This was posted 10 years 8 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Steam] 3x The Ship: Complete Pack $1USD (95% OFF) Bundle Stars


I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any cheaper than this. Steam is currently selling the game at $4.99 with 75%.

About the Game

The Ship is primarily a multiplayer, online murder game with a unique set of game rules.

The Ship is owned by the mysterious Mr X and as one of many 'lucky' recipients of a free ticket you arrive on board The Ship to find there's a catch to your luxury cruise.

You are coerced into a brutal Hunt to indulge Mr. X's fantasies, under threat of death for not only yourself, but also your family. Your only chance to save yourself and your family is to play the Hunt and win.

Purchase The Ship and receive two extra activations to send to your friends! Check your inventory after activating the key to find two giftable copies.

Edit: Thanks to hermano and kamoi who pointed this out- the people you gift it to also receive an extra copy of the game to gift to someone else. So essentially it is 5 copies for $1USD (although you get 3).

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closed Comments

  • +10

    In the spirit of ozbargain, I am will to accept a gifted copy of this game.

    • +3

      lol I read it as donate not accept

    • +1

      I second that spirit!

  • Works as stated. Good stuff and looks like fun for $1

  • +6

    The people you send the gifts to also get a giftable copy each.

    • +1

      Yep. 5 copies in total according to SteamDB

    • +1

      Wow that's a great deal, thought 3 was good

  • +9

    Ok then, in the spirit of OzB, I will gift my 2 extra copies to 2 ppl who PM me, on the proviso that they must then gift another copy each to an OzBargain member.

    • +1

      My steam username is my account name for any generous souls out there

    • +1

      PMd you

    • +7

      Ok to update.

      I have given my copies to heal and cooldude123

      Go harass them for their extra copy =P

      • +4

        Thanks John for the gift. EDIT: Still available.

        • +2

          heal is gifting to me, so let someone else have it. :)

        • Now gone to linoc66.

    • +1

      If they got a copy from you, would they not need to have bought a pack themselves?
      How would the cycle continue then?

      • +2

        The original purchaser gets the following:
        1x Copy of the game for their account
        2x Two-packs of the game to gift

        So when the original purchaser gifts one of those two packs to someone, they get:
        1x Copy for themselves
        1x Copy to gift to someone else (which is what John wants to be gifted to another ozbargainer)

        So all in all 5 copies of the game for $1.00

  • +2

    I have 92c from selling my collector cards on the market so I can buy 3 copies for 8c…..

  • -2

    well then, let's milk this for all it's worth. my steam ID is wildchild978

    • -3

      For anyone feeling generous, my steam ID is personoftheyear

      • +1

        EDIT: The user "heal" gave me a free copy! AWESOME!

  • -4

    if anyone has still got a copy to spare my steam id is: jneffekt

  • +3

    Jumping on the train if anyone is generous:

    If it comes with another giftable copy i'll gift it to someone here on ozbargain :)

    (Man i'm cheap. $1 yeesh)

    Edit: scratch that, i ended up buying it :)

  • +2

    I've given my extra copy to Pianoisyum

  • +3

    Would love a copy if anyone has a spare. My username is: jemin3m

    On this topic, if anyone would like a copy of Thief: Deadly Shadows, or the Alan Wake Franchise, you are welcome to my spare copies :)

    • +1

      Can I have the copy of Thief please?
      Steam ID : mozface

      • +1

        Sure thing mate, PM me your email address so I can send it through Steam as we aren't friends on there :)

    • +1

      Not sure how to pm you, ive got a spare 2pack of the ship (so two copies for you since i cant split them), i would love alan wake :)

      Steam id: nikhilr (

      • +2

        Hey mate, would love to swap with you :)

    • +1

      can i have cope of thief as well?
      Username: crazylite

    • +1

      If you still have the spare copy of the Alan Wake Franchise, I would be grateful if I could have that.
      Please send via PM.

  • +1

    Can i get a copy of that please??
    My username is crazylite thanks!

  • -3

    ok plus vote to anyone who sends me the code, steam id nulled.

  • +2

    Any love for a poor, unemployed, recent migrant gamer?

    I wish I was kidding :'(

    Edit: can pay in a personalised haiku about you and Steam friendship for life.

    • +2

      I'll make payment with a picture of a spider.

      It's worth $1 by the way.

      • faulty - it only has seven legs

        • -1

          Nah, that is an anti-counterfeiting mechanism. People who copy it will think it's faulty and fix it with 8 legs, but the original has 7.

  • +1

    Any free copies floating around looking for a loving home??
    (I have no shame when it comes to ozbargain freebies)

  • +1

    I LOVE this game

  • +1

    This game looks awesome. Anyone able to send me a copy :) Yabbie83

  • +1

    I have this game (not from this deal).

    Graphics are basic, but the concept is unique and FUN!

    Sometimes trying to find a good server (with a few players) wasn't always easy.

    But with this deal on Ozbargain, there should be more ppl to play with :)

  • +1

    Can someone send me a copy? name is nairda

  • +1

    Really enjoyed this game when it came out. BTW: They're doing a remake of it. (Saw it on Kickstarter or one of those other begging for money sites).


  • My STEAM ID is furious_meteorite. You know what to do ;p.

    Thanks in anticipation :(

  • Xebozone is my steam ID if someone is feeling generous, and I will be eternally grateful! :) :D

  • my steam id is ohhidayo if anyone has any spare copy they don't want, cheers!

  • +1

    Want to play with the wife and 2 kids
    Does that mean I will need to register them each a steam ID so they can play?
    I know it's free etc just painful

    • +2

      yep, you have to make a new steam account for each person.

      You can also share your entire steam library with their accounts if you'd like to. Nice feature by valve (however you both cant play at the same time)

      • +2

        I tend to install the games on my wifes PC and then put Steam in offline mode. Haven't found anything that doesn't work in offline mode.

      • +1

        Actually I think I read about sharing but haven't done it - excellent advice

  • +3

    I've bought it and will share one of the extra keys when I can. Can the people who are asking for keys make sure they update their request once a key is received.

    • My STEAM ID is furious_meteorite. Thanks in anticipation.

    • would love a key please ID is Yabbie83

  • +3

    Please don't send me a free copy, I have too many games I don't play!

    • Share them with me then! ;)

      My STEAM ID is furious_meteorite.

  • +1

    Hey team.

    Probably missed the boat, but if anyone has a spare copy, can they friend me on steam (beaudilo) and send a copy? I need more friends anyway…

    Happy to buy it tonight, but in case I forget, or someone sends beforehand, a gift would be mintox.


    • +3

      I just re-read my post.

      Please don't punish me for the unintended pun.

      Self flagellation commencing in 3…2…1…

      • +1

        Shout out to steam user Phlosten for the key.

        A key and a friend. What a day.

        Thanks champ.

  • +1

    My steam ID is japanese_freak if anyone is feeling generous :)

  • +1

    I'd love a copy for my son & myself if anyone has a couple of spares

    No point purchasing if there's not enough takers for the bonus copies….

    I'll update this post (with a thanks) once/when/if I receive


    • -1

      No point purchasing if there's not enough takers for the bonus copies….

      I don't think there is any shortage of takers here so feel free to buy and share :D

      • Perhaps…. however I may as well wait and see if anyone has a couple of spares

        As said I'll update my post if/when I recieve

        • Keep waiting!

  • +2

    Would love for someone to PM me a copy of this! Steam ID: millhouse_aus


    • +1

      :( No love I guess!

  • +1

    I CBF signing up with another website to buy this, so will happily pay someone else (Paypal) a whole $1 for 1 key!
    PM if interested

    • +1

      I'm interested, PM me. Can't reach you because "Maz78 is not accepting new conversations"

      • +1

        Try now mate

  • +1

    Still waiting on someone to be generous enough to give me a copy! my ID is nairda

  • +1

    Thanks in advance to anyone who can send me a gift key, my Steam ID is vpaulve :)

  • +1

    Same here , thanks to anyone who can share too :D , my steam id is "joiboi" , one with joiboi as dp :D

  • +1

    Not entirely sure if I need another game on my owned but never played list, but if anyone is feeling generous, my steam id is iChopstick

  • +1

    Perhaps a silly question, but is the game any good?
    PS: Steam ID is zambuck if it is. ;)

  • +1

    What sort of ozbargainer would I be if I didnt add myself to this share list :P

    Steam ID is Hornoscous

  • +1

    Would happily take a donation if anyone wishes to, cheers

  • +1

    Please! Let me believe that there is still kindness in this world! My steam ID is clubhonda :p

  • +2

    I have bought this and don't mind gifting [TO PEOPLE WHO INTEND TO PLAY ONLINE… :) ]

    Feel free to PM me your email or steamid if you fit this description!

    • +1

      Hey buddy, if you are still feeling generous, I'd take one. SteamID is anhmap.

    • +1

      I'd like to take another copy.
      Thank you very much, :)
      SteamID: sakuratest

    • +1

      Hey man, am interested in your offer of the game - online is the only way to play! haha

      If you've already given them away, then fair enough, but if not, I'd appreciate it brother!

      steam: andy_laa

  • Apparently the deal just ended guys

    • -1

      Was just about to buy too :(

      Anyone kind enough to gift me a copy? Steam ID is vankuish

      I promise I won't murder you while you are sleeping…pinky swear! ;)

  • -1

    Looks like this has been ozbargained.
    If anyone has a spare code or two, I'd love if they could send it my way, this game looks fun.
    Steam ID: davieg_aota

  • -1

    In true rookie style I put of buying this till today, then realised I missed it :(
    Would truly be grateful for a copy.
    Steam ID: devilheart14

    • +1

      That sucks.

      Side note: I can't believe that there are at least another 13 "devilheart" steam users. I feel for you.

  • Well, if there are any spares please gift, I'll be eternally greatful:
    Steam ID: child640

    (I'm a little late)

  • Man, I was going to buy this after I had finished some work and now it is gone. FFS. Such is life :)

  • If anyone has found any good Australian serves please post them here - I can't find any…

    Latency on the myriad of US servers available makes the game pretty much unplayable D:

  • Does anyone still have a spare copy?
    Steam ID: micoa

  • Maybe there could be an ozbargain section for this? Sometimes I buy games and have extra copies to gift and usually gift them to my friends but this may be an alternative place to offer if I know my friends don't want the extra copy.

    • I see only one OZ server, with 25/32 players. Ozbargainers possibly?

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