Thinking of getting 10 for my staff but it limit to 1 per customer. Shipping is virtually free for me as I have a bunch of other items in the shipment.
Great review for this product and I have never own a trackball controller prior.
Thinking of getting 10 for my staff but it limit to 1 per customer. Shipping is virtually free for me as I have a bunch of other items in the shipment.
Great review for this product and I have never own a trackball controller prior.
Thinking of getting 10 for my staffs…
How will you attach them ?
How will you attach them ?
"3. pl. staffs
a. A group of assistants to a manager, executive, or other person in authority."
If you gonna grammar nazi, at least do it right!!
If you gonna grammar nazi, at least do it right!!
yea but yours isnt even in the slightest bit funny…
neither is his…
Oh his is funny. Uncomfortable Dad joke worthy nonsense funny. I lol'd. Well, chuckled.
Staff is a collective noun and can be used to refer to a group of people. As such, you would refrain from saying "staffs" if you were talking about a specific group of individuals.
The plural of staff (musical notation, and medieval weaponry) is staves.
It depends on how many there are. 4 staff (workers) = staaaaff. 6 staff (note/wepaon) = staaaaaaves
At more than 10, you can then use 'staffs'
I prefer "minions"
I purchased one for work couple of months back (at almost double the price).
It has virtually eliminated wrist pain I was getting while using the mouse for work (I tried about 10 different ones including some exotic 'ergonomic' types).
It does take a little getting used to, but it is definitely worth persevering.
same reason as i bought mine, same results as well. so much better.
did it take you a while before you randomly stopped trying to drag the whole trackball across your desk wondering why the cursor refused to budge? :$
I'm still using my Microsoft Natural 6000 mouse and have been for years now. But the grips are all wearing off. Would you say this Logitech M570 is better or about the same? The current new Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse looks smaller than the Natural and the extra buttons are inconveniently placed.
I'm still using my Microsoft Natural 6000 mouse
i have one of those, threw it in the draw as soon as i got it. for me it was horrid but i have a fairly significant elbow injury that stops me from being able to twist my arm/wrist so it left me in a very painful angle.
ive also got a bit of arthritis etc which makes the movement of a mouse pretty hard. all that moving around the desk was screwing with my wrist/elbow so to be able to keep my wrist/elbow in the same spot always and only have to move my thumb was great for me. i have a much younger mate who does a lot of programming etc who was the one that talked me into my trackball and he loves it as well for work. he still uses a mouse for games tho where as i have not touched a mouse since getting the trackball a year or 2 ago.
be warned tho that for the first month or so you will feel like you are trying to learn to walk again. its very difficult and unnatural (after 25? years of using mice) and as i said above it took me even longer than that to stop randomly grabbing the TB and try and move it across the desk thinking it was still a mouse, but all this passes and after a while its like riding a bike, you wonder how it was ever so difficult at first
Is it good for people with limited desk space? Is that the main reason people buy it?
I hate bumping into the various crap that's strewn across my desk.
$4 cheaper than the last deal in january. must buy a second one!
Too bad the shipping comes up as AUD$11.27 for me, which kills the deal… :-(
Buy something >US$5.01 for free shipping?
there is no free shipping to australia.
Sorry, my bad.
Not sure where you are getting this price.
I can buy this shipped from Amazon to Gold Coast for US$ 37.37
Have it sitting in my Amazon cart right now.
I have one also and I just wish they had a left handed model. For a variety of reasons I mouse with my left hand even though I'm right handed, and so on the odd occasion when I use this I just can't make my left hand use it effectively and so resort to right hand.
By 2 then? Have one sitting on both sides :D (this does work. Your PC can have more than one mouse input)
Great mouse, had mine for ages and use it everyday.
I use the marble mouse trackball. Anybody who has used both have a preference?
Thanks, just grabbed one. Been trackballin' since the 90s. Love them!
Hi guys, hoping to get some advice, when I look at this deal and covert to AUD then it comes up as $49.13 shipped. What am I doing wrong?
I'm getting $46.36 total. I'm gathering the shipping charge is different depending on where you live?
I'm in Adelaide, and the price is $38.98 with a shipping cost of $7.38.
The price seems to be changing. Put to cart at $29.99, went to checkout and it jumped to $36.99, where it is currently…
I've added the mouse to my cart and the total price is USD$ 44.37 delivered!
Looking for something similar for us lefties as this is a bit hard to use with your left pinkie.
US$38.05 now at 17:32 EST.
Yeah right …
Items: AUD 40.96
Shipping & handling: AUD 8.17
Total before tax: AUD 49.13
So from 37 to 49 there is a long way …
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
This is because you've selected a third party seller. It's showing a third party seller on the main product page.
Guess it's expired. Is it still worth it at $46?
I get RSI quite a bit, and I'm not sure if I could get used to a trackball. I'm a graphic designer/developer so I use the mouse all the time.
I've recently got an ergonomic keyboard which seems to be helping, but I've always been curious and tempted to give a trackball mouse a shot.
Awesome long answer. You've convinced me. Ordered.
I figure its going to take some getting used to, but it will benefit me in the long run.
Even for fine detail work, I live by my Trackman Marble. I reckon you have more control with it than you do a mouse. I don't think this one (where your thumb does the rolling) would be precise enough however.
Started to use one of these a week ago. I found that after two strong back to back coffees, my thumb was too twitchy to use the trackball properly.
i found that even without the coffee at first. your thumb just isnt tuned for the fine motor skills i guess? but after about a month of solidly using it it was a lot better, now i wouldnt go back to a mouse.
if your still also using a mouse at times (like a friend of mine does) it may well take you even longer. i never touched my mouse after the first couple of weeks of using the TB
that means I need two - one home one for work…..
Seems to be not shipping to Australian address at all???
At initial post the seller was Amazon at the discount price. I guest when stock ran out it got diverted to a 3rd party seller at a normal price. At current value you may as well buy from CPL.
I think real trackball mice are the ones where you use your finger tips to move. Heaps more precise and alot of fun to use.
I have a Kensington Expert mouse.. It's got enough buttons for quick actioning and a cool scroll ring.…
Get the one with wrist pad. Cost about $80 locally.
I think trackballs where you use your thumb after awhile your thumb gets sore and isn't as precise.
I had slight RSI issues before using my Trackball mice, now I don't notice any soreness :)
tho ive not used a "finger trackball" only these "thumb trackballs" i think these are more natural. on a mouse your thumb is usually not used for anyting more than holding the mouse so with these your thumb becomes useful but your fingers are still used for a more normal mouse function. on these my first finger controls 5 functions as they did when i was using a mouse (left click, middle click, scroll wheel and the backwards/forwards buttons)
Does your thumb hurts after a while and/or not have the same precision ?
I'm looking to get one of these tracking ball mouse… donno which one: Finger or Thumb …
Does your thumb hurts after a while and/or not have the same precision ?
im all full of arthritis n stuff so maybe my experience isnt comparable to most, but it only took me a couple of weeks to be far more comfortable with a TB than i was with a mouse. as i said above using my thumb was a little harder originally but seemed more natural in the end
Thank you…
So.. i got one of these for $56 getting used to it now … hope it gets better :)
I just pricematched this at Officeworks for $53.19
Nice …
It's an awesome trackball bought one for work from the last Amazon deal.