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$0 eBook- Invest like Warren Buffett: How a newspaper delivery boy earned 58 billion dollars

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Amazon's Description:

"Simple rules for investment from Buffett:

Success comes to those who are patient, know the stock market and business in general, and also have a high self-discipline. In addition, you must know the eight basic rules of investing, according to Buffett.

  1. Describe your plan of action in writing or keep it in your head, and most importantly - as closely as possible stick to it in practice.

  2. Sufficient flexibility: if any circumstances or new information significantly change the situation, make changes in your plan of action.

  3. Examine the dynamics of sales and profits. Analyze their sources.

  4. Focus on potential targets. Carefully consider the assortment of the company's products or services provided, its position in the industry as a whole and compared to its closest competitors.

  5. Gather as much information about the people running the company as possible.

  6. If you find a magnificent business for investment, ignore the unfavorable forecasts of market dynamics or the economy in general.

  7. Invest more than just money. If no suitable assets exist, keep your capital in cash.

  8. Decide for yourself what you are good at, and what - not. Invest only in companies whose business you understand."


By A Y, 165 pages, save $3.73, published June 5, 2014.

eBook is free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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closed Comments

  • no epub?

  • +8

    I like this quote more

    "There are 2 rules for success:
    1. Never tell everything you know"

    • This reminds me of:

      "There are 3 types of people in the world:
      1. those who can count; and
      2. those who cannot."

      • +1

        I always snigger at :

        "There are 11 types of people in the world:
        1. those who understand binary; and
        2. those who don't."

  • +1

    I met him in May…yes I went to BRK AGM ;)
    Also was 2 metres from Bill Gates having dinner…..

    • +10

      Thanks for sharing that…

    • Did you shake hands?!

    • +10

      A while ago, I had to pickup an important business contact at the airport, and really needed to impress this guy to win a big $$$ contract. While waiting, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Bill Gates sitting in the terminal nearby! I sat next to Bill (he was reading his Kindle) and introduced myself (fortunately I was wearing my Armani suit and I really looked like a top executive). Mr Gates was actually quite friendly, and I spent some minutes talking to him. I also mentioned that I was at the airport to tie up a big contract, and as Bill was quite friendly I asked him if he could do me a HUGE favour and walk up to me when I met my business contact to knock his socks off. Surprisingly, he agreed!

      A few minutes later my new business contact (who I had to make a big impression with) arrived at the terminal. While I was shaking his hand, Bill walked up on cue and said "Hey Giggles, good to see you again". I frowned, turned and said "p1ss off Bill, can't you see I'm busy?"

      • +3

        That happened.

      • That sounds awesome! Cool guy.

      • Great but Bill never sits in the terminal, he sits in the Executive Lounge… as good a story as A.Y. Spins in this piece of junk.

    • +2

      If someone was 1 metre away would that be more impressive?

      • +2

        "Bill Gates was sitting in my lap."

        • +1

          Lol and there it is…impressive now becomes creepy

  • TL;DR:

    Allow OzBargain to consume your life.
    Wait for lucrative deal

    • More accurately:

      1. Be born in America.

      2. Don't be born in a country that is not America.

  • +2

    Invest more than just money. If no suitable assets exist, keep your capital in cash.

    I keep PayPal cash to buy, er invest, in OzBargain featured toys and I'm not getting richer. ;(

  • +1

    The buy and hold strategy doesn't work with shares anymore, things have changed with HFT etc…Warren's strategy is only suitable if you already have a big capital to play with. The average investor is better off waiting for a correction and doing dollar cost averaging

  • +2

    I started out with nothing, spent most of it via OzBargain, and through careful investing, I still have most of it left!

  • +1

    Its invest LIKE Warren Buffett

    it's not BY Warren Buffett

    it's by "A.Y."

    Hell anyone can write a book and say

    Invest like Bill Clinton
    Invest like Wayne Swan
    Invest like Peter Costello
    Invest like Steve Jobs

    Doesnt mean you are getting good advice from the above forementioned….

    Its not worth nothing…

    • +2

      Invest like Iceland.

      • Invest like Brendan Fevola

  • Skimmed the preview; doesn't seem to be the work of a great writer. A better investment of time and/or money for anyone who'd like a bit of Buffett to rub off on them would be Roger Lowenstein's book, which doesn't teach the nuts and bolts of investing can instil the Buffett mentality.

    • But the title says "free".

      With so many discerning investors out there, Nigeria has nothing to fear…

  • +1

    Face it: you are never going to be Warren Buffett

    Read more:…

    • Sounds about right:
      "There are only three ways to make money out of Warren Buffett - :
      1) buy shares in Berkshire Hathaway;
      2) write a book about him; or
      3) use his name to market a product with the subtle implication he endorses it."

      • 4) Be his sugababe. Lay him well. Inherit half his stuff when he dies.

  • Let me trade in all of my free ebooks from Amazon for credit, and one day I might be as rich as him.

    Expired btw.

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