ethereal88 » user profile

Status | In Penalty Box. |
Member Since | 15/09/2012 |
Last Seen | 15/03/2015 |
Badges | 1 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

So? I pay for you rent to keep this shithole maintained and not falling down on me when I sleep. Fair is fair. Way different to slaving…

*snort*, not everyone who makes a dishonest living can borrow to buy!

ethereal88 commented on 45yo and still rents
Why bother? Debt slave for a few decades, then its time for the cemetery when you could have just blown it all on coke and casino's. All…

ethereal88 commented on Family Tax Benefit 01 July 2015 - FTB-B Income Threshold Changed to $100,000
You don't need it. Those benefits should cut off @ $60K max. Skip the third Mercedes, fourth yacht and weekly caviar.

ethereal88 commented on Anti-Virus software - recommendations?
Nothing. Use common sense. Defender is built into 8.1 anyway.

ethereal88 commented on Bonds 40% off Everything and FREE Delivery
Bonds mens socks are $11 RRP in Coles, 50% off is $5.50. Bonds website is $16.95, half of that is obviously more. They still have decent…

[@Strand0410](/comment/2574351/redir): Stooge. Look at Logical Blue One and Horize ultrabooks. Upgradeable RAM and CPU. Apple is utter…

ethereal88 commented on Ubank Drop Rate to 3.77%
After inflation you are making next to nothing. Its pitiful. When the economy inevitably collapses and the housing bubble blows up and the…

Locked down soldered frisbee trash, locked down OS, can't upgrade, can't do anything. Stuck with what you are buying and the rubbish screen…

High end Intel CPUs don't come with iGPUs, at least the mainstream X99 ones.

Even I don't agree here for once. OP, get a 5820K + X99 and build a box that will last for years. And $1500 for whores is less than 5hrs at…

A toast! Although I don't exactly work "heaps" ahem.

ROFL, working for nothing. About as useful as volunteering. If you put in work you get paid. And your English is still shocking. Mystery…

ethereal88 commented on Last minute ideas and gifts for Valentines Day
Nothing. Where is the day that men get anything? Tell her to shut it and make some cake otherwise you'll boot her out onto the street.

ethereal88 commented on Unemployed and Depressed :(
Problem how? I graduated with a Philosophy degree and spend my days working the odd retail shift and smoking cones. Philosophically…

Failed maths? LESS INFLATION IT ISN'T EVEN 4%. Its 2% or less.

ethereal88 commented on I wish I had a ..... when I was 14...
Rifle and some extended magazines. School needed a purge.

ethereal88 commented on High Interest transaction account
Waste of time. Inflation is 2-3%, so your rubbish 4% is actually 2% (at best), less taxes, what is the point? Plus everyone knows exactly…

Can't match a decent seedbox. I have hundreds of thousands of films on tap in a few minutes. Match that.

ethereal88 commented on Is This PC Build Value for Money Spent?
4460 is slow with low clock speed. Get a 4690. 500MHz difference once you enable MCE (if your board supports it).

Nothing. Defender built into 8.1 works well. Use common sense.

ethereal88 commented on New to share trading, where to start?
Its all falling apart soon, the housing market is a bubble waiting to pop here, Greece is falling apart and dragging the Eurozone with it,…

ethereal88 commented on Looking to Replace Parts in Gaming Computer after Flood Damage. Would Like Advice on Choices/Suppliers
970s have the memory issue, you want a 4790K at least for 2015 AAA gaming. Games do use those threads.…

You were not born here.

ethereal88 commented on Is It All in The Name?
If I was hiring, white people would always come first. Especially those born here and not taking opportunities meant for local white…

Overpriced slow Apple trash? Spot on! You can even use it as a frisbee which is all its good for!

ROFL, real men get it shaved. Run a pair of clippers over it, no guard or #1 all over.

ethereal88 commented on Tax Question - Is This Legal?
If the ATO randomly audited you you would be stuffed. It is trivial for them to find out any accounts you have (and family members) along…

ethereal88 commented on Horse and buggy banking or what?
Deposits? Every single time I needed to it has showed up within the same day, likely within an hour or two. Transfers is due to old ass…

ethereal88 commented on APPLE PRODUCTS: What's The General Consensus?
Get an Asus x205. You want a Windows tablet for Calibre - it can store and organize your ebooks (in full colour) and you can use it to…