This was posted 10 years 11 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Avocado 3 Pack $2.97 at Foodworks ($0.99 Each)


You'd be hard pressed to find one avocado at this price, let alone three.

Some great reading with 10 amazing nutritional benefits of avocado here.

Related Stores

FoodWorks Supermarket
FoodWorks Supermarket

closed Comments

  • Cure for cancer… Yay! What are you waiting for, go claim your money! Won't need to stuck at ozbargain anymore

    • what?

      • -1

        OP did a cancer claim in the description when it was first up. Nice played, OP

        • +2

          I never made the claim. Click on the link in my description. That's what made the claim. Please get your facts right. Thank you.

        • You know that everyone can access the 'revisions' for original posts of threads, right?

          Clearly TA didn't first include that claim then do a ninja edit. Go check for yourself before accusing people of things they haven't done.

          Cue embarrassment for you…

        • Next time I will make sure I take a printscreen. It was there I swear but it's Internet, why do you want to trust me right…

        • +1

          Scroll up to the top of this thread.

          Just above tightarse's avatar/icon, see the tabs 'VIEW', 'REVISIONS' and 'VOTES'. Click on 'revisions' tab (directly under the thread title). Not sure if these show up on a phone or tablet, but they should do. They're visible if you're on a computer.

          You can compare the original post with any revisions done to it. Any subtracted details and added details are shown. Pick a couple and hit 'view changes' for those details to show up.

          I don't think you're purposely lying to try and make the OP look like a bastard or anything, I reckon you just mistakenly remember the info in the OP's link as being part of his original post.

          I'm just posting these tips to you (and others reading) for the future. It's a handy tool on this site. Hopefully this helps clear things up.

        • -3

          I know that but it wasn't a short post when OP first posted this. It was long, which I think he copied from the website. I don't need to click to read what benefits avocado gives me so I am sure I didn't click into his links… I have science major.

        • No deal then? :)

        • I have science major.

          Pro-tip: never use your university achievements/qualifications/degrees as a way to solidify your arguments.

          It's not hard to get into uni :) and it never proves how much you know about the world.

        • +2

          I have science major.

          I have a headache.

        • haha, exactly. just clarify i dont need to click on a stupid link to tell me what benefits avocados give me. thats all. So i do get angry when ppl said so and so CURE Cancer. You can say avocados are good to prevent cancer but to cure is a huge claim.

        • -2

          @TA come on man, if you have guts to post it, WHY edit? it is fun to troll on internet but when you did it, admit it! At least "Do you even" guy is making a fortune through it!

  • I got 1kg for $4.79 at Aldi a few days ago. Good deal nonetheless.

    • Is this the regular price or was it on sale? Man I'd better go to aldi more often, I love me some avo

      • Regular price is 6 for $6.99, but they are frequently reduced.

        • Not at my Aldi. They have been $6.99 of late and $7.99 last month or two.

  • I hate buying avocados when I have a tree full of them (have about 300-400 on there at the moment). $1 each is a good price though - most places seem to be about $2-3 each at the moment.

    • +1

      have about 300-400 on there at the moment

      Why don't you post a deal on OzBargain for them. Probably win deal-of-the-month at the right price.

      • +3

        Why don't you post a deal on OzBargain for them

        I give them to friends, family, etc and to my sister who sells them at the local organic growers markets. As much as I love everyone on Ozbargain, I don' think the wife would appreciate all the people rocking up to our place for free avocados. :)

    • +7

      i will go and climb your tree

    • +6

      Address please. I'll bring the crackers.

    • How do you know when to pick them?

      • +2

        When they are big enough for you. They are not like most other fruit that ripens on the tree. Avocados stay rock hard until you pick them, and then they soften…

        • I love to have a tree at by back yard but I thought the an avocado tree would be too big for my small back yard (15m x 12m). I had a tree at my parents place in my birth country and that was so big by the time it gave any fruits. My dad cut it later because it shaded the whole back yard and wasn't giving enough fruits for the size of the tree.
          Are there any special breeds which doesn't grow too big but still give some fruits. How big is your tree ?

  • +5

    Love when I cut open an avo and the seed is heart shaped like this

    Coincidentally, avos are great for your heart as they're potassium rich.

    • Potassium not so good for your kidneys. Everything in moderation.

      • +2

        I don't think it's 'not so good for your kidneys', it's more an issue if you already have problems with your kidneys. Ie. those with kidney impairment or on dialysis need to steer VERY clear of potassium as it accumulates rapidly in their bodies and they can die.

        For a normal healthy person, it'd take an unusually high intake of dietary potassium to become an issue. With normal kidney function, potassium levels are kept relatively stable (again, unless you have another underlying illness).

        Most healthy people never need to worry about potassium levels being too high or too low. Low potassium can result from illness as well (something I have experienced chronically) or as a result of certain medications. It's good for people in those circumstances to be aware of what foods are higher in potassium :)

        Indeed everything in moderation.

      • -2

        Don't worry it cures cancer!

        Edit: Nevermind OP changed his post descriptions when it previously claimed to be cure for cancer.

        • I never made the claim. Click on the link in my description. That's what made the claim. Please get your facts right. Thank you.

    • IT loves you back…

  • Will be going there tomorrow, thanks OP

  • +1

    Free at Subway. :Þ

  • I love me some avocado goodness. They are always so exxy. Oh and rots quick, and fills and fatten you up.

  • +2

    IF you are living around Sydney, go to Paddys Flemington market, they are selling $3/kg

  • where is cheap around perth? :D

    • Perth always misses out.

    • My parents own a small store in Perth and we have them for $1.50… a couple of weeks ago we were getting them in at about $2.50 each!

  • How do the mainstream supermarkets get away with selling them for $4 each (that's how much I've seen them for lately…. well correction I mean $3.98 each).

    What makes them so expensive?

    I can understand why raspberries are expensive since they are so small and need to be picked by hand by Australians paid $20/hr.

    • +2

      According to the news there was a shortage because of bush fires in WA and heavy rain in North Queensland. Just like when Banana's were $15/kg a few years back, supply vs demand. I also doubt too many Australians are paid $20/hr to pick raspberries, most of those jobs are done by backpackers and they are willing to be exploited for lower wages.

  • +1

    Has anyone been to Foodworks today? Are these the regular size ones or tiny midget avos?

  • Flemington market in Sydney was selling them at $5/kg a couple of weeks ago (got 4 large-ish ones for $3), but this is pretty good for a non-market price.

  • -1

    Any foodworks near WoyWoy, NSW, 2256?

    • They have been 99c/each at my local iga for ages, so you might find them at your local iga cheap too.

      • I accidentally went into IGA (previously Foodworks,had forgotten!) today to buy the avocados posted, found they were too expensive there $3 e/a so I went to Aldi.

        • Yeah I notice with IGA specials quite often vary from store to store.

    • +4

      Gosh, you could go on to the Foodworks website & find that out yourself….this isn't Google, the White Pages or the Yellow Pages.

  • Normal price at my food works. 2.50

    Would neg the deal, but maybe just coz im from the shit area their not on special.

    St Albans

  • $5 for 2 kg at Flemington market last saturday 12 April 2014

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