LG eSATA and USB 320Gb going for 89 bucks at computeralliance. Shipping should be 15 bucks or picked up at Mt Gravatt in Brisbane.
when using eSATA, its powered using usb.
Cheapest on staticeice, next similar product is at 113.
Don't know if this is a super bargain or not but, will try posting this up.
This is my first bargain, so bear with me..
Absolute bargain, I literally had this in my shopping cart today from the same website at $99 and was about to buy it. Now it's dropped to $89 I have no choice.
I've been doing some research for a few hours and only found one review - http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=339284 (need to register and login to view photos) - Basically it gets 45MB/s average in ESATA mode and 26MB/s in USB.
Here's LG's official page for it - http://ie.lge.com/products/model/detail/externalharddrive_xd… (high res photos available)
I was going to wait over the weekend to order it but this does it for me.
If anyone wants a cheap ESATA-SATA bracket you can get them from GoComp for $4.40 (http://www.gocomp.com.au/index.php?cpath=productinfo&pid=II0…) with stock arriving on Monday/Tuesday.