• out of stock

Eachine 4000mAh Battery USD$11.55 w Coupon – Guaranteed Capacity, Aluminium Case, Free Shipping

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Eachine is founded on trust quality and value, it’s our premier quality power bank brand. Each Eachine is warehouse tested before being shipped and the stated capacity is guaranteed, were sure once you've tried one you will see why Eachine and Banggood really can deliver best bang for your buck.

To launch the brand we have a great introductory offer;
This is our flash new model it’s 4000mAh of guaranteed power and is yours now for USD$11.55

Notable features;

1.Samsung 4000mAh Polymer battery
2.Ultra-slim,As thin as iphone. LED power indicator. Dual USB output
3.Aluminum cover,Wear-resistant, good heat dissipation
4.Precise IC protector

To get this exclusive price use the coupon:6550ee

Act now as this is an introductory only price for a limited time!

Every Eachine is backed by Banggood’s 3 month manufacturer’s warranty, and a 2 year general use warranty
3 Month Manufacturer’s warranty: This covers the unit for all manufacturing defects. When claiming the 3 month warranty you have the option of a repair, replacement or a refund.
2 Year General Use Warranty: This covers the Eachine for operation faults occurring within 2 years from purchase. If the unit fails to operate correctly we will repair or replace it.

Note: Gradual loss of capacity is expected under normal use and is not covered,energy loss through the cable and regulator, between 200-300 mAh is our rated energy loss.

Win An Eachine!! I will select 2 lucky winners randomly from the comments on this page both will receive a great new Eachine.

Hi all,
it's time to announce the lucky winners from all the members commented on this deal. The selection was 100% random. Are you one of the lucky winners?

For the coming deals, we'd like to offer more lucky samples,so stay tuned and you will have a chance of winning more exciting surprises.

The winners names are the following:nosdan,rorymeister

Well,the 4000mah power bank is out of stock right now,we'd like to offer the
Eachine 6000mAh Power Bank if you like.http://www.banggood.com/Eachine-6000mAh-Power-Bank-External-Battery-With-LED-Flashlight-p-915493.html

I can not send private to you,please send me pm or email aaron@banggood,I will send the free coupons.D:

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Referral: random (43)

Referee gets $2 in coupons. Referrer gets 10% off (if referee spends over US$10)

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closed Comments

  • why is the discount not the same as stated on here?

  • +1

    $11.55 USD or $13.09 AUD
    Not a bad price for 4000mAh if it's accurate.
    Is there a warranty? If it isn't the guaranteed 4000mAh, can we get a refund?

    • 'Tis a good price indeed. Will await response to CPHO's comment before pulling the trigger….

      Edit: Onnnnn second thought…


    • Sure,just drop me a pm,if you have any questions.D:

      • Can I ask how long can the battery hold the charge for?

        • +1 How long would it hold charge? Keen to have one of these in my laptop bag… But not always charging it

  • Order Subtotal: AU$20.83
    Shipping Fee: AU$0.00
    Coupon Discount: AU$7.74
    Grand Total: AU$13.09

  • Size: 12.3cm0.88cm5.86cm(lengthheightwidth)

    mmmm tempting…. pretty slim

    • +3

      ive had the opposite service. had a LED strip light that didnt work correctly (not all the buttons on the remote did what htey should have) they sent me a replacement remote/control box which didnt fix it so ended up sending me a better/more expensive model which worked flawlessly. the only "hard" part was that they asked me to make them a quick vid (used my fone+youtube) showing them what the issue was.

      emails were always quickly replied to (usually within 24 hours) and customer service staff were always pleasant to communicate with.

      banggood is 10/10 for me. couldnt recommend them enough.

    • +6

      I really cant stand when people try and slip their political opinions into a website about bargains. Keep it to yourself.

      • -4

        haha that was the only bit of his post i thought was relevant. that delusional, deranged puppet of a PM and his equally evil puppet master murdoch should be shot down at any and every opportunity :)

    • +1

      I also had the opposite. Bought a water proof torch from them that had a problem and they immediately offered a refund :)

    • Batteries and politics are comparable


  • -5

    I'd rather get a real power bank such as ENB Power bank with powered by 2xreal 3400 mah Panasonic 18650 batteries not the crap ultrafure batteries which seem to be everywhere in the Internet.

  • +4

    rep can you have these recharging as well as them powering a fone at the same time? one i got elsewhere i cant do this. if the brick is charging it dosnt output power to my fone.

    • +2

      Good question. Not sure why you were negged. Not all do this.

      • my $30 sony powerbank does this ;)

        • +2

          wtf? 3 people negged my (genuine) original question but none had the balls to actually comment as to why… i had a specific use in mind (UPS for my RPi/beaglebone which would need the powerbank to be constantly plugged in/charged unless the power to them went out and they needed backed up power)

          man some people on this site are REALLY freaking messed up in the head… :)

        • +3

          dw. i upvoted you back up

        • +2

          Me too!

        • Oh I hadn't thought of using one of these as a rpi ups, it would give a few hours power to one which would be quite handy.
          The downside of one of these powerbanks is it wouldn't have the smarts to bypass the battery once charged, so you'll be constantly charging/draining the battery which would wear it out very quickly.

        • so you'll be constantly charging/draining the battery

          hmmm. id assume the ones that that charge themselves plus your fone at the same time keep the battery fully charged unless the power to them goes out at which point it then starts using its internal battery?

          but im just guessing here which was why i wanted one to have a play (that is the whole point of RPi/BBB's… to play with things/projects)

          but interesting thing to check if i happen to come across one

        • -1

          I'll get negged for this, but sure, ill tell you why i negged you. Its 'PHONE' not 'fone'. Unless you are a 12 year old girl using 'txt spk' you have no reason to use it here.

        • +1

          Maybe he's Portuguese? fone is Portuguese for phone. :)

        • -3

          actually its "TELEphone"…. if your going to be a grammar nazi at least learn to do it properly

          if your going to shorten the name anyway from "telephone" you may as well do it properly and simply use "fone" as i do.

          lastly, this is the internet not a spelling bee or university paper… spelling and grammar are optional….


          edit: and negging a genuine question that it seems others got help from (other people got the idea to use these as a UPS for RPi's) becuase i choose to shorten an already shortened word even further is just a dick move.
          /me invokes wheatons law

        • +1

          if your going to be a grammar nazi at least learn to do it properly
          if your going to shorten the name
          not really winning over your argument with obvious mistakes like that! yes it's not a spelling bee but here's the problem, if more and more people do it, it will be seen the norm, so more will start making the same mistake and it becomes a snowball effect, "du u kno wot i meen"?

        • +1

          True, but that's just how language evolves though. If you read newspapers from the 1700s, your eyes might bleed. :)

        • -1


          so by your very definition we should go back to speaking ye olde english?
          your argument fails on so many levels. i mean, i understand your angle and intent but just like every grammar nazi ever on the internet… your just simply wrong.

          but thanks for popping by to give your perspective anyhoo :)

        • +1

          I also find incorrect spelling and grammar annoying, but I sometimes do it unintentionally myself, and that's just the way things are. So unless it's bleedingly painful, I just ignore it.

          Meanwhile, banggood just approved my credit card order. For some reason it needed to be manually reviewed.

          I still want a free one though! :)

        • your just simply wrong
          dude! do you even realise you did it again?
          listen, did I say the modern English language is failing us? because if it is, please show me the evidence!(and yes I know starting a sentence with because is not good grammar)

          cn U imagine bak wen txtN on a mob fone bcame popular, f we started talk'n/post'n only n txt format lIk this? happy? :P

        • @morpheu, put a little > in front of text your quoting, it gives it a lovely line which shows your quoting someone else



          dude! do you even realise you did it again?

          the appearance of ones self as non intellectual is not in its self proof of ones intellect :)

          and "modern english" is simply old english thats been hacked and hammered into something different over the centuries… so its either

          1. modern english is ok even tho it has evolved from old english.. ergo "fone" is similarly acceptable

          2. "fone" is bad ergo modern english is similarly incorrect because its an evolution from old english


          0||3 5|-|4||7 |-|4\/3 0||35 (4|<3 \/\/|-|1L3 4L50 3||j0'/1||9 175 d3L1(10U5||355

        • +1

          ok nosdan, listen, any minute now scotty or another mod is going to collapse this thread and mark it offtopic, so my last parting shot is, you've already proven my point, despite me correcting you not once but twice you still mixed up your<>you're, and your last post was slightly more intelligent, but wait, maybe it was because you didn't misuse "you're" words this time?! ;)

        • 0||3 5|-|4||7 |-|4\/3 0||35 (4|<3 \/\/|-|1L3 4L50 3||j0'/1||9 175 d3L1(10U5||355

          Tried to make sense of it, and gave up. 10 years back, would have read it out loud without a pause :(

        • hmm…. looking at that now… it seems OzB stole the /'s out of my n's… they were in there before..

          one shant have ones cake while enjoying its deliciousness

          aka, cant have your cake and eat it too…

        • ah, so that's what || was

    • -2

      Not sure what a 'fone' is, i have a phone..is it similar?

      • i have no idea what a "phone" is, but i have a cellular telephonic device, is this similar??

      • I have a phone. It's plugged into the wall and has a dial tone.

    • +4

      Hi nosdan
      Risto is correct not al models allow this feature. The Eachine chip monitors the charge and discharge accurately to protect the battery and maximize performance. The smart charger cannot both output and input power at the same time.

      • thanks rep, bought one anyway but would have grabbed a few more if they could to use as mini UPS's for raspberry pi's

        • Wow, mini UPS is a good idea…

          Grabbed one to power the pi on the go for now

        • as for using it as a mini ups, wonder if one of these would work, one plugged into the wall socket to power the RPi and the other plugged into the powerbank


          pretty sure i have some from tv tuners etc so ill have a play once i get this

    • well for anyone following along at home… it seems the rep was wrong and it WILL charge your fone while its charging the bank… at least so it appears.

      currently have it hooked up and charging will report back once my fones charged (80% currently) but the bank is flashing as if its charging and my fones definitely pulling juice. if this is the case my plans for world domination using this as a UPS for my Raspberry Pi/Beaglebone should work out nicely.

  • I've ordered one anyways, never had a bad experience with Banggood.

    Will be interesting to see how it fares, I don't expect much for the price, but if it's a genuine Samsung bank then it shouldn't be terrible.

  • Thanx op :-)

  • Hi,

    Can this also be used to charge Tablets? ie Ipad4, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, Asus TF201?


  • Nice of you to offer 2 free ones over here :-)

    edit: can you tell us when you'll be drawing the winners please?

  • Banggood is always a goodbang

  • Rep, according to the product specs, it says output is 5V/1A and 5V/2A… does that mean both ports can output 2A? Or only one port can do 2A?

    • +1

      Hey cranial I was wondering this too, if you scroll down about half way, there's a picture which suggests one output is 1A, and the other output is 2A, (and the input is 1A)

      Thanks OP, looks like a good deal.

      • yup this is what my kogan brick does. one is 1A the other is up to 2A

  • Wondering if it is possible to use this to charge portable gaming consoles??
    Such as Nintendo 3DS, Sony Playstation Vita.

    My 3DS says 4.6V

    • I have been able to successfully charge my 3DS with a generic 20,000mAH battery with the same specifications except capacity. The 3DS eats up the power quickly so you might want to consider a higher capacity battery.

  • +2

    About half way down the product item page - "more details"…

    Cheerful Company Shortens the Miles.
    Take me, take enjoyness, shake off concern!

    Journey - Record beautiful scenery all the way on your tiip. without care when will your cameral out of charge
    Playing - what a awful thing when you just miss the opportunity to win because of dettery.
    Business Trip - Never afraid of missing important massages and calls Kill the time on your long and dull trip .
    Curtilage - playing game, reading novells, listening to music andsuffering, Curtilage at home with alot of fun.

    Love the translation :) Damn dettery, and my cameral running out of charge … might miss out on my important massage, and whatever the hell curtilage is ?!! Lucky this device has "tempreture" protection, as indicated further down the page ;)

    • Haha listening to music and suffering. Sounds awesome!

  • Banggood Rep, is it clever enough to disable recharging when the internal battery can't support the charging current? I have had trouble with some units that go into a loop of charging - no charge every few seconds when their internal battery is getting flat. It's a problem for my phone since it turns on the screen each time it detects a charger.

  • I see a 12800mAh for $20.80. Is that not a better???

  • Is there any bigger size power banks?
    4000 is good enough but I have two devices that I want to charge.

    Just a side note, I don't have problem with BangGood service. They are always prompt.
    I am looking forward to place the order as soon as I know there are no better discount for the bigger power capacities.

  • Ok what am I missing ? 4000mha seems very low for the coin.
    Here is 5600mha from their own site for USD7.99 delivered

    • Ok what am I missing?

      probably a comment from one of the other users explains it best

      kfuerza 5 hours 26 min ago
      [snip] http://asia.cnet.com/the-mah-crisis-for-portable-powerbanks-…

      unless the rep is willing to guarantee the mah claim generally id stay away from anything else sold by asian sellers. they all tend to overstate there capacity's

      • +1

        So the challenge becomes to buy a portable battery pack with real capacity that is safe and at a fair price … Sigh

        • So the challenge becomes to buy a portable battery pack with real capacity that is safe and at a fair price

          its more a competition… with not everyone "winning" :)

          but yea… you get the idea.

  • When it is an genuine Samsung battery … should not be too bad considering the price. Design looks sleek … might be a nice emergency charger … 4000 should be fine for most … (not the world but again considering the price :-).

    • +2

      It may contain a genuine Samsung lithium polymer battery, but Samsung-branded fakes do exist.

      • Yep … when they advertise it it should be genuine … :-).

        • +1

          They may not know themselves… and are just relying on undertakings from the manufacturer…who may not know themselves…
          China - not just the Beijing skyline. Things get murky.

          Nonetheless, I do love a trusting wombat, especially a mini one.
          Promise that you won't bite any ankles today…

  • +2

    Bang bang bang good always has the best deal <3. Ozbargains love banggood :D the best product @ cheapest prices.

  • Just made a purchase hope it works as described

  • -4

    Just hopeit is good quality unlike bg dodgy quality led torches.

    • +5

      dude, seriously… let it go… you keep bang(good)ing on about the fact you didnt want to send them a quick vid to prove your warranty claim so they denied you and then you threadcrap on every deal of theres caus of it (yea, i read through your history and remember you from another of there deals doing exactly the same thing)

      the problem isnt banggoods, its yours caus you didnt wana legitimise your apparent fraudulent warranty claim.. :)

      deal with it champ

      • oh, and i have several banggoods torches from deals posted here… and all have been amazing :)

        fly away troll

        • can confirm. have that weird trenchcoat thing, it's pretty warm. Too bad it's summer.

  • Ok i don't see how putting "Guaranteed Capacity" makes this anymore reliable. can't find any trusted reviews on the actual capacity/performance of this thing.

  • worth a punt.

    banggood has always delivered before.

    thanks op

  • Do you ship to other countries?

    • Yes,but it may not be free shipping.

  • Cant really complain for a small (4000mah) battery backup that has 2v out aswell for just over $13 bux…. Cheers OP for the deal ;) just need a portable solar panel deal now!

  • awesome!!! bought one

  • Rep, can you tell me if you need to press that button to start charging from the power pack? For example: can I just plug in the cable into the power pack and then to my phone and it automatically starts charging? Or do I need to press that button on the power pack before it starts charging my phone?
    Please let me know if this question is not clear.

  • commenting to win :)

    okay, well I just want to say I have a 1000mAh Sony one… It doesn't last very long

    I don't understand what 4000mAh means, I wish everyone would just quote in Watt Hours. There's all this non standard voltages and makes the comparisons difficult.

    Though I guess this one specifically says that V=5 and A=1 or 2 which seems like quite a lot for a tiny battery, maybe I'll buy it now that I've checked it out, when does the coupon expire?

    • I don't understand what 4000mAh means

      assuming your charging a fone (cellular telephonic device… before i get corrected again) with this power bank…. most fones have around a 2000mah battery…… think of it like a milk carton… you can get milk in 200ml, 1L (1000ml) or even 3L (3000ml) containers. your fone has a 2000ml ("2 litre") container… if you use a "4000ml" container to refill it… you can refill it twice

      where this often fails is that some companies claim to sell you a 10,000 litre container that only really holds 1 litre…. so unless the person sellng the container agrees to refund you unless you get the advertised capacity you should stay away from there products

    • +1

      Hey Chid
      Thanks for your entry and your question we have found an equation to calculate the WH, The rated WH can be calculated by; Wh = mAh × V / 1000 .
      We find the easiest way to calculate charges is just like Nosdan said, divide the powerbank mAh by your phone mAh to get the expected number of full charges. Exact recharges are dependant on various factors such as is the phone being used at the same time as charging and energy loss through the cable and regulator, between 200-300 mAh is our rated energy loss. Our Eachine powerbank’s are tested and we offer full return warranty if performance is not as advertised.

  • BANG me GOOD :)

  • Great deal. I'm in!

  • Good deal. Signed up for one. Could use another for the missus :)

  • +1

    Coupon code expired

  • aaah you snoooze you loose… was procrastinating about this… 4000mah is a bit low for my needs… phones, ipads, 3DS/XL, PSVITA…

    need one for our trip coming up in april.

  • +1

    Does it come with a bang bros membership?

  • what are the dimensions of this? :)

    • They are in the link:


  • I have a similar one, which I often take with me when I go out.

    FYI, power banks make good gifts, because they're not that common yet, and it's hard to find an inexpensive and good-quality one.

  • Missed it. By looks, it looks really good. Hopefully it will be on sale again.

  • just bought one, thanks

  • Bought a stunning silver battery. Thanks for the discount!

  • Thank you. Ordered one. First time shopping with Banggood :)

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