1kg Australian Hass Avocados are on special at Aldi for $2.99, normal price is $5 -6 so about half price, just bought a bag and got 8 small medium size
It is in the catalogue, most Vic stores
1kg Australian Hass Avocados are on special at Aldi for $2.99, normal price is $5 -6 so about half price, just bought a bag and got 8 small medium size
It is in the catalogue, most Vic stores
Sorry mate but this is the year 2014. Wake up
Well, it's cheaper to grow your own.
Wait why is he being negged? I found it pretty interesting that they were 15c in 2009…
The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.
All Aldi's prices are always nation-wide, including specials; it's a stated policy of theirs.
Why the negs? Have they changed their "nationwide pricing" policy that they proudly advertised in a lengthy campaign last year, or does it not apply to fruit'n'veg' perhaps?
Fruit and veg prices usually follow state-based pricing.
Can confirm $2.99 a bag at Airport West, VIC.
I went to ALDI in Mulgrave Brandon Park shopping centre on my way home after work. Found it for $2.49 each. They are big ones and probably fit 2 maximum 3 for 1kg. But didn't see the any bags mentioned in here.
What's the quality like? Not mushy soft/ rock hard?
they were on the hard side, had them before and it took 2 days or so to ripe, place them next to bananas as it will help them ripe quicker, very nice Hass avocados
I picked some up too :) thanks for the tip!
"As they ripen, bananas, apples, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, figs, pears and some other fruits release a gaseous plant hormone known as ethylene. These 'climacteric' fruit, as they are called, will respond to ethylene in their environment and begin the ripening process. As they do so, they ripen other fruit (and perish flowers) around them.
Bananas are medium-level producers of ethylene compared with kiwi fruit, for example, which produce more. But because bananas are large, and often you'll have a bunch of them in your fruit bowl, they can appear to be the cause of other fruits ripening.
Ethylene gas is also used commercially to ripen bananas."
You should at least do a tiny bit of research phoby (i.e. a 10-second google search) before publicly denouncing true scientific facts as "old wives' tales". Not doing so is lazy, but worse, it may result in anyone foolish enough to listen to you acquiring misinformation.
Green apples excluded? I have one in the veg compartment for nearly a year. I ate his twin 6 months ago and was fine. All the othe vegies in there arnt going ripe any quicker.
Sure beats paying $3+ just for one at Woolies or Coles!
yeah. Woolies and Coles are not up to price match their inflated grocery prices.
no these aren't as good.
The post says that these ones are "Hass" Sage… I don't know much about avocados, but I thought Hass were one of the best types? Or are there different types (or 'grades') of Hass? What determines a good avo' anyways? Is it the size of the stone relative to the size of the fruit maybe?
My Woolies had it for 3 for $1,mum said she weighed it and it came to half a kilo.
I didn't even think it was enough of a bargain to post.
Lots of aldi love here.
holy guacamole
has to be nationwide. it is in the catalogue
Hmm I didn't see it in the latest (paper) catalogue - NSW.
I can confirm $3,99 in point cook Vic .and also in the latest ALDI catalogue.
So not nationwide however still + for sharing.
Thanks OP
Just checked my local Aldi (Ashgrove, Brisbane) and a 1kg bag was $5.99
Time to have a guacamole party :O
For 3 bucks you only get one in WA!
Com'on Aldi, I miss you so much!
poor farmers…
You can pretty much be assured they get paid the same low, low prices regardless of how much Aldi (or any other supermarket) sells them for! :p
still poor…;P
nom nom nom…:)
and for the 'poor farmers'…I buy them all year round 'cos I love 'em…
thx for supplying them :)
Going hunting at local markets at rocklea tomorrow morning to see if I can get some at a decent price like these :)
$4.99 for a bag of 6 at Aldi Warringah Mall this morning.
So fed up with not having an Aldi here in Perth - although the company has been promising for years now. Even in cheap veggie shops Avocados are $1.50 each. We even purchased a tree to try to grow our own ( a hass one which meant it didn't need a second tree to produce ) but that died.
3 bucks at springvale aldi
the store will have a huge queue of people wanting these. too much of a Hassle.
I'll buy that for a dollar!
Cheapest i've seen avo's at Aldi was 15c each! at the North Sydney store :) purchased around 20 of them to eat at work, this was back in 2009