at Woolworths covering Dan Murphys. Save 5% Immediately. Then buy SPECIALS online from Dan Murphys through Cash Rewards and get 7.5% cash back. Compounding 5% plus 7.5% plus Specials Prices.
      EG 2. Buying petrol at $1.44 per litre. 4 cents off Coles/Woolies docket, and then 5% off @ $1.40 per litre is total of 11 cents per litre discount.

      • -1

        Pretty sure you can't buy gift cards with a credit card.

        • +2

          @derfel.cadarn: you can, so long as the txn is under $100 you'll get the rebate, me bank would have no idea what you bought in the store.

      • You could have saved 5% using Paywave at Dan Murphy's WITHOUT bothering with the gift card. Granted though if you are approaching the end of the 6 month period, you could stock up.

        I've used the IngDirect card for 5% cashback but am now into the 2% period, so just got an MEBank card. Note that you can generally do part payments @ Australia Post to utility providers such as rates, water, electricity, just use Paywave and keep each transaction to under $100. Good way to save money provided that the PO is convenient. Some bills (QLD registration for example) can't be part paid, so you can split pay $99 on the card and the balance by whatever means suits.

        • Can you pay utilities like rates and water with credit at the post office? In Brisbane you can only pay with debit card. Paywave is like a credit card payment and does not work.
          Also can you part pay your rego? I was told at the post office that it has to be in one transaction.

        • @maxi:

          I've paid rego with paywave before by splitting payments into under $100 amounts.

        • @Ronnnie:

          So does this mean that ME Bank don't mind 5 transactions at the same place on the same day?

        • "You could have saved 5% using Paywave at Dan Murphy's"
          That is true, but you need the gift cards to use for buying on-line. And you need to order from Dan murphy's online to get the 7.5% Cash Rewards Cash back. Thus giving you about 12.5% off.

        • I remember reading that some people received called from ING Direct insinuating that they are abusing the system and warned that their card will be canceled if they continue to do so. Have you not received one of these calls?

    • +4

      You could accumulate heaps, by being a little creative. I'm thinking, anyone who eats out with a few mates now and then could win big… collect up the cash-contributions from everyone, pay with your card. ETC.

    • +3

      I just exported mine from uBank - $1099 in PayWave cash rebates from ~713 transactions.

      Must have PayWaved ~$22K - average spend ~$31. I know some people have done much better.

      • +1

        What time period? 6 months. That's a fairly big amount. You must be in top quintile of household income to be earning and spending that much in that time :-P

        • +1

          That is from July 2013 to yesterday - about 14 months. I got an extension from referral - not sure why it didnt finish in July this year.

          With spending $150 a week on groceries (split at checkout into 2x paywaves) plus $150 a week on fuel (2x fill ups - 170km/day commute) that $300 a week is over $15,000 a year so thats 2/3rds right there.

          Income wise - just an average 5-figure income - plenty of people on here would double/triple/more what I take home.

      • +1

        WTF? since when did UBank offer PayWave cashback?

        • Bah, got me, typo, meant ING Paywave (surprised no-one else picked that up earlier!)

    • +1

      I'm currently owner building my own home.
      What I've done using my ING direct card is buy my tapware, fittings amongst other stuff from Bunnings, using their price match guarantee and paywaving over a couple of weeks since all you have to do is put a deposit (Which I pay wave anyways).

  • Do you have to get a credit card or is it an ATM/debit card?

    • +1

      The rebate is on the transaction account via a Debit Mastercard.

      • Thought so, thanks. Just thought VISA was pretty much the market leader here in chipped debit cards and hadn't really thought of MC having much success with signing up banks for their debit type card.

    • "Pay-wave/Pay-pass" is only available on credit cards, isn't it?

  • +7

    i'm missing out as both myself and missus had the said accounts before 3/3/14
    not real fan of those companies targeting offers at new customers only, loyalty must really be dead

  • +11

    Gonna apply for it in December for my mrs when 5% rebate of my ING expires.

    • my thoughts exactly. :D

    • +1

      How do you deal with the direct debits, paychecks, etc every time you switch accounts?
      It's the hassle of switching everything over that's stopping me from signing up for these cashback accounts from ING, etc.

      • +3

        Hey stingy-m, it's not really relevant because "direct debits" will not receive the 5% back, under the TC's, so there's no point switching them over to the new card; you'd just leave all that stuff as it is, and ONLY usee this card for pay-wave/pay-pass transactions.

      • I have an ANZ account which deals with all the direct debits, its also my pay account.

        Then its just a matter of transferring funds over from time to time into the account linked to the 5% cash back card. whether its ING or MEBank. :D

        • Cheers. It's a bit harder for me since I live alone and have irregular spending habits. However could be a positive in the sense that I'd transfer money into the cashback account every week and try only spend what I've transferred. Double savings really.

          Probably sign up for one tomorrow. Thanks!

        • @stingymonkey: I have a relatively fixed shopping habit so I just transfer a few hundred on every Thursday or Friday to my ING account and it is solely used for paywave shopping. Direct debit or BPay will be from my coles credit card or offset/salary account.

    • +6

      Don't think it is even worth it to transfer from ING.

      ING still offer 2% cash after the 6 month promotional period. MeBank doesn't.

      ING pay ATM fees for any ATM usage in Australia, Me Bank doesn't

      ING charge $2.5 for international withdrawal, Me Bank charge $4

      ING free Post Banking, Me Bank charge $2.5 per transaction

      ING lose your card get new one free, Me Bank lose your card $20.

      And a bucket load more fees.

      All you have to do with ING is to deposit $1000 a month which is can easily be done if you even just have a part time job.


      Me Bank Request to change colour of card $10

      You can't have an orange card with me bank.

      • Hey highdealer, was just wondering with the $1000 deposit on ING, if I deposit $1000 on the 1st of every month and then transfer it somewhere else on like, the 7th for example, will it still count?

        • i was under the impression that the rebate kicks in the month AFTER you make the deposit, so you're better off depositing on the 30th (unless it's february)

        • As Powerhead said. The rebate kick in the month after the $1000 deposit is made. So it is best to deposit close to the end of the month.

          Australian ATM Fee Rebate
          - for transactions when you deposit at least $1,000 from an external bank account
          into a Personal ING DIRECT account in your name (excluding Living Super) by the
          last day of the preceding calendar month.

          Also it doesn't have to be in one go, it can be in multiple installment like weekly wages. You dont need to have $1000 by the end of the month. Just that the accumulative amount deposited by an external bank account is $1000 you get the cash back next month.

      • Shitfarkinell, accidentally pressed - on your great comment (fat thumb on phone screen, hadn't zoomed in yet). My bad. Tried to plus it but said I already voted. WTF?

        Those fees do suck. Something to consider. Have to be strategic with how to use it. Just don't lose card and if do, just get a spare crappy wallet and leave it somewhere random and file a police report to get free card again from ME? :-P

        Use Internet banking to transfer money in and out to the amount you'll make EFTPOS purchases with.

  • +1

    There is no loophole (as least I didn't find one) for existing customer, applied twice and didn't activate the cards because the new cards was linked to my existing account automatically. Miss the 5% cash back and there's no way to get it again.

    • +11

      I opened up the account in April (new customer) when they had a similar offer. I've done a number of paypass transactions since then, and not once have I had any cashback credited to my account. :(
      They are currently 'looking into it'. I'm not holding my breath.

      Their online banking is primitive, and their online support is a joke. You're lucky if you get a non-automated response within a week.
      Once the bonus interest period expires, I'll be going back to ING.

      • Thanks for sharing

      • +2

        I have registered as well around that time and have received cashback no issues.

        However, I do agree their online banking and mobile app is absolutely a shocker. Barely useable compared to the majors

      • +1

        Good deal, but yes- banking with them feels like banking with the State Bank of Victoria. That out of date……

      • I opened up the account in April (new customer) when they had a similar offer.

        https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/135350 :)

      • Yes they're banking website and app sucks, but customer service is good.

      • Their online banking is primitive

        but it was a damn sight quicker than ubank's website.

        i'll always go back to ING once every other bank's intro rates finish :D

    • -1

      There is a loophole, change your name and address!

      • +2

        Erm, take out a credit card under a fake name/new identity? Good luck with that…

        • But it's an ATM debit card…I think.

      • Have you tried? Your identities won't change even you actually move, e.g. medicare number, driver licence etc.

        • +1

          You can legally change your name and also move elsewhere. Medicare number is not necessary to apply for the card.

  • +2

    Great deal, I love PayPass/PayWave, 5% on every transaction is huge savings.

    • It's pretty much like a discount of 5% on every daily spending without asking. And nobody would ask for a discount for the groceries

      • my work tried to sell me gift cards to get 5% off, but you need to buy the $100 ones… :-/

        • +3

          Pay $99 with the card, then $1 cash.

  • +1

    It's worth to close accounts if there is no benefit to it any more and you don't need them :)

  • Its says "you’ll receive 5% cash back when you Tap & Go™ on all MasterCard PayPass™", does this only to apply to mastercard merchants? Or do you get the 5% cashback on transactions made with Visa merchants (paywave) also?

    • Visa Paywave has nothing to do with Mastercard Paypass. And this is a deal through ME Bank with their Mastercard issued cards and doesn't apply to other banks. Besides as far as i know ME Bank only issues Mastercard cards. When you tap and go with the ME Bank Mastercard it will automatically get processed as Mastercard and you'll get your 5% cash back.

      • Bankwest and CBA also issue Mastercard Debit. Which yes are rare plus you can use them with Tiger/Jetstar to avoid the cc surcharge.

    • It will apply whenever you tap to pay with your ME Bank Debit MasterCard. I don't think there's many places (if at all) that only accept Visa and not MasterCard, so as long as you can tap to pay you will get the rebate.

      • Yup the EFTPOS terminals will accept Visa or Mastercard it's all automatic. They automatically detect the card when you tap and go. For example if you have one of the ME Bank Mastercard debit it will get detected as Mastercard debit.

  • +3

    Good deal, but heads up that ME is HORRENDOUS for online banking and customer service. Don't expect to be moving money in and out within 12-24 hours either, so plan ahead and hope you can avoid customer service.

    • +1

      Transferred to other bank accounts within 24 hours for me.

    • Sorry…I should say "out within hours"….just not the efficiency you see with CW or ING.

      • CW? I'm used to CBA or even some calling it netbank.

      • I also use ING Direct and i hadn't noticed any transfers clearing to other banks within hours. It gets processed at the end of days external transfer processing time.

  • are cash back payments like these assessable income for tax purposes?

  • Does this have a condition where you have to deposit a certain amount each month to get the 5% cashback? I'm a student so this might not be possible for me.

    • +2

      The terms & condition doesn't say any thing about having to depot a certain amount of money each month. So you won't need to do that. Just spend whatever money you want to put into the account you'll still get the 5% cash back as long as you do the tap & go paypass method to pay any thing $100 or less.

    • no, but for getting the rebate on atm withdrawls you need to put 1000 per month. but just dont worry about that and just make withdrawls when you do 'cash out' at coles maccas etc.

  • Question. I opend a MEBank account start of the year. but have closed it since ING.

    Do I still qualify as a new customer?
    I wont be applying for this till the end of the year when my ING 6 months ends.

  • +1

    It has been my experience MEBank has a bucketload more fees than ING and its website is down a lot.

  • +2

    Maybe ING will bring back the 5% offer.

  • -1

    Please god NO. I don't want to read posts about how ppl are splitting large transactions to payments less than $100. Lol

    • +5

      Ironically you are the first to mention this issue in the post.

  • Urgh I opened a ME account just before their previous 5% offer expired on 31 August, and it clashes with half of my ING's 5%.

    • Me too. Frustrating, but at least you can overlap to get 5% off $198 in any transaction as opposed to just $99.

    • Me three. I waited till 30 Aug to open the account. Now about 4 months overlapping with ING direct.

  • Is there any other Major bank that offers similar to InG?
    No monthly service
    Free withdraw
    Stuff like dat??

  • +1

    It also pays to pay your utility bills at the post office using the ME debit card. The staff will happily allow you to split the total into multiple payments. Yes some companies will charge you for paying your bills at the post office but it might still be worth it. E.g. Telstra recently charged me a flat $2.50 fee for payment of a $130 bill.

    Also, I recently paid for servicing my car at Kmart Auto using Coles Group gift cards I bought at Coles (all under $100 of course). They allow you to use up to 4 gift cards to split your payment total.

  • -2

    Laughable support and creaky online banking, plus they crashed badly a few weeks (months?) back. And its not even a bank, they are collectively owned by super funds. If one of those funds collapse, oops.

  • Wonder when the 4 big banks gonna start having 5% cash back?

  • Conditions posted above say Bank@Post transactions not eligible for 5% cashback obenihk?

    • I have to admit I haven't being doing this for long and was not aware of the exclusion. I did once try to match up my cashback amount to my previous transactions and did think I received 5% on my bill payment with auspost. I could not get an exact matchup because I had non-paypass transactions mixed in and also it's hard to know what period is captured by each cashback. But it did come close. Has anyone else tried paying their bills with auspost?

    • +1

      You do also get charged a $2.50 fee for using Bank@Post with ME Bank cards linked to the Everyday Transactions Account.

  • +7

    Just to share.

    So my ING 5% cashback ends today.
    I call ING's phone banking line and speak to the staff there referring them to this ME Bank deal.

    She extends my 5% cashback till 4 Nov 2014.
    Staying put for now.

    • This is quite remarkable!

      • Indeed.
        I was very surprised.
        I started my account with ING Direct on 9 March 2014.

        I had read through most of the threads and many claim there are no extensions.

        I decided to call this morning only as a last resort to try and extend it.
        Was good I saw this thread prior to calling.

        I don't know how they fund this 5% cashback but from what I can see they don't pay any interest on the account nor provide points scheme. But if at all viable for them and ING simply continued with this, everyone would day to day spending with them.

    • Didn't work for me - I just rang ING and they told me they wouldn't match other banks.
      (After first asking which bank had the offer Grrrr)
      Though my 5% cashback has already expired.
      Think I will close my ING now and wait for any new offer.

      They don't reward loyalty, only new customers, so I will show no loyalty.
      Though I can't complain about ING - it was the best deal while it lasted.

      Have just opened an ME account - so quick and easy too.

      Thanks tightarse

    • -1

      ING Direct also wouldn't match ME Bank's 6 month 5% off offer.

      I had to wait for a team leader/manager to call me back and even when I mentioned other people had got the offers extended on the ozbargain website she wouldn't budge.

      Ofey can you PM me who you spoke to?

  • +1

    Can anyone in the industry explain how these 5% cashback offers are funded by the banks?

    • +1

      I wondered that too.
      Maybe the companies that make the PayPass technology are part funding this (with the banks),
      to ensure its widespread introduction ?
      So these PayPass cashbacks maybe won't last much longer

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