portable = no external power source required (powered by usb)
portable = no external power source required (powered by usb)
i second that
I want a free one.
Hitachi has better reliability than Seagate. http://blog.backblaze.com/2014/01/21/what-hard-drive-should-…
It looks like exactly one model/size of Seagate had a high failure rate, and the rest did not.
What Drives Is Backblaze Buying Now?
We are focusing on 4TB drives for new pods. For these, our current favorite is the Seagate Desktop HDD.15 (ST4000DM000).
Hitachi’s 2.5″ hard drive business went to Western Digital, while the 3.5″ hard drive business went to Toshiba.
Hitachi’s 2.5″ hard drive business went to Western Digital, while the 3.5″ hard drive business went to Toshiba.
So that means we should buy Hitachi's 2.5" drives now, before the product lines fully merge?
Hitachi and Toshiba 3.5" drives are still different now too. They haven't merged like IBM and Hitachi back in the day.
It's strange, the hitachi 3.5" drives I bought on friday have the "HGST - A Western Digital Company" logo printed on them which I thought was odd.
Anyone know if the drive would fit inside a Macbook Pro 13" (2011)? Seems like this is a fair bit cheaper than a 1.5Tb from MSY…
Looks like it has the usb soldered to the board rather than via a sata port, so you can't take this out of its case and use it as an internal disk.
edit: maybe not, if its the same as this one then it will work
I would like to know this?
Cheap, $67 per Tb. 1Tb Seagates were $97 a couple of days ago. Now $89.
Awesome price for 1.5TB. I got my 1TB Seagate for $89 mid-2013 and priced even rose after that. For just $10 more another 0.5TB could've been bought…
Got my 1TB model for $79 last year, this is a good price :) I like the subtle power light too
seems some retailers have mis-matched images then…
That's Officeworks' internal SKU code, not Seagate's model number.
Oh ok. Sorry I can't be certain then.
I got the 1.5tb seagate for $69 at jb in 2011. Anyone seen the price so cheap since?
2011? Are you sure it was portable (2.5")?
probably was, but an older model
Even pre-flood prices weren't that low.
Best JB deal of 2011 for portable hdds that I could find
Which was a pricing error.
Yes portable, I thought it was a sign of things to come. Instead it was a once off. The seagate is a bit sensitive to movement compared to my ac powered wd 1tb but still good on daily usage with videos for the last 2yrs.
Was just comparing two hdds, and showing someone the difference between design of portable vs desktop.
(g force):
3tb desktop
Operating Shock (Read) 65G, Non-operating Shock 250G
2tb portable
Operating Shock (Read) 300G, Non-operating Shock 650G
Does anyone know if it has a usb soldered to the board OR via a sata port ?
I would like to take it out of the case and use it as an internal disk in my laptop.
Got one, thanks OP.
Same here, thanks OP.
Good deal but I only want to spend $50 on a 1TB portable.
How long do you reckon?