Same as this deal but reduced. Don't know if reduced at other stores and whether/which have stock.
Catalog listing here.
Actually I'm pretty sure it was reduced to $199 when I spotted it at Chatswood today (original price $299)
There are two pricing models. The groups prices, ie listed, and seems regular reductions. Then there are managers prices to clear items. You may find one reduction in one store and in the next suburb the same item at full price or even further reduced. Whats the rule - know thy prices, know thy budget, Ye shall copy or store store receipt -60 day return and 12 month warranty. Been some times by time I have opened box and decided 'no not for me' {bargain/bipolar effect over}the receipt is lost,faded or chucked.Now I have future Presents in my own store room.
Hi, Chatswood store also reduced to this price.