These coffee machines are refurbished by De'Longhi and come with 12 months warranty.
Savings are huge!
Why pay more to retailers, same machines and manufacturer guarantee.
Limited stock!
These coffee machines are refurbished by De'Longhi and come with 12 months warranty.
Savings are huge!
Why pay more to retailers, same machines and manufacturer guarantee.
Limited stock!
It's confirmed by De'Longhi and Nespresso that cashback offer applies to these refurbished machines.
It says on point 3 here:
Retailers participating in this Offer are the Nespresso Club, Nespresso Boutiques and all other retailers that operate from shop fronts in Australia (including both the shop front and any online store operated by such retailers) (“Participating Retailer”). A Participating Retailer does not include a retailer who only operates online stores with no shop fronts.
I also went to and GraysOnline is not a listed retailer for claiming..
Awaiting reps response
I am not sure what more you are after. The rep has stated…..
"It's confirmed by De'Longhi and Nespresso that cashback offer applies to these refurbished machines".
I suggest, you can either take his word or not.
I'm with SteveBuscemi, I took a screen dump just in case, but I am not sure what more the rep can say to people who doubt him.
"to these refurnished machines"
Presumably as in "Manufacturer refurnished machines".
But that does not mean the retailer is eligible.
Are we really sure b.hunter is a representative of Grays. He can be one of us and claiming bull.
b.hunter has just mentioned the same info on the Grays website.
I would expect if there are any issues it will be Grays dealing with them.
Bought one and will see.
I did the same thing. Screen dump will be your friend if Grays are falsely advertising a cashback.
$209 for reconditioned pixie? if You can buy it new for $189 at GG? Does not seem a good deal to me. The cashback is not specific to Greys, so this is not a deal.
You are not comparing the same machines, one is manufactured by De'Longhi the other one is Breville.
Both Breville and Delonghi are the same price at The Good Guys.
I have the Essenza machine and it is great. Main difference with other units is that you must manually turn on the coffee and turn it off. (No short or long cup auto fill) Just a pity it did not come with a milk frother.
Really? I got one of these (…) and I simply have to throw in a pod, press the (short or long) button twice and it turns on, warms up & then spits out coffee. After a few minutes it powers off. Generally though I let the first shot go through without a pod to clean the unit and so the next shot with the pod is a little hotter.
I was talking about the Delonghi Essenza in this deal. This one for $99 plus $60 cash back, does not have the long and short buttons you mention.
I mentioned this to make people aware.
Ah. Fair enough!
Why pay more to retailers, same machines
The retailers are selling 2nd hand machines? Where is your evidence of this?
I don't think he implied others were doing it. The great thing here is the 12 month warranty, most refurbished products I see on OzB only have 1 or 3 months, this does not give you much confidence. 12 months is great.
I don't think Dick Smith sell Nespresso machines. They would be the store most likely to try it.…
That's from 2011.
b.hunter Grays Online is not listed as someone we can use to redeem.
Please clarify how this deal is meant to work?
I have been told that Grays will be added as one of the participating retailers within 24hs.
Sorry I forgot to mentioned that this was cause by a glitch in the web form.
I checked just now and you're not listed yet.
So please state EXPLICITLY whether or not Grays is now one of the participating retailers.
Hi all, the deal has been removed due to new directions from the manufacturer. I'm working with them and as soon as I have an update I will be posting details here. Thanks for your patience.
So how do we make a claim?
Have purchased the machine and GraysOnline is not yet a retailer.
"I have been told that Grays will be added as one of the participating retailers within 24hs." this has now passed.
24 hours and no updates..
You logged in 48 minutes ago and none of us have seen a reply. Please respond, as we still cannot claim cashback.
I received a reply to my pm. Gray's will be contacting customers regarding the cash back supposedly. Wasn't specific when though.
Well that's disappointing. Anyone recommend what the best course of action might be? I'd prefer to receive a cash back but without the headache, or should I just cut my losses and try get my money back
See my reply below with the email from Grays.
Looks like Grays will be paying/refunding the $60 in the next 3 days.
In the end, this actually works out easier than filling in the Nespresso form and waiting.
Received my machine (indeed clearly a factory 2nd) but nothing from the rep on what to do with the cashback. A bit odd to start shipping out these orders knowing the 'new directions from the manufacturer', unless Grays is going to credit the $60 to us buyers directly.
Thank you for your recent purchase of a Nespresso coffee machine from Grays.…
Please be advised that the above unit was advertised with $60 cash back via redemption from Nespresso.
Unfortunately the information provided to us was incorrect and the cash back offer is not available via Nespresso.
The cash back will be honoured by Grays and will be credited back to you via your original payment method.
You will receive an email confirmation once this transaction has been completed and you should see the credit within 3 days of this email being received.
Please accept our apologises for any inconvenience you may have experienced.
For any new issue unrelated to the above please call us on 1300 362 536 or email directly to [email protected]
Kind regards
Customer Service
Must say, good on them for honouring it.
I don't think they had any choice considering it was specifically mentioned on their website.
FYI, Mine also came with a full pack of sample Nespresso Capsules. They are worth about $12.
So my OzBargaining reasoning would suggest I got my machine for $27! Nice.
Not having a choice does not always move companies to action. In this case they appear to have been fairly pro-active, rather than waiting for people to threaten with legal action or expecting them to put in individual claims.
Cash back on refurbished devices? Are you sure?
Also, please put on the title that they are refurbished. It is rather important.